Chapter 136 - Hell

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---I'd rather ask this a better time but an idea has come up for an 18+ chapter which I'm 50/50 on whether you readers would want it. Poll is at bottom of page on Scribblehub.


"Sounds like a plan..."

Petra being the absolute crazy protagonist she is, jumps down mid conversation into the cavern filled with demons. It looked reckless as hell and she even did a freaking superhero landing as well!

As I'm jumping down to join her, another idea comes to mind about what I can actually do. Trying to avoid using fire really is something I'm not accustomed to after all.

'Aesa, should I activate my new protection ability just to be safe?'

I'm still yet to give some new abilities a try out but two of which are fire based so may not work right now.

[<Aesa advises -Ikarus- wait until ability -plot protection- may be needed. Target -Petra- does seem pretty confident in being able to handle species demons alongside -Ikarus->]

'Okay then... just make sure you get it ready as well as aspect, just in case'

[<Affirmative, Aesa will always try to assist -Ikarus- to the best of Aesa's ability>]

Almost immediately being down here, we gain the attention of two demon kind looking like they were on a break, think one was having a piss but they very quickly go to grab their blades when discovering we're right in front of them.


"Attackers! Sound the alar-, argh!"

Petra ruthlessly cuts off the first demon's head while I rush to give her a hand with the second by swinging Excalibur in his direction cutting him down with a magical beam.

I must have a face of pure shock right now, always thought that beam was weak as fuck but it's basically cut right through him like a knife through butter. I seriously underestimate how strong and able Petra is when it barely holds any effect on her. Never thought I'd be able to use a sword as a ranged weapon

It looks like we've definitely tipped the hornet's nest already down here, it takes less than a minute before we're completely surrounded by demons in every direction all looking to kill us like the trespassing vermin we are. Feeling this confident really shouldn't be allowed given the situation we're in but for some reason, I feel like these demons are going to be crap...

Almost in sync, me and Petra seem to instinctively grin even when the situation we're in should look completely bleak to anyone else and yet... all I can think of is how fun this might be! Forget the danger of the impending attack that could happen at any moment the settlement, I'm finally going to be fighting using blades alongside Petra. This really needs to happen more.

'Let's see just how much I've improved then...'

And so, the first of the group surrounding us decides to attack...


(Temporary Perspective Change)

"What in blazes is going on over there!? What's causing all this ruckus?"

Almost without warning, demonic screams can be heard on one side of the cavern and soldier upon solider have all pilled around trying to find the source of the problem, the alarm has even been announced! What in hell is going on!?

"True majin, we appear to be under attack. Oddly enough, there's only two humans right now"

One of my brothers standing on a rock answers my question clearly having a view of the attackers, I should really try and get to grips with this situation.

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