Telephone Calls

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I went into the spare bedroom and laid down, waiting for Janna and Kyle to go to sleep. Sure enough around one they retreated to their room. Around two was when I went wondering through our city only to stop at a telephone booth and slip a quarter in the slot. The rain was pouring down, it didn't phase me from the mood I was in currently. Your number was burned into my mind from those months we spent apart and I dialed away. I dug into my pocket and took your ring out, examine it before holding it in one of my hands.

"Hi, you've reached Nikki, leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Beep. I opened my mouth to speak, it took a moment for the words to pass my lips.

" Hey Nikki... Nicole... I don't know what went wrong." My voice cracked, I couldn't hold in the pain. It poured from me in the form of tears as I squeezed the phone and tried to calm myself. "I love you and... I'm sorry for whatever... Whatever happened. Or I forgive you... If that's what you need to hear... I just miss you... I don't know what to do... How to feel without you. It's like a piece of me just disappeared... I can't ever stop thinking about you...For Christ's sake I love you... " I hung up the phone and sunk to the floor of the telephone booth, watching the rain come down. I don't know what happened, maybe I'll never know. Maybe you'll never call me back. I looked to your ring before zipping it in my pocket and forcing myself to stand and continue my walk. It was freezing out, not cold enough to snow anymore though. Only when my fingers went numb did I begin my journey back to Kyle and Janna's townhouse. Sneaking into my room again and sitting on the bed in my soaked clothes as I listened to the rain beat against the roof. I forced myself to kick off my converses and tug my wet jacket off before laying down and closing my eyes. Sleep. My only escape from your blue eyes haunting me.

"Dan?" I opened my eyes to look at the door as I slowly awoke. It was nearly noon. "Dan you awake mate?" I turned over to have my back to the door and closed my eyes. I didn't want to be awake. The door squeaked open and a weight was placed on the bottom of the bed. "I know you're awake mate. You never sleep past ten."

"I'm getting up. I'm gonna head to the studio for a bit."

"Really? Janna and I are going to the cheese festival down the ways. We'll drop you off."

"I can walk." I tossed the blankets back and sighed slightly. "Bring back some cheese?"

"Of course." Kyle laughed and left the room. It was obvious I didn't want to talk about you. Kyle knew me very well. Since Kyle and Janna were leaving I didn't even need to go to the studio. I could write here in silence in the comfort of my pajamas. Only when I heard the click of the door did I go into Kyle's music room and let my grief spill into words. Words to lyrics. Lyrics to numb the pain.

"I looked up to you
Oh, I trusted you
I put faith in you, guess that's what you do
Now I'll stare you out as you pass me on the way down...I'll stare you out as you pass me on the way down...Be the one, be the one, be the one to call me baby....Even though you're the one who would always tear me down....Be the one, be the one, be the one to call me baby...Even though you're the one who would always tear me down" I had tears in my eyes and nearly hollered the next verse I had come up with. "How don't you get exhausted
Spitting forward so much bile?
Shame that your time is ticking
And you are so replaceable... Bullshit." I mumbled and closed my laptop. That song would stay in my brain for years to come. A confession of how much you hurt me. I wandered back to the spare bedroom and grabbed my phone before planting myself in front of the tv. You hadn't called. Hadn't texted. Not a word from you. They hurt more than these scars on my wrist. I took a deep breath and clicked the call button. Once against your recorded voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey...I um..." I hung without finishing my message and tossed my phone on the other sofa before looking to the tv. Nothing was working in my mind. Then it hit me. I picked up my phone from the other sofa and dialed home.

"Daniel? What's going on my lovely brother!? How's Nicole?"

"She's gone."

" What? Where did she go? You mean she went to the store?" My eyes were glued to the tv. Reality. It hurts like a bitch when it sinks into your skin. Sobs rippled through my body.

" She left Amy..."


"I don't want to be here... Amy I want to be dead." I raked my fingers through my hair before drying my eyes. "I wanna sit in the dark just like I did when I was sixteen. Sit and wait for oblivion to consume me because I lost the love of my life sister... I don't even know why..."

"Dan I'm coming where are you?"

"Kyle's... I'm at Kyle's." I hung up and rubbed my face. That day I didn't put a blade to my skin. I didn't take a pill. I sunk into my sister's arms like a child and prayed I would forget your eyes. Your red lips. Your perfectly straight and white teeth. The way you would laugh at my jokes. The way your hand fit in mine. Your vanilla scented body gave me chills. The way your eyes would look into mine. The way your skin felt against mine when you were in my arms. The way it felt to make love to you. Yet I couldn't. I wouldn't let go of our Glory. Not for anything.

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