Chapter 138 - Demon Lord

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[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]

[Health 135,074/166,666]

[Stamina 155,231/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

"Huff... this is the last time I'm doing Asmodeus a favour..."

This hulking demon who seems to be the leader looks to be slightly uninterested looking, almost as if he really doesn't want to be here. Despite us being ready to fight, maybe there might be another route that can be taken if he's like this...

"Hey, erm... demon lord? Why are you even attacking us anyways?"

Questioning him gives all three of the people alongside me a slight surprise and even the demon lord himself.

"I'm not really sure why little mortals, Asmodeus has a thing for being cryptic but all I care about is him owing me a favour. That just means I'm going to smash you poor little creatures into jelly"

So, someone called Asmodeus is to blame for this? However, assigning blame right now is useless since the demon lord Belphegor charges at us swiping his club towards our direction...

Without giving it any thought, all four of us split up in separate directions with me flying a little off the ground and the others remaining grounded. It's a good thing all of us are extremely quick and adaptable otherwise we'd have been turned into jam from that guy's club right there.

The speed of this demon swinging his club might be comparable to Petra, all us four can really do right now is just try to avoid the attacks and wait for an opening. It's almost as if we're fighting off a wild bull or something.

Thankfully, an opening comes pretty quickly when the demon finds his club stuck in one of buildings after missing another swing.

"Damn! The blasted thing is stuck"

While he's trying to recover his club, all four of us seize the opportunity for a counter and ready ourselves for an attack back.

Priestess aims her summoned sword towards the demon and a beam of light shoots out of it making piercing contact with the red guy's back.

Zeki starts to coat him with red fire laughing like a maniac doing so and for me and Petra, there's no doubts we need to use our strongest suitable attack right now.


[<Confirmed, aspect is ready>]

Me coming from the sky and Petra the ground, we both charge in sync towards the hulking demon hitting his back from separate sides, both our blades make contact with him crashing him straight into the wall. That building is really going to need some work after this but distracted Ikarus has to focus right now.

For some reason though, the demon recovering himself from the attack seems to find the situation really funny...

"Haha... hahaha... hahahahaha! To think both of you have a giant's power! Now I see why Asmodeus wanted me here, obviously my immense power was needed to crush your weak, flimsy spines! Try that again, little mortals, I dare you!"

This sluggish guy all of a sudden gets seriously worked up and even starts to glow, has he just activated a power up or something?

'Shit, status. He seems even stronger no-...'

[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]

[Health 54,375/166,666]

[Stamina 154,971/166,666]

[Magicka 166,666/166,666]

Without even giving me the chance to fly away, I find the demon twist his body with the club and it guiding towards my chest...

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