Press Pressure

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Nicole POV

Williams was pissed. Now it was a PR nightmare. I wish I could have said I cared at this point, but I didn't Dan. I spent that morning crying and then continued to be who I hated. I showered, washing away any scent of him. My distraction. Yet I still felt different. I slipped into black skinny jeans and a black dress top before putting on my sunglasses and taking a shot before I even walked out the door. I started the car and began my drive to the Virgin Records building down the through the canyons and to the city. It was these drives that I found I couldn't escape you. You appeared in my mind, your voice and features. Haunting me. Coaxing me to do another few pills or drink more. I was free once I pulled up to the studio. Free from you not the paparazzi. They swarmed like bees to a flower.

" Nicole! When's the porn video coming out?"

" What happened that brought you to LA?"

" How long have you and Jesse been a thing?" I wanted to curl in a ball and scream. Yet I couldn't. I weaseled my way towards the door, covering my face.

"We're not a thing! Leave me alone!" I yelled, slamming the door and sinking to the floor once I was inside. There he sat. Black hat on and a half smile.

"I'm sorry... I should have warned you they were waiting. The other guys are on their way. I'm sorry I didn't stick around this morning, I wanted to give you some space." I shrugged slightly and looked down at my hands.

"Its okay... And thanks... I think I needed it considering. I'm sorry I was so out of control last night." I slowly stood and sat on the sofa beside him, looking to the lines of coke on the black table before looking in his eyes. He was gone. High out of his mind, yet mentally still here. His arm snaked around my frame and pulled me onto his lap, my legs settling at his side and my head on his shoulder and my nose brushing against his neck. His cologne was soothing to my frantic mind.

" Hey... You're okay."

"My boss is going to have my head... I'll be stuck out here in LA forever." He huffed a laugh and nudged my head slightly so I sat up and looked in his eyes.

" Well it will give you more of a reason to spend time with me then. Help you forget." He smirked slightly and ran his finger tips along my collar bone. His other arm tugged me closer till his lips were against my chest, following the v-line of my shirt. " You want a line?"

"Mmm yeah." I swear I could hear your voice in my head telling me to stop. To go home sober up and be strong. Yet I ignored it. I moved off his lap and snorted posion up my noise. The tingling sensation taking over my body and mind as I settled in his arms. I wanted to trick myself into making him feel like you. Yet there was no one like you.

"I was thinking after we try and get some work done we go out? Like get some lunch together..."

"It better not be a date." I mumbled, closing my eyes with a smile playing on my lips. His hand roamed under my shirt, making me hold my breath.

"What if it is boss lady?" He spoke against my ear, sending shivers along my body.

"Then I'll have to say no possibly." He chuckled softly and stopped once my phone began to ring. Without hesitation he snatched it in answered it.

"Hello?...." Janna. Her voice could be heard booming through the phone as he looked at me wide eyed then quickly handed it over.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Mr.Rutherford-"

"Hello?" I croaked into the phone, closing my eyes. His lips trailed along my neck as I tried to focus on Janna's voice. Yet he was doing what I asked. Distracting me.

" Do you hear me Nicole!" I blinked a few times and hung up the phone. I didn't care what she had to say. I wanted my distraction. My tattooed medicine.

The phone rang over and over again, yet I could tune it out so well. His hands tugged down my jeans slightly, just enough for his fingers to tease my clit. Drugs only made this all better. His lips molded against mine, my back arching to his touch. His teasing ways sent me into a fit. Quickly I moved away and tugged off his shirt, examining the man before me. He tore my blouse open, a gasp escaping my brims as he lowered himself down and kissed down my stomach. My body felt on fire, it was painfully slow with each kiss till his lips met my sensitive spot. Already he had me unraveling. Maybe it was the drugs because he was as anxious as I. In a haste we stripped down completely of any remaining clothes. Laying naked on the leather sofa as he thrusted his length into me. Like always it was missing feeling. Jesse was a great lover. He opened his soul to me. Left hickeies along my shoulder as we both peaked through our climaxes. Yet this wasn't meant to last. We knew it. We hated it. We both wanted what we gave up. I held his face in my hands, feverishly kissing his lips. It hurt too much to open my eyes and not see you. Yet I made myself look at what I was doing. Kissing this stranger. Fucking this man to hopefully feel what I was searching for, but never found.


We got dressed shamefully. I postponed the studio time. My emotions were a mess. I was a mess. He took my hand and we walked out of the studio to the flashing of the cameras. I was now wearing his sweater and he was just wearing his tank top. This was our shame. We accepted it. Wearing our pain together and masking it with drugs and alcohol. We walked all the way the beach in silence, sitting down in the sand with my back against his chest.

"No shirts, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing I really wanna tell you about no.....
'Cause it's too cold, whoa
For you here
And now, so let me hold, whoa
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
And if I may just take your breath away
I don't mind if there's not much to say
Sometimes the silence guides your mind
So move to a place so far away
The goosebumps start to race
The minute that my left hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face..." He was crying. I felt his tears hit my shoulder as he sung what was on his mind. You came into my mind. Then I two started to cry. I couldn't do this. My distraction was making this worse.

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