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Nicole POV

I nervously sat checking the clock over and over again in hopes it would say mid night. Alas it read 11:30 which meant you had just finished your set, soon you all would be visiting me and showing the videos. I felt like a proud mama bear once again. In truth I hadn't been telling you how I had been really feeling lately. My leg throbs when I refuse to take my medicine and I'm dying to have a drink. I don't feel everything in my leg, but the doctors say it might never be fully sensational again. It isn't that I don't trust you, I just don't want you worrying. I know how you are Dan. Quickly I was pulled from my thoughts when Janna came into the room with a grin on her face.

"The boys were amazing!" She sat down and took a deep breath. "They had to go to a party with another performer. Paramore, thee Paramore."

"O wow good for them, did you get any videos?" It was then that my excitement died. She shook her head and sighed.

"I didn't have time... I'm sorry."

"It's okay..." I sunk down into the sheets and pulled the blanket over my legs. I wanted her to leave, to throw something at her. No that would be childish. "I'm glad it went well... Readings is tomorrow."

"I'll try and get videos tomorrow for you.." I scoffed before shaking my head.

"Really don't bother..." I tugged the blanket up further and sighed. "I'm exhausted can you tell the nurse as you leave I don't want anymore guests tonight?"


"You know what never mind." I laughed slightly and forced the blankets down, grabbing my crutches and hopping my way down the hall. Janna was on my heels as I came to the nurses desk and flashed a smile. "Hey Sally... I'm exhausted can you not allow any guests."

"Of course Miss Clark... Good night."

"Good Night." I turned around and shot a look to Janna who wore a look of shame. Once back in my room the silence was overwhelming. I sat my crutches down and laid in the dark with the blankets wrapped around me. I was happy for you of course, yet disappointed that something so simple I asked for wasn't done. Sleep wasn't coming for me so I grabbed my crutches and wandered back down the hall to Sally's desk, sighing softly. "Hey... do you know when I get to go home?" She hummed and grabbed a folder off her desk, checking through the paper work.

"Tomorrow afternoon?"

"O great... Do you know if someone can take me home?"

"That nice boy can't come get you?" I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"No he's far too busy."

"We'll I get off at noon, so I'll take you home at the end of my shift. I don't normally do that for patients, but I can surely arrange it for you Miss Clark." I nodded slowly with a smile before turning back around.

"Good night again Sally."

"Good night again Miss Clark." Her soft laughter ceased once I closed my door and laid back in bed. You kept running through my mind. I missed laying beside you every night. It sucked more than anything to miss your first big show. It was by some miracle that I fell asleep tonight.

"Miss Clark?" I heard a faint voice as the sun shined through the shades, slowly I sat up and flashed a smile. "Sorry to wake you, but I wanted to give you time to shower and for me to wrap your bandages." 

"Thank you Sally, I'll push the button when I've finished cleaning up." She nodded and left the room, slowly I wandered to the bathroom and tugged off my clothes, leaving my leg bandaged and wrapping plastic wrap over the gauze. Slowly I washed my hair and body before tugging on some shorts then sweat pants and a hoodie you had brought me days ago. Once I was on the bed I pressed the button and Sally came in with new materials. She eased down the sweatpants and cut off the bandage. It gave me chills seeing my leg held together with stitches. She was always careful and quick to hide the damage.

"It is healing nicely."

"I think that is a good thing." I laughed weakly as she grabbed my bags and I hobbled along side her with the use of my crutches. "Do I need to sign any papers." She stopped by the desk only to grab a bag of pill bottles and shove them in my bag.

"No I handled it all last night." I nodded as we wandered to the front door, she tossed my things in the back as I wiggled myself into her Honda with my crutches beside me. It was quiet the drive home, of course I had to direct her there. She carried my bags into the lobby, Rory quickly stood and grabbed them, flashing me a smile.

"Nicole! I wasn't expecting you back till tomorrow. Mr. Smith said he was going to bring you home tomorrow morning."

"I got out early and he was busy today..." He clicked the button for my floor and sighed softly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted, but good. Thank you for helping me." The elevator stopped and he unlocked my door with his master keys, setting my bag inside.

"You are welcome... Welcome back Miss Clark." 

"Thank you..." I closed the door and looked around, taking a deep breath. I was surround by our things, intermingled. Your glasses sitting on the table beside a empty cup of coffee more than likely. Lyrics written along sides of newspapers and papers cluttering the piano. This felt like home. Slowly I made my way to the bedroom, tossing the crutches beside the bed and laying dow on your side. The overwhelming smell that I could only describe as you took me under it's calming affect. Carefully I pulled the comforter around my aching body and closed my eyes. Sleep welcomed me like a hungry mistresses only with the help of your comforting scent.


Sorry I had to rewrite this two times.... here it finally is.... O My Laura Palmer.

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