Interview Masks

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Nicole POV

You and I always acted like friends before an interview. To perfect our masks for the interview. The make up lady continued to make me look alive, covering the darkness under my eyes. The past few days I kept having dreams. Dreams of your limp body in the back of the closet with bloody wrists. The doctor of course gave you medication and reluctantly you take it. By some miracle though you seem happy. Meanwhile I'm constantly keeping track of anything you could harm yourself with.

" You ready?" I felt a nudge against my shoulder, Janna pulling me from my thoughts. It was you me, Janna, Kyle, and Will. Woody and Chrissy had something planned so he couldn't make it.

" Yeah. Nine till you all to floating around the UK. Then festival season." I adjusted my leather jacket as Janna and I walked to the stage, we would be introducing Bastille in this interview.

" Nicole!"

"Gram! How are you mate?" I forced a smile as the middle aged man pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm brilliant! You gonna be at the Brit awards tomorrow?"

" Christ I totally forgot." I chuckled before shrugging.

"You've gotta take Dan." Janna elbowed me. "He'll surely get interview."

"Nah, maybe I'll just give him my ticket or you can go with him. I have meetings all tomorrow." Janna huffed as I sat down and soon she followed while Gram reviewed his notes and chatted.

"Tell me what have you been up to lately?"

"Working like crazy with Bastille... Artic Monkeys and Calvin Harris. I need a vacation." I laughed as did he with a smirk.

"Totally agreed. My husband is driving me bonkers." He rolled his eyes like the drama queen he is before sitting back. "Let's roll!" The curtains opened to a large audience, the lights clicking on. "Welcome welcome! Today we've got Nicole Clark and her partner Janna with a very special guest afterwards. First off tell us a little bit about your current project together.

" Well right now we are working together with a band called Bastille." Janna smiled talking into her mic as the crowd went wild at the mention of the band.

" Yeah they're absolutely great to work with..."

"Janna I hear you're dating the bassist?"

" Yeah Kyle does a bit of every thing for the band. It doesn't cause issues with work, but seems to help." She laughed slightly as a smile crossed my lips ever so small.

"Ooo and what about you Nicole? We see a huge rock on your finger. Whose the lucky guy?"

" No one this was just my grand mothers and I've started wearing it." How I wished to gloat that you were mine. Yet this was our secret. Our game.

" Mmm I'll believe it for now. Let's welcome out Bastille!" I looked to my right as you and the others walked out. You of course sat beside me like a tease. Your bracelets and the make up I had applied were hiding your sins. "Welcome lads, I see we're missing one of ya."

" Yeah woody our drummer couldn't make it."

"Ah bummer. So Nicole what made you sign them?"

" Well Gram if you've heard their music you would know. When I got the tapes and heard a few songs I was hooked because you rarely hear a voice like Dan's. It's very deep and fitting with the music. I had to sign them and see where this could go. I'm glad I did that is for sure!" I zoned out for everything else. Thankfully Kyle and Will seemed talkative today.

"Ah! Well here is Bastille's song Pomepii and the music video!" The curtains went down and we all released our held breaths. I stood and tugged off my jacket, tossing it to the stage hand. " Nicole! Hey I'm having a party tonight. You wanna join us? It's gonna be huge." I sighed and shook my head with a slight smile.

" Nah I'm actually gonna relax before the craziness starts next week."

"Ah I see, I take it you don't do anything anymore except drink?"

"Yeah I haven't done coke in awhile."

"O please." He chuckled and rolled his eyes while walking away. "I've gotta go do some more right now! Toodles!" Fame. It destroys people. Makes them money and drug hungry. Then again I was there before. I knew those demons.

"Is he serious?" Janna whispered as I nodded.

"That's how I use to be..."

"And you functioned?" Kyle mumbled as we as a group walked towards the green room to get our things.

"Yeah... It's the only way I could function. If I didn't get high I was useless. Shit you didn't even notice Janna."

"You worked high?"

"I use to do coke daily. In my office. I just got really good as hiding... In the end you saved my life. Remember when we lived together? Well I stayed at your place most of the time, but you found me after a seizure?"

" Yeah...?"

" It wasn't a seizure I overdosed." I laughed almost at the statement. " So you saved my life in the end."

"Gosh how many more secrets do you have?"

"Too many to tell!" I smirked and grabbed my purse, your arms snaked around me.

" Mmm look at you sharing your secrets. A change of heart?"

"Possibly." I smiled and turned around, kissing your lips. "Say you want my ticket to the Brit awards tomorrow? I really can't make it." Like a child you grinned and kissed me like a fool.

" Yes! O bloody hell that's wicked! Who will go with me."

"I dunno take your friend Ralph? O and tell him I'll come see his band sometime this week. I keep forgetting love I am so sorry."

"I surely think he'll not be upset since he's going to the Brit awards love." You chuckled and squeezed my hand before we all walked out the door towards the van. Well what could go wrong by sending you to the Brit awards? God only knows


The next chapter is actually kind of goofy so enjoy... When I finish it lol

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя