Chapter 133

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Y/ns pov

"Let me see him, he's not dead" I squirmed under his grip as tears fell down my face. "Are you guys in.... " Sams voice said and then I heard it trail down. "Get her out of here" he ordered. "No, I can save him, he's not dead" I cried. Bucky picked me up in his arms burying my head in his shoulder with his arm, making sure I couldn't see.

He carried me outside to a bench where he finnaly let me see around me but I let my head stay in his shoulder, it was comforting in its own weird way as I sobbed.

Loki, he couldn't, he isn't. The pain was unbearable. "Barnes, Y/n! The man of spiders said you wouldn't be back for a while... Wait what is wrong" Thors voice said falling slowly from his cheery mood to a more sadder one. I looked at him, my eyes puffed and red. "He-e's g-gone" I told him. "Who?" He said his voice softer. "L-loki" I replied the shake in my voice. Thors face fell, his eyes filling with tears that fell down his face. I wanted to hug him, to tell him it was all my fault but I couldn't move, my hands rested on my knees shaking. The air seemed thin, clouded.

A wisp of black came infront of me and clutched my throat slowly forming into pearly white fingers that dragged me of the bench and across the ground. "Y/n!" Bucky yelled. I squirmed but the grip tightened. I was pulled to the edge of the cliff and his husky voice snarled "I'll be back to fully finish the job" he said before I was thrown off the cliff.

I could of been out the water in secounds with my powers but my head, it hit the rocky side three times before finnaly it became dark ad my body plummeted into the water.

Buckys pov

By the time I got to the cliff edge the person was smoke once again, vanished. I jumped it and swam down I went lower and lower until I found her, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her to the surface. Thor ran down to the rocky beach nearby where I brought her, after a few secounds she was breathing but eyes layed closed.

I cupped the back of her head in my hand but as I felt something pool in it I pulled away and my eyes widened as my hand was now stained with blood.

Y/ns pov

I awoke in a stone wall room on a bed. I touched my head to feel the soft feeling of bandages around them. "Hey, how are you feeling Y/n?" a lady asked her hair a curly black that lay by her side. She was wiping at some cuts and bruised along my exposed arms and legs as I wore a ripped up shirt. "Sorry to ask but, who is Y/n? "

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