Studio Sorrow

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Watching you walk away was difficult. Especially without kissing you one last time. I felt like half of me was going around the world while the other half tried it's best to function.

" Dan you ready mate?"

"Yeah just drop me off at the studio." It came out as nearly a whisper to Janna's question. Suddenly time felt slow as if seconds were turning to hours. I felt like I was dragging myself to the van. The space you sat was now empty just like my hand. The drive to the studio was silent. You could hear a pin drop in the van even with the floors being carpeted.

"You want all of us to come Dan? We can finish up the album probably by the end of this week?" Kyle pipped up as I started climbing out of the van.

"Nah, I'm just gonna try and write a bit. I'll catch you all tomorrow yeah? For brunch?" I forced a smile as he nodded before I closed the van door behind me. Even at work things felt even more quiet than before. I wandered past everyone to your office and clicked the door open, closing it behind me. All I did was lay down on the sofa and release a held breath. Yet my thoughts were interrupted by Burrows, clearing his throat as he wandered into your office.

"Where is miss Clark?"

"She's off in LA, I was getting away from all of the noise."

"O wow, well if any of your mates have a number for her tell her I'm working on her case. I know she wouldn't want me to, but I wanna find this Ian guy for her ya know? He destroyed her reputation and I know she was heart broken. So I got a few friends together to search for him."

"O wow, really?" I sat up and nodded slowly. "That's really thoughtful."

" Yeah well she's no idiot, she takes care of all of us. Bonuses, days off, a nice work place. Before I was here I had a job as a janitor, with a law degree. She gave me a chance to learn... I know she doesn't have a degree, but she can school me as a lawyer." He chuckled slightly. "I'm thirty and she's what? 24 and already so far ahead of me. She's a good kid. So are all of you. Hell it wasn't personal when I came in here trying to ruin your first day on the job." I chuckled and shrugged slightly.

"Nicole put you in your place anyways. You're just protecting musicians and I respect that... Thank you."

"O it's nothing. We should all be thanking her. None of us would be this far without her." He closed the door as he left. I flopped back down and closed my eyes, my ears ringing from the silence. In all truthfulness I was worried about you being alone. Alcohol was your mistress coaxing you most of the time without anyone's presence. Then there was my own self conscious flaws like if you would find someone better. You claim I'm the love of your life, but I know plenty of men more attractive, talented, and smarter than myself. I forced myself to get up and leave your office only to sit in the studio for hours. Nothing was written, recorded, even thought of today. Before long I returned to our home and found myself laying on the sofa watching the news in hopes of seeing you at all. Yet I knew your plane didn't land till 8pm, an 11 hour flight would surely leave you exhausted, but then again there was an 8 hour time difference so it would only be noon in LA. I grabbed my phone and shot you a text.

Dan: miss you already. Didn't really get any work done. Suppose to go out with everyone for brunch tomorrow. This place doesn't feel right without you x

It was left unread and undelivered still, which meant you were still in the air. Was this my life without you? Depressing and nothing to do but lay around? I sighed and looked around as if to look for the answer. Before you my life was music. Sitting in my room and attempting to find new notes, lyrics, anything to write a song. Yet nothing came of it till I met you. Nothing changed in my life till you came along. So did my world really revolve around you? I took one from your book and grabbed the bottle of Whiskey. In no way was I drowning myself in my sorrows, but merely drinking to relax. I poured a glass and sipped at the contents before making a face. This wasn't my cup of tea so to speak. Yet my thoughts were cut short when I glanced down at my wrist. My bracelets covered it up for the most part, but I knew it was there. The scars that I'm too afraid to tell you about. I was 16 and tired of getting bullied. In short I went home that day and sliced my wrist open over and over till finally I passed out. My sister found me laying in a pool of my own blood in my closet. No one talks about what I did. My mother only mentioned it once. My father has never said a word about it. Carly poked fun at my scars. My sister however never forgot. Amy would check on me nightly because of her own nightmares. I could remember all the times I would find my closet doors open when I had gotten home. She was checking if I had done it again. Tried to kill myself. I didn't notice, but I was running my finger tip over the scars between my bracelets. The were raised and large, you obviously knew I had done that to myself, but far from the fact that I had sentenced myself to death. I was calling out for Oblivion for my teenage years.

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