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Nicole POV

Another place another day. This was life on the road. I sat in one of the chairs awaiting her arrival. I couldn't even use the word mother or mom in the same sentence as her name. In truth I didn't know how to feel at all. You kept telling me to give her a chance, but I was persistent in saying no. I watched you wander around the stage, singing into the mic one of the songs you had been working on. You called it blame, it was probably from all of the mafia movies you and the guys had been splurging on lately. I pulled a flask from my pocket and took a swig to try and calm my nerves. I was in no way drinking heavily.

"Hello Nicole." Her voice sounded nearly like my own. My stomach twisting into knots. I didn't know what she would look like or how tall she would be compared to me. I stood, releasing a held breath and turned around. She about my height, pale skin, yet blonde locks like everyone else related to me. She looked smug yet seemed to be attempting to look sincere. I offered my hand to her, she looked down at it before shaking it.

"Hello Wendy..." I let go and sat down, you were watching like a hawk just like everyone else. "I hope you brought the papers that you have in Henry."

" Yeah I did..." She sighed and dug in her purse, pulling out a file. He has brown hair and brown eyes, though obviously not much younger than I. "Aren't you going to ask me any... Family questions?" I glanced up at her for a moment a gave a slightly laugh.

" For what? What would I ask a stranger?"

" Well you could ask me more about your half brother."

" Well he's technically not a Clark so he should be fine." I shrugged and took another swig of whiskey while still looking at the file.

"So you drink... Like your brother?"

"I'm a Clark. Surprised?"

"How's your father?"

"He hung himself when I was 16." She shut up for a few moments before clearing her throat.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not. I was homeless and called you. You told me to go fuck myself." I glanced up to her. " You sounded very intoxicated so... I doubt you remember."

"I was a different person back then."

"That's what everyone says."

" What do you say? Aren't you a different person from the one in those sex tapes?" I glared at her before shaking my head.

" If only you knew the truth... That I was drugged. For your information no one changes who they are... You'll always be you just like I'll always be me... Now... Where was the last place Henry was seen?" I flipped through the photos and sighed. He looked absolutely nothing like me. Maybe he looked like his father because he didn't even look like her.

 Maybe he looked like his father because he didn't even look like her

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"Florida... He was in Florida and he got on a plane to visit me here. He texted me that he landed, but he never made it home." I shook my head and closed the file.

"Did you contact the police?"

" Yeah, they've been looking for a week."

" How do you expect me to find him? Since the police can't." She sighed and took the file back as I handed it to her.

"You've got friends in high places... You can get them to actually look. We both know they say their looking when they're really not." I shrugged and glanced to the stage, watching you adjust the set list. "Imagine if someone took him... I saw the way you looked at him the moment I walked in this place. You would everything to protect him." I scoffed and looked to her.

" You're mistaken."

" Say what you want. I see it. I may not have been around for you, but I know you. You're like me. You wear your emotions in your sleeve."

"Don't... Don't do this." Stood and took a breath. "Don't come in here acting like you know me! You don't. Get the fuck out. I'll find Henry. When I do, I don't want to hear a word from you got it?" She stood and dug in her purse again, offering me an envelope.

"I hope you change your mind... Let me in... Bye Nicole."

"Bye." I downed the rest of the whiskey from the flask and waited till the door closed before I threw the metal container at the door and took a deep breath.

" Hey! Nikki!" You jumped down and walked into my line of vision. " What happened?"

"She's messing with my fucking head. She knows."

"Knows what?"

"That I care for you. I don't know how..."

" You think she's blackmailing you?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"She's not that smart Dan... She's just pushing my buttons." You sighed and pulled me into your arms. Overtaking my boiling anger with calmness.

"Relax... Focus on just your brother yeah?"

"You're right... You're always right." I rolled my eyes before giving into your embrace, wrapping my arms around your torso. "Thank you."

"You're welcome..."

"Not get your nerdy sexy ass back stage." I poked your sides and with cat like reflexes you backed away before shooting a playful glare. "What?"

"I will get you back for this." I smirked and ran after you, like a child you sprinted ahead.

"Kyle help!"

" Dan no!" Kyle yelled smirking as we pasted by. You stopped and turned around, picking me up and lifting me into the air.

"Now you can't get me!" I huffed and glared at you, but you smirked and kissed me. "Now now... I love you."

"I love you too... But this war is not over Smith."

" For now it is... Mrs.Smith." I felt my body heat up, my mind getting flustered as my face heated up. "Mmm someone is blushing."

"Because someone can't wait to hear that every day... If only we could."

"We will love."
Here are gifs to brighten up the day 😂

"------------------Here are gifs to brighten up the day 😂

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