Chapter 146 - Phoenix Fight

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"Ahhh... fresh, ash smelling air. It's so good to be finally able to out of these masks... you don't have to keep following us around even to this, Geld?"

"Heh, Ikarus does have a point. You've been following us around like a lost dog for a week now... that wasn't meant to be an offensive"

"No worries Queen Petra! I am part wolf after all, I take it as a compliment!"

Like a bad smell lingering around, the Adventurers guild representative Geld has been following us quite often this passing week and is even wagging that tail of his right now. Still not sure what to make of this demon servant but at least he allows us to ignore those pointless fights against the golems. We still have to handle the wraiths but they are child's play if you know any magic after all.

Any other updates... oh, family went back to the cave because dragons always struggle living around humans and the gasmasks are no longer needed as the dust is finally at safe levels to breathe in. That actually leads nicely onto where we're going.

As for what we're actually doing right now, we're just about to arrive at a meeting place outside in the snow where us figureheads of the settlement are. It's nothing speculator, basically just being a picnic area with a few tables and benches, but it is nice to finally be outside breathing normally once again. Even if the cold isn't appealing for pretty much everyone here.

We must be the last arriving since Zeki, Ariza, Penelope, Marcus, Garry, Jaxon, Geld and Aesa are already here. Pretty much everyone who normally doesn't come out is wearing big, fluffy winter coats only really excluding Aesa who is in that pink dress of hers again. She's been wanting to spend more time in human form recently so who am I to say no?

Anyways, we take a seat sweeping off some of the snow on the bench beforehand while Jaxon can't help but speak first. He looks pretty uncomfortable right now.

"I know it's a little abrupt but why am I here queens? This seems like I'm out of place"

(Ikarus) "Because, it'll be good for you Jaxon to get outside for a while. You rarely come outside even before the ice age we're surviving through"

(Garry) "The lass has a point boy; the air down there can't be doing you or any of the miners any favours. There's only so much filtration systems can do if you're spending every second breathing polluted air"

(Jaxon) "Disagree, the air is much more suitable when slightly smoky but no point in arguing over it. Doesn't help with the cold as well"

Don't normally see Jaxon complain this much but I guess he is like a hermit when it comes to being underground, can kinda see why people don't want to be outside with the cold as well so I'll just let him get on with it.

Trying to do something nice for a change, I get up off the table, get a metal pot out of storage and precede to light a controlled fire on the table. Everyone around here seems to appreciate the gesture even if the main reason I'm doing it is because of thirst.

"Give me a second and I'll heat something up to drink as well... you all wanna know something funny? I'm not even sure the main point we're all even out here. What was the reason again Marcus?"

"Well... I'm not too sure as well. Other than celebrating the fact the air is finally safe and the cold is very slowly heating up, there wasn't anything to really discuss. Things have been going as smoothly as possible, even the crops we were worried about have started to bloom"

"There's got to be something we need to worry about, right? There's always a problem to solve around here"

(Marcus) "But there really isn't anything we need to worry about Ikarus, settling down and making do is the only real plan we can realistically achieve till everything subsides. The only thing that could be an issue is if another invasion happens but with the endless winter, it would be suicidal to stage a war"

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