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Nicole POV

The wild world tour ended nearly a year later. Now onto all the other projects that cluttered your laptop screen. I rolled over and found your warm body beside me, the familiar cologne tickling my nose. Then the familiar sound of a baby crying down the hall through the mintor.

"Your son is calling you." I mumbled softly before you groaned in response.

"He's your son too." You lifted your head and smirked slightly before slowly getting up. "I'll grab him love." Your lips brushed mine before you got up, slipping into some boxers before wandering out of the room. Moments later you returned with Avery in your arms and Clara following right behind. You sighed softly and laid down with Avery on your chest. His short dark hair mirrored your color and blue eyes mirroring your own as well.

"He's gonna be a heart throb just like his daddy.." I smirked and leaned over kissing the top of his head before kissing you. Clara curled up in between us and sighed with a smile.

"Can we go to the park today?"

"I don't see why not..." I shrugged before pulling her tiny body closer to mine.

"I'll invite every one." You grabbed your glasses and phone off the nightstand before typing away as Avery slept once again on your chest. Kyle and Janna were expecting. Chrissy and Woody had their hands full with their one son. Will and Awoui were just themselves, no children on the way or big plans. I glanced to you and you looked over at me cracking a smile. " What love?"

"I'm just stuck on how good everything is right now..." I looked to our two kids before moving up and kissing your lips. I think I was ready for anything the world could bring at this point. I had family. A lovely American sister whose attitude was that of a firecracker. In laws who I think tolerated my existence at this point. A missing mother and step brother. Nonetheless things made sense. You understood that more than anyone I suppose. I laid my head back down and looked over our kids once more.


" Yeah?"

"Love you..."

"Love you too." Maybe this was the day I finally stopped believing in the Clark curse. Or maybe I was safe because I was a Smith. Either way I was proud of us. Proud of our glory. The glory of us...


Completed 5-31-17

Thank you all for reading it's been a ball. This story is probably the longest Fanfiction out there for Bastille. I wanna thank my consistent voters and readers. You all kept me writing when things got boring with the story. Thank you to danbastille  for accepting my drunk texts and containing my drunk ideas as best as possible. _n-y-n-k-e_  for reading since forever. itsoneam Laura_Palmer_Hangin for comments that only fueled my evil writing side sometimes. To TwoEvils mortalglades thegloryfan @evamarit @angsnow kathrinvm for voting and commenting along the way as well.

It's been real. 😉 190 chapters real. Also.... There is a new story I just started.
It's called His Anchor
I told myself to take a break but I'm addicted to writing so... Alas enjoy.

Farewell with love,
TMD (ColdBastillemusic)

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