Coney Island May 4th

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My alarm clicked on the radio as I quickly flicked it off with my thumb and yanked back the blankets. Already packed by my bedroom door was my suitcase for Coney island. I hadn't seen you since the Italian restaurant. You were nearly drunk, yet you hid it so well. I had to hide how much I really cared. Quickly I slipped on my wolf hoodie and slipped on my converses before heading for the door. Obviously I showered before my technical nap since getting up at 1am was anything but fun. However the plane ride would be eight hours and by the time we'd get there it would be 3am US time. Then a crazy day of filming of course. I waited by the lobby door for the van to stop by. Virgin Records of course was paying for all of this because of you. Once I saw the black van I rushed outside and gave the man my bags before climbing in the back seat beside you, Austin in the front.

"Hello love."

" Hey Dan, you awake yet?" You laughed as did I before shrugging.

"Half way." Your eyes flickered to Austin before your hand found mine and gave it a squeeze before pulling away then placing your head on my shoulder.

"You'll get plenty of sleep on the flight to New York. Hopefully some food too because I'm starving." The ride to the airport was short, maybe twenty minutes. You looked healthy, but tired just like the rest of i.e. Austin walked ahead, checking in his bags before heading off to the loo while we checked in our bags. "Why haven't you stopped by lately?"

"I dunno been busy writing. Worrying about you..." You narrowed your hues at me as we sat down.

"Why are you worried about me love?"

"You and drinking. It doesn't scare you?"

"Dan..." You sighed and sat back before taking a deep breath. "I know how much I can handle love and if you're afraid I'll end up like my brother or father don't worry." Your hand grabbed mine and gave it a squeeze. "I love you... I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere Dan." I kissed your temple and we separated ourselves in case Austin returned.

"I love you too... I just hope not to ever lose you..." I stood as they called our flight for boarding. Austin was slowly approaching, playing around on his phone. We sat side by side and Austin had another seat far ahead thankfully giving you and I needed time to chat.

"Dan who were you before I met you other than the quiet boy with a beautiful voice and blue eyes that could read your soul?" I laughed slightly while buckling up and pulling the blanket around me. Your head was on my shoulder again.

"Well I went to Leeds for college in journalism and that's where I met Kyle.... Did you ever have feelings for Kyle?" You chuckled softly.

" Not at all. I was just lonely... Stop asking about me let me ask about you....?"

"What's there to know? I was a fat little kid who got picked on, yelled at, and attacked. It was awful. My mother started to homeschool me, but I got super depressed." I felt my eyes water before shaking my head slightly and you lifted yours to look in my eyes. "I was tired of being a joke at school when I went back. I lost the weight, but that depression was still there so I... I went into the bathroom one night and... I... I drowned myself in my parents giant tub. My sister came home early and she knew I never went into their bathroom. My clothes were soaked and I remember waking up gasping for air. She never told my parents..."

"Dan..." You sighed and kissed my neck before taking my hand and warming it between your palms. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay... I'm kind of tired right now let's get some sleep..." You didn't say a word, though soon I could see your soft breathing with the rise and fall of your chest. I then gave into sleep, our hands still intertwined.

"Wake up love..." Your teeth nibbled against my neck, a groan escaping my lips as I opened my eyes. I wish we were in bed under your will sheets and tangled together. "We're about to land."

" Mmm don't tease me it isn't fair."

"All is fair in love and war." You smirked looking at me before the plane bounced against the runway. To you planes were normal and to me they luxurious. Soon enough we were attached to the airport then rushed off into the early New York morning. It was a bit chilly yet the van was waiting. About four girls painted with skull faces were already in the car waiting. You looked to Austin then to me. "Dare I ask?"

"They're wearing their flaws!"

"O for Christ's sake.... Hello ladies." They all waved before going back to their chit chat. I sat up front with the driver and glanced back at you. Your resting bitch face was showing all the way to Coney Island. By 5 we were ready to film. You tended to be on your phone and working while packing up and down the board walk. I of course was playing a dead guy haunting this amusement park with these girls.

"Hey I'm Cassidy..." The taller dirty haired blonde grinned showing her perfect white teeth as I shook her head.


"Is that your girlfriend over there?" I shook my head and gave a half smile.

" No she's my boss."

"You look at like she's your lover... You British boys are so strange." I forced out a awkward laugh and shrugged.

"Thanks I guess?"

"Daniel! Come look!" Austin hollered before looking to the camera in his hands. "Let's get you all on some rides yeah?"

"Sure, but the lines are long..."

"You'll skip the queue mate!" The girls and I hopped in front of the lines for nearly every ride. They had these weird foods called corn dogs. You were no where to be found till filming was done. Waiting for me by the ticket booth.

"Did you have fun?" A smirk crossed your lips as I nodded and closed in on you.

"I would hug and kiss you right now if I could love."

"You can back at the hotel." A chuckle flowed past your lips as you and I walked alone to the awaiting taxi. "You think it went well?"

" Yeah, it was fun and I think that is what counts. Don't you?"

"Of course. I saw bits and pieces so I think it will turn out great." You climbed in and handed the driver a hundred dollar bill as I climbed into the cab. "Austin and the girls went back to their place for drinks. I hope you don't mind a boring evening with me? I'm not in the drinking mood."

"I never really am.." I shrugged and took your hand intertwining it with mine before kissing the back of it gently. "We'll pop on a flick and climb into bed." You smiled as the taxi stopped and we climbed out, obviously not holding hands anymore. Quickly I went to my room and showered, changing into sweats and a black t-shirt before venturing to your room. I funneled under the sheets and pulled you into my arms, just relaxing. This was us in the truest form. But you're a Clark. Your tough times are coming.

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