Chapter 129.5 - Sensitive (18+)

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"So then Petra... you got something in mind or want to wing it like usual?"

Having just arrived the leaders house that was built, we've gone straight into our bedroom and are apparently skipping the boring parts like being romantic or trying to set the scene. Hey, when Petra says she wants to do something and seems pretty eager, then you hurry the hell up!

As for the room itself, it's basically just a bigger inn room with all the basic things you'd expect in a bedroom but we haven't gotten around to decorating it properly yet. We do have an actual bathroom up here with a heated bath too but focusing on something like how the servants have to bring us water because of no plumbing will only spoil the mood and get me distracted.

"Heh, there's an experiment I'd like to try with you Ikarus if that's okay"

An experiment? I mean, I'm pretty open minded to most things but not if Petra decides to bring out the chains and whips already, even I'll say no at this point... I'm so freaking strange at times, Petra's experiment could literally be anything yet I assume it's going to be something like that!? I get that she's pervy Petra and all but I'm just as bad apparently...

"What do you have in mind then?"

"Heh, just relax Ikarus while I get some stuff out. Let's see that naked glory, pretty please?"

Doing as she asks; I get my enchanted dress off as quickly as possible and get onto the bed. After doing this, I lay down on my side trying to look seductive while giving Petra my best come hither eyes. I'm a little grumpy that she just chuckles from it while searching the nightstand but me trying to look sexy probably looks awkward as hell from her perspective.

The strange thing is, Petra obtains the hidden item and it's completely unexpected. I was thinking maybe it might be a new phallus or maybe something that vibrates but it's a bottle of liquid?

"Here it is Ikarus, feel like you're really going to enjoy this tonight"

Petra speaks while holding the glass bottle of some dark coloured liquid, I'm doubting it's a potion just from the nasty colour alone but is it something like lubricant? That seems a little pointless seeing that both of us never need any of that...

"Erm-... is that this worlds version of lube or something Petra?"

"Heh, no my lovely Ikarus. It's a special type of body oil that I plan on smothering all over you"

Huh? Okay, now I'm starting to get confused, are we going to have sex while I'm all greased up then? That seems a little unnecessary but if that's what she wants to do, it could be kinda fun. We've already taken the big step doing penetration so something like oil isn't scary at all compared to that, maybe that's why Petra decided to bring that out on the second time. So I'd be a little more open to this sort of stuff? Damn it, I've just realized that has two meanings...

"I'm all for looking shiny and slippery but what about after that? What comes next?"

I mean, she hasn't gotten out the belt so I'm thinking oral but with Petra, I have no idea what she's planning. I could always run away if needed... or slide because the oil. I'm actually looking forward to this strangely enough now.

"Heh, just wait my curious and impatient Ikarus and all will be revealed. Let's get this on you now"

Petra puts on a pair of gloves and starts to generously smear handfuls of it onto her hands. Then, starts to slowly smother me in said oil starting from the bottom. This is definitely going to take a while.

Feeling the slippery oil all over me is a little... weird? Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad feeling but it just feels like I'm sticky for the most part, it definitely tickled me a little especially around my feet and hips. What definitely felt nice was her applying it around my nether regions but I can be a little slutty at times with that though...

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