Chanting Night

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Rather than finding me to be a gross individual who tried to take his own pathetically young life, you found me as a equal. You understood and that made this Glory so much better. It was as if I survived to meet you. To kiss your lips and suffociate from laughter and vanilla. How odd you and I Nikki. Two perfectly imperfect humans linked together. The alcoholic with a curse and the singer with the scars.

We ate breakfast before the band and I were rushed off to talk about Pomepii while you and Janna scurried off to do 'girl' stuff and of course take care of your work with David. He was surely an odd man. Obviously under the influence of different drugs. The type of people you surrounded yourself with scared me sometimes, but I pushed it down like anything else in my life that bothered me.

"So Dan, you're gonna just bike and follow the camera around. Go into the stores and realize the people are changing." All I did was nod and act as if I actually understood. Kyle was playing on his phone and Will digging into the container of peanuts that had been on the table. Why I was always the only one in the music videos I had no clue. It drove me crazy being the center of attention. Thankfully it went quick like tearing off a bandaid. Woody and Kyle couldn't stop laughing at the awful acting while Will was filming stupid parts with his phone. Funny enough we filmed the end of the music video first while it was still light out and worked our way backwards. You kept crossing my mind along with Janna. What could you two possibly be up to that had taken up your entire day.

When filming finished there was a limo waiting for the four of us by the trailers. A grey haired man dressed in black was holding the door open and nodded in our direction.

"Where are we off to sir?" Kyle asked the man who chuckled.

"We're off to pick up the beautiful ladies from the studio. Miss Clark says sorry for running late, but she hopes this limo ride makes up for it." Will nodded before putting his sunglasses on, let me make note it's completely dark out and 2am.

"Fit for a king!" Woody flicked him on the back of the head before we all climbed into the black limo. Different alcohols lined the bar with ice and glasses. Kyle grabbed a beer, Woody grabbed the tequila, and Will and I grabbed the vodka. Obviously everyone mixed their own drinks with whatever was also in the bar. It didn't seem like long before the limo stopped and the door opened. There you were. My sanity wrapped in satin red with makeup on and hair curled. Stunning is probably the best word for how you looked right now.

" Hello love, are we all ready for dinner?" You grinned sitting beside me, Janna climbing gracefully down to the other end with Kyle.

"I'm starving." I chuckled as you snuggled yourself to my side, taking my drink and sipping at it before returning it to my hand.

" Good we'll have a nice dinner and tomorrow night you're off to London." Reality. It's like a body builder punching you in the chest and sending the wind flying from your lungs. "Don't frown. I've got a gift for you." You pulled my bracelets and watch from your clutch and flashed a smile. "Give me your arm." I watched you reknot the bracket, shoelace, and my watch around my wrist. The make had held up just like you planned. "Where did you get this bracelet?"

" My mom gave it to me the day I met you... My first real gig. I keep it as good luck." I kissed your temple before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"That's beautiful. I miss your mom. I'll have to give her a ring soon... See how she's doing and tell her I'll be missing the trip this year."

"Ah she'll be heartbroken. I mean it." I chuckled as you did before placing your head on my shoulder.

" We'll have plenty more years for Durban babe."

" Mmm why do you call me babe? Or baby?"

"Because you're the thing in this world I'll protect the most." I was satisfied with your answer and looked out the window, squeezing your hand in mine. We pulled up to some restaurant that like most things was settled ona cliff side. Constantly living on the edge. You got out and tugged me along, walking to the balcony that overlooked the water. "Eheu eh-o eheu eh-o" you yelled out as it echoed. Kyle joined in on the goofy act and before long all of us screamed it. This was just the beginning. Pompeii hadn't even been released. Little did we all know what would become of the song.

" Can I help you all?" A man dressed in a suit cleared his throat as we all turned around, though of course his attitude changed when he saw you. " Nicole! Beautiful Bella!" He grinned as you hugged him.

"Mario! How have you been? Your restaurant view is beautiful!"

"I have never been better because of you. You are like your father. Such a huge heart. Please! Please let me get you all seated!" You took my hand again, it was obvious you felt comfortable at this hour to not hide us. We sat down near one of the railings as he handed out menus. The bar area was crazy and filled with people. "The meals are on the house and the drinks."

" How do you know her?" Janna chuckled softly.

" Nicole funded this place. My dream restaurant. Her father would have loved to see it completed!"

"I'm sure he is looking over it Mario. Your best wine for the table." You looked to me and flashed a smile before looking back at the menu. A heart of gold was always overlooked because of the flaws you carried. Maybe that was why you and I got along so well. You saw past the flaws and could see my heart's intentions clear as day.

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