Chapter 158

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Y/ns pov

I didn't want to talk to Tony about his confusion. Soon Bruce came in and as if they had been together Loki and Bucky walked in, that was everyone who replied. Tony explained what happened and I kept my head bowed. Finnaly he finished with "... we need to find her and make her give Y/n her powers back". "Won't be that hard" I said staring at my phone and then showed the room, it was the hex, it was back, but it was growing, all around and not stopping. "It's gonna cover the world" Bruce said and they all knew they had to go, no goodbyes they were all gone, leaving me alone in the room.

I have to help, somehow. But in this chair I couldn't do anything, powerless, and useless. I had a laptop in a locker in the gym and I wheeled myself over and began hacking. "That looks like a good one" I chuckled and clicked the enter button. It took about two minutes for the iron man suit to come zooming up onto me giving me the ability to stand. It was a little different with stronger blasters, but it was great, just had to figure out how to fly it.

Tonys pov

The hex actually did nothing, it didn't brainwash anyone, but then I realised, it was just there to bring her boys and vision back, to let them wander the earth with her. But she was mad and this was not healthy.

I landed first infront of Wanda, Vision and her children with Bruce in my ear through comms. "Wanda, hey I don't wanna hurt you" I told her. "Then why are you here" she said. "Because there gone, Visions gone and your kids they aren't real" I said. She grew angry her eyes burning red but with hints of blue. Loki, Barnes and Monica finnaly arrived.

Y/ns pov

I connected to the comms and then said to Bruce "Hey Bruce would you be able to use a rador to scan for the strongest computer" I asked him. "Um sure" he said a hint of confusion in his voice. "Found, oh its at the rubble lf the old avengers compound" he told me. "Thanks" I told him and I flew towards there.

I landed and looked around finnaly I saw him. "Vision?" I said and the bot turned around yet he did not look like vision. This was the metallic white one with the pearly blue eyes. "Y/n, is that you" he asked, I lifted the suit face so that he saw me. "Your vision, your memories are back, why aren't you with Wanda?" I asked. "I should be with her, but I never was, vision was and yet I am vision I am not realy him, his code is put inside of me, I am part Vision yet part sword weapon, so who am I?" He asked. "You are whoever you choose to be" I told him.

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