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Kyle POV

"Oi sorry I'm late!" I scurried in the studio sitting down as I shrugged off my coat. Dan was off in his own lala land ever since Carly left him heartbroken. He walked into her screwing another man the day before he was set to propose to her. A hopeless romantic in constant depression.

"What up with the hickey?" Will smirked before I grinned.

" Well this hickey is a symbol of me winning a bet. A girl who has her nails dug into the people at Virgin records is coming to our show tomorrow."

"We're not ready Kyle." Dan mumbled before fiddling with the keys on the piano.

"We are ready Dan, you're just a bit scared." I chuckled and got up, nudging beside him. "Relax. If it doesn't work out, we'll have lost nothing. No harm no foul." He shrugged slightly before putting on his headphones and playing along to whatever he was listening to at the moment.

"What's his problem."

"Carly as always..." Woody mumbled before fiddling with the drumsticks between his fingers. "You like the girl?"

"Eh... I mean we aren't really... Much more than sex and chit chat. She doesn't seem into me much."

"She must be if she's sleeping with you."

" Yeah well every time she's drunk, so I must look great drunk."

"Or just seem super funny." Will shrugged with a smirk making me huff.

"Alright I've heard enough about Kyle's sex life shall we?" Dan ushered us over to our places before handing out the sheets. It was obvious he hadn't been listening to anything through those headphones.

"Overjoyed?" I read aloud before scanning the sheet. Surely another depressing tune.

"Just let's see if we like it... We can put it on our Laura Palmer EP. Along with those other two songs we've got written, we just need to record them." We all settled in and began playing as Dan led with the piano.

Oh I feel overjoyed
When you listen to my words
I see them sinking in
Oh I see them crawling underneath your skin

Words are all we have
We'll be talking
We'll be talking
These words are all we have
We'll be talking

And I hear you calling in the dead of night
Oh I hear you calling in the dead of night

"That was actually pretty good." Woody grinned before glancing to Dan who shrugged. His business mind now at work.

"Maybe we should play that tomorrow. Something new?"

" Yeah that and Laura Palmer and... Things we lost to the flames or flaws?" Dan shrugged.

"Depends how much time we've got to play and all." He stood and glanced at his watch. "I've got an appointment so I'll catch you all tomorrow at the bar?"

"For sure, see you there mate!" Just like that he was gone. Dan was always the loner and kept to himself. He deserved a good girl. A girl who would crack his shell. "Gosh Carly ruined him."

" Yeah... You're telling me... I'm gonna head out, get cleaned up and go see Nikki."

"Nikki?" Will lifted a brow.

"Yeah well, Nicole, the girl coming to the show tomorrow."

" What does she look like?"

"Wavy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and really... Really nice tits." I smirked grabbing my jacket and rushing out of the studio to my car. Thankfully the old thing started up on the first try, it was too cold to be stuck without a car in December. I hurried myself home, took a nap, showered, and ate a snack before walking down to the bar. It was only right down the street. Nikki would always park her car at my place and walk there, after all she would always end up coming back to my house. I ordered two beers, it was how we always started our nights. Beer and darts led to whiskey and pool. That in turn became chit chat and sex.

"What's up Simmons?" I turned around, offering the beer before sipping on my own. Her smile was contagious in a way. Maybe it could even make gloomy Dan Smith smile.

"You know same old same old. Dan was in a really depressing mood, but we managed to get a really good song out of it..." She took a swig of her beer, throwing a dart at the board before looking at me.

"Why is he depressed?"

" He caught his girlfriend of... Shit, 3 years fucking some guy. He was ready to marry her."

"Wow that's fucked up, I'm sorry. He sounds like a good guy. He's got a glorious voice."

"O, so you listened to the songs?" A grin spread across my lips as she down her beer, motioning to the bartender for another before throwing another dart.

" Yeah Janna my partner and I listened. In all honesty you all sound brilliant. I'll need to hear more material, just so I know the writing is there. If tomorrow goes well I'll sign you all on Friday." She slipped up, I sat my beer down as she handed me the darts.

" You'll sign us? I thought you said the talent recruitment chair signs the acts?" Her eyes locked onto mine, a smirk crossing her lips. "O you little bugger! You're the top dog!?"

" Well I wasn't going to tell you till after the bet smartass. Otherwise you would have tried even harder."

"Sneaky girl." I threw my darts, of course losing by a landslide. Then came the whiskey, her laughs turned to giggles and smiles shot by shot.

" That song... Laura bloody Palmer it's based around Twin Peaks right?" We sat on the sofa, still at the bar, snuggled up against each other.

" Yeah Dan loves that show. He watched the reruns constantly."

"Ah I bloody well love that show." Another giggle left her lips before she kissed me. We were stuck in this limbo of filling a space that we weren't made to fit.

"I'll pay the tab yeah?"

"Mmhmm." She hiccuped before slipping her jacket on and following me to the bar. Yet she stepped in front of me and tossed down a few hundred dollar bills before flashing a smile to the bartender. "Farewell!" I shoved my wallet back into my pocket since she had already gone and tossed her money away like candy on Halloween.

" Good night miss!" The man chuckled as we walked out, her hand wrapped in mine as we made it back to my place. We didn't waste a second to shed most of our clothing before climbing into the bed. Her lips tasted like cinnamon as I dragged my nails down her back. She was always wild, yet her skin always felt so smooth against mine. I tangled my limbs with hers, until we laid breathless. Her head found its way to my chest as I stroked her back with my finger tips.

"It's been fun Simmons..."

"The fun isn't over Clark." I smirked and looked down at her for a moment before it started all over again. Yet something felt off. She didn't belong to me just as I didn't belong to her.


This chapter is dedicated to:

littlemonkey122 another one of avid readers. I know you haven't gotten to this story yet, but I'm sure you will soon! haha

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