Mending The Bond

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I wasn't planning smut in this chapter, but fuck it, it's a Monday and Mondays suck. I wanted to make Monday suck less.

Nicole POV

I awoke once more feeling more conscious than I had in days, maybe weeks. Last I recalled I was in the back of Janna's car. The street lights blurred together. Yet the sensation of waking up surround by warmth and the smell of your cologne sent shivers down my spine. I didn't remember when you'd come back into this picture of my life. Other than your whispers of oblivion last night. You were sleeping on top of the blankets, arm securely around my frame in a protective manner. I moved slightly and it only tightened with a groan escaping your brims.

"Niks... You awake?"

"Yeah... I'm... Parched mind if I grab a drink. Maybe shower." I laughed weakly, yet you got up and tugged the blankets from me before carrying me to the bathroom.

"I'll run you a bath." You looked exhausted, maybe last night wasn't when you sang. Maybe it was days ago. You sat me on the counter and started the bath, adding scented bubbles of course. Then in went felt like seconds you had left and returned with a glass of water, still looking half asleep.

"Its... Okay love. You can go back to sleep." I mumbled before sipping at the water. It felt so cold going down my throat as if it could take my breath away. " How long was I asleep?"

"Three days. On and off. You don't remember?"

"Barely." I scooted off the counter, standing felt funny as I tugged off my clothes, it felt so good to sink into the warm water. You sat, crossing your legs and resting your arms on the side of the tub and then your head on your arms with your eyes closed.  This gave me time to admire your features. Your beard was full, skin pale and hair poking in all directions. The bags under your eyes had gotten darker. I caught myself lifting my hand and tracking under one of your eyes. I was doing this to you. Exhausting your brilliant yet crooked smile. "I'm sorry..." Your eyes opened and you took my hand, kissing the back.

"Shhh I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere and there is nothing to be sorry for Nicole."

"But there is... I was mean to you... Only because I didn't want you to watch me fail. You're right I shouldn't have left. I wouldn't be in this mess." I sighed before sinking under the water to get my hair wet. You grabbed a bag off the sink and handed me shampoo from it. Of course it was my favourite scent and yours now too for me. Vanilla. A smile cracked my lips as I quickly washed my hair and body; of course shaving my god awful body. Like a gentle giant you wrapped me in a towel when I stood and helped me dry off. I held your face between my hands and pressed my lips to yours. No other lips could send shivers down my spine like you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMUT so stop reading if you don't like it. Resume reading at the next line break.~~~~~~~~~~~

We stumbled our way to the bed and you pushed off the blankets, tossing me onto the bed before prowling on top of me. My body ached for more than one reason. It ached to feel your touch and it ached for drugs. I would only indulge in one thing. I tugged off your shirt and drug my nails down your chest leaving red lines along your pale flesh. Your hand grasped mine and forced it to the bed, of course you were much stronger than me in this state.

" Why do you tease me?"

"Because I know what you're capable of babe." I smirked as your lips connected to my neck, your teeth sinking into my skin as a whimper escaped my brims. The towel was tugged from my frame as your lips followed my collar bone. Before I knew it your teeth had connected to one of my breasts, your hand covering my mouth to silence the moan you knew was coming. My fingers tangled in your hair as I closed my eyes enjoying your ever teasing movement. I squirmed against your touch yet you forced down my hips with a smirk crossing your lips. For a man who always seemed so coy you were some else here. When you would get your way. Your tongue traced the most sensitive part of my body before slipping inside. Your blunt nails dug into the skin along my hips as I tugged your hair. "Bloody hell love..." I wrapped my legs over your shoulders, my toes curling with every movement. Like always you didn't stop till my world came collapsing in a breathless mess. Before I knew it you had tugged off your shorts and boxers, grabbing one of the blankets and covering us up as you slid inside. This was better than any medication I had ever had.

"I see those goose bumps I thought you were cold, but I think you're just enjoying yourself too much." You mumbled before kissing me as your hips rocked against mine.

"O shut up." I mumbled before biting into your bottom lips, a groan escaping you. A groan in that deep voice only turned me on more. I hated letting you do most of the work, but my body was exhausted. Yet it seemed you didn't mind. I felt your hands wander along my body, remember each curve and sensation till your hand intertwined with mine. You bit into my shoulder as I felt your body collapse against mine, your heart pounding in your chest. I kissed your neck, feeling your pulse under my lips. I only then realized my heart was pounding too. You slipped out of me and pulled my body against yours kissing my forehead as you closed your eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you Dan... Get some rest. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know." You smirked slightly and ran your hand along my side to my ass, giving it a slight squeeze. "I'll be making sure you don't."

"O hush." I laughed softly and kissed your lips. You opened your eyes for a moment, showing me those dark lustful blue hues. Blue hues I would look into for decades to come.

"Wake me if you need anything." I nodded and soon you were fast asleep. Somewhere deeper.

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