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Nicole POV

I walked down the street with you, yes we had to not act like there was anything between us. The weather was improving, no longer did you need a jacket over your wolf hoodie. It seemed you constantly wore it, though by some miracle it smelled clean.

"So about Flaws... I was able to score you a shoot at Coney island."

"In the states?!" You looked at me wide eyed and grinned before I laughed softly.

" Yes, I'll be going with you and Austin. He has a crew out there for filming so we'll all just fly together. You and him will share a room, it has two separate beds."

"And you?"

"I'll be in my own room if you get time to visit." I smirked slightly before nudging you. We made it to the restaurant and you opened the door for me as I walked inside to the others at the table.

"Hey is the grump feeling better?"

"Nothing a bottle of wine can't handle." I grinned before picking up the menu as you sat beside Kyle, obviously a few seats away from me.

"When do you plan on leaving for Coney Island?" Janna mumbled with a piece of bread shoved in her mouth.

" This Friday. I'll be able to control Austin a bit better. This way he'll have till August to get it to me for approval from the label. I'm think the last day of September we'll shove it on YouTube." The waiter wandered over, I order a glass of wine and pasta before the others went.

"That's good."

"Bad Blood is a good song though so I have hopes for it with even the music video." I shrugged and took my glass of wine the moment it was sat down. Like always I could hear Steve telling me not to even sip from the glass. That voice I was good at ignoring. Especially back when I was younger. I took a gulp of the glass and shrugged. " We'll figure it out as it goes. I've got some meetings to deal with too, but I'm trying to push those on the back burner."

" What are those for?"

" My brother's music stuff. This museum wants them. I don't feel like fucking with it." Janna chuckled before taking a sip of her wine as I polished my first glass off. "Then in August I've got this fucking meeting with NatWest in tower 42. I hate going up there, but Virgin Records wants me to close the contract with them officially. We have no ties to them except a bloody piece of paper."

"Tower 42? Isn't that one of the tallest buildings in the UK?" I huffed slightly before nodding.

"Sadly. Hence why I hate going up there." Janna smirked slightly while I refilled my glass with the bottle on the table.

"Enough of that topic. There was a guy in your apartment. I heard a voice. Spill it. You don't do relationships." I laughed before shaking my head then sipping on my new glass of wine.

" It was the tv you goof. I never bring men over my apartment and you know that..."

"Here we are..." The waiter began serving the food, I didn't realize how hungry I was, maybe it was the alcohol. Then again I was on my way to finishing that second glass along with the pasta. My meal was shortly enjoyed when I saw the only other secret keeper I knew better than you. Phil, my brother's best friend. My brother figure for years. Now 55 and healthier than anyone else I knew. Quickly I stood and cleared my throat.

" Nikki love!"

"Ah Phil!" I forced a grin and hugged the man shorter than I before laughing slightly. "Back in London?" I brushed the napkin against my face before sitting it in my chair.

"For a wee bit. Visited Steve's Grave. How you been?" I shrugged slightly.

"Can't complain. I'll have to catch up with ya later this week if you're still in town. We'll grab drinks."

"I don't drink remember." He grinned before laughing as did I. "After Steve ya know. I though you quit too?"

"Ah old habits die hard." He nodded slowly, already he had taken note of the wine glass and bottle before hugging me.

"I'll see ya soon. Don't make me bury another Clark yeah?" He whispered then pulled away as I nodded.

" Yeah.... I'll see you soon." I sat down and polished off the glass before refilling it. Your eyes were on me as I did such. Then drank it quickly.

"I was thinking we head to the bar for some pool?" Will hollered from the other end of the table. Everyone nodded along while paying their bills.

"I actually gotta get some sleep. I'll take a rain check." I sat down the cash before slipping my jacket back on and giving everyone a hug. You were worried and I could tell just from your body language. I had to push the feeling away. Just for tonight. I wandered down the streets, just a few blocks away was all I had to make it. Rory was off guard as I walked to the elevators and turned my key then opened my door. My vision a bit foggy from the amount of wine in such a short time. Carefully I poured myself a glass of whiskey and wandered to the balcony looking at the city as you ran through my mind. You were playing with fire Dan. That fire being me and my never disappearing love for alcohol. Yeah I was in control though I had my days where my demon consumed me. When I didn't set my limit. I downed the glass and glanced to my brother's guitars on the wall. It wouldn't be this demon that would hurt me though. It would something far out of my control pulling me from your grasp. My lungs will fill and I'll never forget the pain once it happens. So whose this demon I'm speaking of you ask? It's stronger than alcohol. Higher than cocaine. More sudden than a hit of marijuana. It's coming for me. Fate.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora