Tour October 2012

203 9 0

Kyle POV

I watched him take a deep breath before approaching the tour bus, she was wrapped in a long cream coloured coat, so set on showing no hint of disappointment. She'd been persistent on not using her crutches as well. Janna squeezed my hand and gave me a slight tug.

"Ready for your first mini tour?"

"As ready as I'll ever be..." You laughed softly and looked to the one that would stay behind.

"Stay out of trouble alright? No Clark moves." She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine really. No worries, I'll just work constantly. Take care of these guys. Dick too."

"I'll try my best." You and I got into the bus and sat near the window. Dan lingered behind, he felt bad about leaving her alone for a few weeks. Little did we all know. She laughed at something he said before I watched her pull him into a hug and whisper something into his ear. It only brief but they kissed before she walked away first as he watched her go inside the building. Seconds later he joined us all on the bus and sat on the sofa fiddling with his phone and headphones. "You think he'll be alright?"

" Yeah, Dan is good at departmentalizing his feelings. He'll only show how sad he really is when he's alone." I whispered to you before looking back out of the window as the bus rolled onward.

"I hate leaving her behind. I know she's an adult.."


"People are more prone to drinking when they are alone."

"Ah... You're still afraid she'll end up like Steve?"

"Steve did that to himself even with the people he loved surround him. I can't count her out to do the same Kyle." I sighed softly and glanced to you.

"Don't worry alright, well call home almost every day. She'll be fine. She's good... Like you said if you trust her to not break his heart or her own then I trust her." All I did was nod and that was the last we talked about it till that day. About a week and a half later we stopped by her place, in hopes to surprise her. After all Dan was usually too busy to talk in between shows, interviews, and appearances. We all were slammed. Dan led the way to her penthouse and turned the key, yet the place was silent. Every thing was left exactly the way it had been.

"Nikki?" Janna hollered before being the first to go to the kitchen. "Fucking hell..." I followed your voice now in the office, a bottle of whiskey empty in your hands.

"I told you she was a bloody drunk..."

"Kyle not now alright? She could be out driving or something and get herself killed!" You sighed and took a deep breath before digging out your phone. It was pressed against your ear yet it was obvious she didn't answer when you shoved your phone back in your pocket. Dan wandered in, hands in his pockets as he shook his head.

"She's not answering me either... Do you have an idea where she would go Janna?"

" No darling... Not a clue." Dan wandered to the desk and picked up the bottle, examining the contense.

"I hope she's okay..."

"I'm sure she's fine." You lied through your teeth because I knew your worries expressions and the look on your face screamed how worried. "Let's get back on the bus yeah? We'll be late to the last two gigs if we don't get going." Dan and Will wandered out as you grabbed my wrist. "I need you to do me a favour..."

"Call Dick... Get him to call Lorelei... Fill him in that I can't find her and the only thing noticable is a bottle of liquor. She'll start looking."

"Alright. I'll trail behind." I mumbled while digging out my phone. Dan locked up, yet I loitered in the lobby, with my phone against my ear.

" Hello?"

"Hey, go to the back of the bus... Call the number I'm about to text you. Her name is Lorelei tell her Nikki is missing and we think it's alcohol."

"Jesus Christ... Alright mate. See ya." I hung up and shot him Lorelei's number before wandered to the bus before Dan could notice my hesitation. Janna nodded to me before Dan wandered on the bus and laid down, closing his eyes. Every thing seemed wrong. Then came next morning when Dan shook reading his phone.

"Dan? Daniel?" He tugged on his lips, tears sliding down his cheeks before he took a deep breath.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry, but I can't be with you anymore. That's why I left. Please don't make a scene at work next time I see you. I can't handle that stress... Please just accept that I don't love you... I can't. Keep my place for now. I'm staying with a friend for a few months..." His eyes met mine before he sat the phone down and took another deep breath. I pulled my phone out, nearly breaking the screen as I typed.

I'm going to fucking kill you for this

I turned it off and looked to Janna. She too felt a portion of the pain Dan was feeling. He didn't say a word other than to sing that night. He has lost his glory. Had it torn from his arms without any warning. Any reasoning. Any signs. I sat alone in the living area of the bus, looking out at the night sky as we made our way to the last stop on this tour. I had seen the love they shared the moment they were reunited and now I was more confused than ever. Maybe Nicole wasn't even at fault for that text. Maybe it was the booze the talking. Who knew what was going through her mind. All I knew was that she broke my best friend's heart into a million pieces for no obvious reason. I was going to get to the bottom of this. Whether it meant hurting her feelings or not.

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