Trying to Understand

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By the time most of you read this I will be at 10,000 reads so I'd like to thank all you crazies for spending over 150 chapters with me.... no it isn't over.... though I am aiming for 200 or less.... but you all know me too well... any happy chapters tend to go south fast and sad chapters tend to be pretty who knows where we will end!


Stormer POV

I couldn't help but feel bad for Dan, watching the news today. Kyle had just told the world he and Nicole slept together. Who would have thought something like that would happen. I grabbed my computer and quickly logged into twitter before settling my glasses on my nose. 

Stomer 1: Fuck Nicole

Stormer 2: We don't understand... Dan said it himself.

Stormer 1: She's been shit from the beginning.. What is gonna change anything now and here I thought Kyle was cool. 

Stormer 3: She and Kyle can go.... Jan...

"This is so childish.." My friend mumbled sitting down beside me as I kept scrolling through the feed. "They don't understand yet here they always are debating what is best for people they don't know and never will know."

"Why are you telling me this?" I huffed slightly and closed my laptop before glancing to her. "We saw them together years ago and kept our mouths shut for the reason of keeping them safe.. not that anyone would have believed us, but still." 

"Now look..." She sat back, releasing a deep breath. "What do you think is going to happen?" 

"I don't know..." My laptop pinged in my lap and I sat back, opening it back up. "O shit... Look!"

"What....?" She leaned over to look at my screen. "A Live feed from Virgin Records..? With Ryan Seacrest?" 

"That was quick." I adjusted my glasses on my nose before tuning into the interview. Hundreds of thousands of people were watching. The comments blowing up with negativity and a hint of actual understanding. People now a days didn't want happiness for others or the best... they only seemed to what was best for themselves. Nicole looked tired.... scratch that exhausted... She merely answered the questions, twisting her wedding ring persistently. She admitted everything. She admitted that Kyle and her were a thing before Bastille and that she'd hurt Dan... that they were fixing things now and they wanted privacy. I sunk down in the sofa more and clicked off of it before glancing to my friend.

"You think they're gonna stick together or is it just a PR thing?"

"I dunno... you remember that time we saw them? They were crazy happy... Then again they've got Clara." I shrugged and ending the conversation there. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was just a band right? The rest of the day seemed to fly by like any other. My roommate and I sat down at the end of the day and binged on Chinese food. 

"O my... Gosh...." I sat down the take out back before sprinting over to the sofa and glancing over her shoulder at the laptop. Dan had written out a letter in his notes, attaching it to a tweet with the photo of Nicole clipped along. I snatched the laptop and scanned through the words with my blurred vision... 

"Blah... blah blah.... blah.....I don't normally tell the meaning of songs however this song... was my lullaby for her...blah blah....Shit he kept Clara away from Nicole?"

"Keep reading..."

"Blah blah...I know my wife's nature.... I know the alcoholic.... drug addict... and I know the real her.... The one who tells me to change my shirt because I've persistently worn it for a week because it's new.. ew" I glanced to my friend who was smirking.

"You owe my twenty bucks... we both knew that dude never washed his own clothes..."

"True... Okay." I glanced to her before looking back at the screen. "Much love.... Dan..... Holy shit..." I mumbled sitting down and handing her back the laptop. 

"You didn't even get to the good shit... the comments are all over the place. Remember those asshole accounts? Well they're posting about how they're supportive." She rolled her eyes before looking back at the screen. "If that ain't some petty shit then I don't know what is anymore..."

"Dan's is the orchestrator of the whole thing.... anything he says goes... please half the fans are just obsessed with his hair... or the fact that you can't find a single shirtless photo on the internet of him...." She snorted laughing before nudging me.

"I think you and I did right by them never opening our mouths... I mean yeah... maybe we would have made some money but still.... they handled it the way they wanted to handle it."

"Exactly." I crossed my arms before letting my thoughts wander for a moment. "Though money would have been great." 

"Don't remind me.... At least we know a new album is coming out... that is something to hold onto..." She sighed and stood before grabbing the laptop. "Night."

"Night..." I mumbled back before she wandered off to her room. I pulled my phone from my pocket and opened up twitter. My eyes scanned through the notes again before browsing through the comments. Dan once again had saved the day it seemed. Changing peoples minds about banishing Kyle for the most part. Though many felt bad for Janna, she hadn't posted much of anything, though Dan did mention her a bit. Then there was Dan himself.... the center of the show so to speak. Standing up for those who wronged him in the end. The kind looking guy who was actually kind. I clicked comment, my finger hovering over the keypad before typing with my thumbs.

Stormer Anonymous: I think in the end everyone does what is best for them. Support from Paris with love to the Smiths x

I posted it before clicking my phone off and wandering down the hall to my room. Who knew what this album would bring for them. What would happen behind the scenes and through the months leading up to that exciting release date. In the end only they could do what is best for them and their family. Some would understand and other's would merely stick their noses up in the air. What started to cross my mind was who got Kyle to confess? Her melodic voice asking all the perfect questions to a drunk Kyle Simmons. Who was the woman behind the voice that ruined their perfect world.

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