Chapter 69 - Toxic

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---I've done a big update on AI art over on scribblehub if you want to take a quick look at the same chapter, no worries if not.



[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 97]

[Health 29,464*/30,000*]

[Stamina 9,718*/10,000*]

[Magicka 20,000*/20,000*]

[You currently have 8500 unassigned points]

On the journey over to the phoenix cave, I couldn't help but have a little think on what to do with my stats. In all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't invest the rest in gambling or in that fight with that mad God, it still wouldn't have been winnable even with more stats though.

Oh, that reminds me of something. Turns out, you can't cancel an ability so the next enemy I came across, aspect of gigantomachy was still applied. That was a bloody surprise none of us or that wolf expected, do love this ability but damn, it really can be surprising having a wolf explode in your face so unexpectedly. I'm sure I even heard a slight laugh from Aesa, she clearly knew about it and 'forgot' to warn me, I swear my AI is gaining even more sentience now.

The thing is, it would make more sense to put my points into something then just rely on gambling, I will definitely be buying more abilities when the prince and mage both die so I'll have a load of EXP to spend then.

'What do I spend it on though?'

"What you thinking so heavily on Ikarus?"

Of course, Petra can even tell when I'm stuck on something even while riding me. I really shouldn't say it like that but it is technically true, I do tend to check my status a lot while flying though. Wait, would it even count as riding if... forget it, dirty thoughts begone!

Should I tell her or not? I'm starting to realize I rely on her opinion way too much now; it doesn't help that she always gives such good advice. Ah screw it, it's fine to rely on Petra, hopefully one day the roles can be reversed as well.

"Stat points, I want to spend a good amount of them but unsure what to focus on"

Petra takes a second to think, I've explained all the ins and outs of everything in my system more than once and she already knows how it all works.

"If I'm being honest, I'd probably ignore stamina since it seems a little pointless having extreme amounts of it when we sleep most nights anyway"

I haven't tried it yet but could probably go a week without sleeping now with no issue, of course flying longer distances is great for stamina but it's still doesn't use a huge amount, ten thousand is more than enough. The thing that seems to drain stamina the most is excessive alcohol consumption believe it or not. Oh, extreme stress does as well.

"So health or magicka then?"

She takes another second to think, then gives me an answer I didn't want.

"Invest more in health, it'll allow me to keep protecting you without having to worry if someone gets a hit on your adorable face"


"I'm going for magicka then"

"Heh, fair enough"

Just cause she decided to turn that into a tease, I'm going against her advice. Sure, I do love being protected by her but damn it, that was uncalled for there!

'Aesa, five thousand into magicka'

[<Confirmed, magicka is now at 30000>]

Can never forget it gets doubled, at least until it hits max stats. I'll save the last three and a half thousand for when it's needed or just before we commence our attack on the empire, have a feeling EXP is going to be lacking for a while now. No idea why though.

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