Chapter 167 - Ferryman

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"So then Ariza, what did you think of that prince anyways? Is he your type?"

"Uh? What are you on about Ikarus?"

Currently chilling around the crackling campfire cuddled up to Petra sitting together on a log, I ask that to Ariza who's currently playing cards with Zeki on the floor. Both Nathan and Charlotte are whispering God knows what in each other's ear right now as well, I guess their privacy standards spreads to whispering but they still won't do anything more than hug in public.

In the end, the wyvern king did offer to fly us back to their city for a slight rest but would've forced us to have to backtrack a little to visit the wyvern city. It could've been cool to see but at the end of the day, the Underworld is calling for us. We've got a decent flight ahead of us getting to the entrance as well.

"That wyvern prince Ariza, he's clearly got a thing for you. I'm unsure if you're interested in him or not"

"Uh, not you as well Ikarus, Zeki keeps going on about it as well but I just can't see it"

"Listen brother, orangey may not know a lot of things, but if she can sense there's something there, you best believe her"

'That's the most roundabout way of calling me stupid, Petra's even glaring at him but he hasn't even realized what he said'

"Even if he is, even if I still don't believe it, what difference does it make? He's prince of the wyverns and we live the other side of the world. I still don't believe it though"

In some ways, I feel a little sorry for Ariza since she seems to be reluctant on accepting it's a thing. It's not like we're suggesting to go out with him or get married, just that he definitely has a crush on her.

"I mean Ariza, he did offer your hand in marriage, right? That's a pretty big indicator, you should've used your mind control on him to confirm"

"But that was only because he felt like he owed me! I'd feel ashamed of myself if I used it for something like that Ikarus"

'She's really stubborn on this, is it that hard to believe? She really needs a boost in self-confidence at times'

"Heh, even I can't help but get involved now Ariza. You're being purposely dense on this"

"Am I? What about you Charlotte and Nathan?"

"Hehe, sorry Ariza-sama but I think he likes you"

(Nathan) "I'm not getting involved on this, I've shared the sorrow of having a crush once before. Thankfully, everything ended well on that front"

"You liked me from the beginning Nat? I liked you as well"

Trying to ignore the cute moment Nat x Lotte are having, Ariza's now hiding her head under her arms from embarrassment. Ah, the burden of young love.

"Uh nooo... what do I do then? Seriously! I haven't gone dated someone in like four hundred years! This is terrifying, please help!"

Most of us crack a smile from Ariza being clueless on how to go forward with this, maybe we shouldn't have said something if it's stressed her out this much but at the end of the day, it seems like she kinda likes him as well. This isn't something we can really help her out with though, a little advice is fine but it's her life after all.

"It's easy Ariza, just forget about it and if you see him again, give it a further think. Heck, you can always write to each other as well, Petra should be able to help with that. If the boy turns out to be too much and becomes annoying, just say the words and I'll personally fly over and give him a strong kick below!"

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