Terror Attack

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Alright I'm gonna start this chapter off with a few comments. First off I do not condone violence so suck it up. It's part of the story and life. Lastly you're all probably wondering (or your not and I'm being egotistical) what I'll be venturing into once I'm finished this story. Well you lovely people I have a few things I'll be considering and actually doing. Firstly I keep telling myself to finish his worst nightmare. So I'll be finishing that since it has less than 10 chapters left. I have two other a stories I'm going to start at some point. One is called "His Anchor" which is Bastille as per usual. Second one drunk me started and thought of one night. It's called " The Runaway" which is a The Killers Fanfiction. They're super under appreciated so I feel the need to write something up. Anyways! Enjoy!

Nicole POV

Where do I being? I guess from the beginning of the show I could tell something was off. Some people just seemed like they didn't belong in that concert hall in the sea of Bastille fans. I heightened the security the moment my uneasy feeling grew, but people can stop the world from turning so to speak.

The show went great though. Your voice was perfect and as always the fans loved every second. It wasn't until after the encore that it happened. The fans started filtering out, some always tended to linger. I heard the ringing in my ears before the sensation got to me. I was helping Charlie with his guitar when the explosion set off right beside the stage. The whole building seemed to be shaking as people screamed in the smoke filled air. Charlie yelled in pain as the blow sent us onto the floor, his arms wrapped around me in a protective manner from whatever had just happened. My legs stung as I lifted my head from Charles chest, his face was covered in blood and I realized as too was covered in the remains of a blown up person and shrapnel.


"I'm alive.... My fucking arms!" I looked down to see pieces of metal laced in his skin like glitter before I coughed violently. I looked around, the smoke clouding the room still yet people who could run were scrambling or assisting their friends.

" Dan?!" I croaked before coughing as I dragged myself across the stage. Kyle was knocked out cold against Woody's kick drum. I pressed my finger into his neck, his pulse was strong thankfully. The panic of trying to find you was finally settling into my chest. " Dan!" I dragged myself a little more before laying on my back as I gasped for air. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I looked at the pit area slowly clearing of smoke. A few bodies lingered others were yelling in pain or sorrow with people brave enough to stay behind assisting them in anyways. None of the bodies were you. At least from what I could see in that moment.

"Niks! Niks!" Bliss. I looked around until I felt your arms lift me up slightly. You were covered in blood and dust. "Baby stay with me!"

"Are you... Okay..." I gasped before groaning in pain as you nodded quickly.

"Focus on your breath. I had some fans I needed to help but right now you need to stay awake." I stared at you, gasping now and again for air, yet it pained me even more to breath. Minutes later there was an oxygen mask over my face, the sound of sirens and the sensation of floating. Pain killers bring such bliss in times like this Dan. I looked around, I was being wheeled through the general admission area. The crime scene lingering in my vision until once again I closed my eyes.


"Thanks for coming!" I chuckled before taking a photo with a fan. Will chuckled along to one of their jokes as I glanced at you. You were chatting away with Charlie and laughing. I couldn't help but smile looking at you. My vision of you disappeared just like that though. A man looking as if he surely didn't belong at q Bastille concert made his way closer to the fence near the stage. It was like he turned to ash before my very eyes. People getting sent flying back like rag dolls. Screams filled the air as even I was jolted by the shock. Smoke filled the arena like wild fire and I ran towards the fire to pull those screaming away from the flames. My heart was racing as I looked to the stage, I didn't see you but all the equipment was destroyed. I sprinted to the stage and noticed you laying beside Kyle who looked unharmed but began groaning. You on the other hand looked like Charlie, which was part of a murder scene. 

"Dan?!" You hollered my name, yet didn't even notice I was nearby.

"Niks! Niks!" I pulled you into my arms, resting your head on my thighs as I moved your hair from your bloody face. The blood wasn't yours, but the person whom had set this all into motion. You looked through me almost as if in a daze. "Baby stay with me!"

"Are you... Okay..." I nodded quickly, it was funny how I was your first concern in all of this mess. You closed your eyes and panic settled in quickly.

"Focus on your breath. I had some fans I needed to help but right now you need to stay awake." Your eyes opened and closed yet you couldn't seem to breath. Medics were rushing into the arena finally and before I knew it they were wheeling you, Charlie, and Kyle out on stretchers along with fans. It was like a worst nightmare come true as I stood there taking it all in with my hand absentmindedly over my mouth in shock. 

"What the fuck just happened...." Will stood beside me and I lowered my hand before shaking my head.

"I have no fucking clue.... I'm just glad Clara is on the bus with Dick... Listen I'm gonna go to the bus and grab some things then take a taxi or uber.... to get to the hospital... work with Dick on making sure the rest of the tour dates are okay if not then we'll have to reschedule some..."

"Dan.... stop being like Nicole... go be with her and your daughter alright... Woody and I will hold down the fort then be right behind you at the hospital. Charlie looked in bad shape...."

"I know...."

"He saved her."


"Nicole... I was watching them when the blast happened. He pulled her to his chest and tried to protect her as much as possible." I looked to him before looking at the area they had been standing now filled with police. Little did I know what the world was hearing right now. I walked to the tour bus and cleaned the blood from my body before changing and grabbing Clara from Dick who was already packing everyone a duffel bag. The news played in the background as I glanced at the tv. I didn't even have time to let the fans know that it was all far from true, but this world was too wild right now.

"Breaking news, there has just been a bombing at the popular concert hall this evening. Sources say Nicole Clark and Dan Smith have been two of the many victims to believed to be dead. The bombing happened after four bands played and people were filtering out.... We will have more on this story as it progresses. I'm Donna Goodman and you're watching Channel 7 News."

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