I'm Onto You

137 12 2

Nicole POV

I got ready, slipping into a black dress and thigh high boots. With a little makeup I was able to cover the scar on my thigh from the building accident. After all it was going to be a actual date I wanted to look decent. Like most dates we had to go to the Italian place, they would make sure no photos of us were taken. It was our hide away. We also never arrived at the same time, nor took the same way. We had perfected keeping our secret hidden. I left while you were in the shower and walked down the street as the sun began to set over London. Normal couples took romantic walks for granted, you and I were only safe in far away foreign countries to do such a thing. I was the first to arrive and got a corner booth then ordered a bottle of wine just as you walked in. For once you had on something other than jeans and a band t-shirt. Though of course the whole attire was black. Black shoes, dress pants, and dress shirt.

" You clean up nice." I flashed a smile as you approached and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Only for you."

"I was beginning to think you didn't own dress clothes." You rolled your eyes, still smiling as you sat down beside me. Kyle covered his mouth seeing you and Janna smirked at me.

"Wow Smith, you're looking dapper this evening."

"Everyone acts as if I never dress up."

"Its cause you don't, but we still love you." Janna flashed a smile to you as you huffed. the waiter brought another bottle of wine for Janna and Kyle as we glanced at the menu. "So Nicole did you get that email from those fans about... I think it was titled Dyle?"

"Mmm I think I did."

"What is Dyle?" Kyle mumbled for Janna glanced at him.

"I think it is something like Nan or Kanna..." She smirked before putting down her menu. "Then there is something called... Smut?"

" Yeah and some app... Called Wattpad." I mumbled still looking at the menu, I could see you staring me down from the corner of my eye.

"Nikki, was your evening with Dan you know... Something out of a book?" I put my menu down and narrowed my hues at Janna.

" You know... It really was... How about you and Kyle?"

"Nearly to the T from a fairytale."

" You two know! How!" Kyle was the first to grumble.

"O I dunno maybe a little app gave it away. Dyle."

"Mmm what happens on your stay on tour." You groaned and cover your face with the menu. "Fans ship the shit out of Dyle." I tried to hold in laughter as Janna took a photo of you two.

"I ship Dyle." Janna managed to state before breaking into a fit of giggles. You were red. By red I mean matching the blood red table cloth. I tugged the menu from you and pressed a kiss to your cheek.

"Don't worry I ship the shit out of Nan." I took your hand giving it a squeeze as the waiter came over. You demolished your glass of wine before settling down.

"I'll get calamari and a whiskey on the rocks." You were always hesitant when I had a drink. A strong drink at that and not just wine. Yet you ordered the same and squeezed my hand back.

" How did you two find out? I have to know." Kyle huffed looking to Janna.

"Nicole and I went to our work out and both had..exciting evenings. I also noticed a new app and we did some digging."

" Yeah that was... A surprise." I chuckled and took my whiskey from the waiter, sipping at the harsh liquid. "Those Dyle stories..."

"Please don't even go into detail." Kyle whined. "I stubbled upon one before I knew what smut meant and... Let's just say I really have a good mental image of Dan naked in bed with me."

"Mmm I'll need a second whiskey." You smirked slightly before shaking your head. "Fans are... Interesting."

"At least we know some of them like me." I nudged you slightly before we all grew silent as the food was set out. It didn't take long for the four of us to inhale all of the food, including the basket of bread. Kyle being the last to finish like always.

"What's the next big thing going on for us?" Kyle mumbled.

"Well you guys got BlissField July 6th, and September you go to the states. So July and August is... Essentially down time. Write when you want. Travel. Relax. The states are crazy to tour. You'll spend a lot more time on the bus and surely go stir crazy."

"Will you be going?" It was always your first question when touring came up.

"For most of it hopefully. Of course I'll have to run back and forth here to check on everything else." You nodded and kissed my temple. We depended on each other. Not just for love but stability in the craziness surround our lives. Maybe that was why you got so sick at one point. Anyways... We grabbed our things and Janna walked with me to my place, you and Kyle a few minutes behind. The only way to not look suspicious if anyone caught us coming or going. Rory greeted us as always, Janna and Kyle didn't even come upstairs, probably because they both had that look on their faces. You and I went up to the apartment and settled into our pjs before sinking into the sofa and clicking on the telly.

" Nikki?"


"Are you upset? About the... Stories...?"

" No in fact I loved that night." I smirked and lifted my head from your chest, pressing my lips to yours. " But know... That I love you. It's okay to be... An introvert. You're coy and shy. Then there are days you're talkative and flirtatious. I like all sides of you Dan... You don't need to over think us... Because what we have is simple and perfect." I laid my head back down on your chest as you rubbed my back.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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