Jamie Taylor- Present (c)

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The Haunting of Bly Manor One Shot

You felt completely alone when you first moved to Bly but after starting to work at the manor house and meeting Jamie, you had never felt more accepted before. Your feelings for Jamie came quickly and only grew the more you got to know her. The two of you got along well and even though it felt a little shaky at times, you were perfect for one another.

She made you happy and did everything to make you feel special. She didn't want to be hurt by letting someone be too close to her, but that fear had subsided when it came to you. Jamie let you know everything that she had kept deep down and hidden for years, let all of her insecurities free and you made sure she could see how much you loved and appreciated her- for what made her who she was.

When she took you to see her moonflowers, you knew that you needed to offer her something in turn that would show her how important she was to you. You didn't have anything of equivalence you could show her or let her in on, but you could do something to show your gratitude for her letting you in on that part of her. You worked hard on the present that you wanted to give to her and once you had wrapped it in paper, you excitedly rushed to give it to her.

She looked confused when you handed her the flat present.

"What's this?" She asked.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I wanted to give you something to let you know how much you mean to me. It's not the best thing in the world, but it's something."

Your description intrigued her, so she ripped into the paper to reveal the gift. Within the paper was a small canvas with a painted moonflower on it. You weren't known for your artistic talents, but you had put all of your focus onto making something beautiful and it seemed somewhat decent.

"I borrowed a textbook from the library that had a picture of moonflowers in it. It wasn't the best picture and I don't have the best painting skills, but I thought you might like it," you said, picking at your nails nervously.

Jamie looked over the picture, a warm smile curling onto her lips before looking back up at you.

"I love it," she smiled. "Thank you."


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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