Saying Good Bye

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We had to do it again. Part ways. I wasn't going to let you dwell on it all day either. We were to explore LA till your plane left. Thankfully I had arranged a private plane to return you all to London.

"I would say let's go to the beach, but it is a bit dreary day. There is a cool museum down the ways." I walked behind you all and that's when I snapped the picture. You glanced back with this monotone look before laughing.

"And you say I ramble on?"

"O hush up!" I laughed before quickening my pace to be by your side. Will was first to run off in the museum, getting lost in the history of film. You and I were trying once again to remember the features of each other as if we were art. "You know the next time I see you Dan, you'll be a rockstar." A snort of a laughed left your mouth before you shook your head.

"I highly doubt that.. "

"I don't. Pompeii is gonna be huge. I made sure of it... The radios have the song locked and loaded for January 11th. This is your shot." You took my hand and looked to the stairs, I walked along with you and we took the stairs all the way to the roof top. Together we carefully found a spot to sit that wasn't too steep and looked out over the city and to the water.

"What if I told you I don't do this for the fame? I do it because it is my life."

"I would say welcome to my world." You chuckled and put your hand on my thigh.

"Months feel so long now. When we landed I expected your features to change. Your eyes to be different. The limp to be gone. In truth I was afraid I wouldn't be greeted by the same girl I watched walk away from me at the airport."

"You're the only one who actually knows that girl. I'll never hide a thing from you." I whispered slightly, turning my eyes from the view to you. "It drives me crazy saying good bye like always. I can't walk around and gloat about the amazing man I have back home." You chuckled and shook your head.

"I doubt you would gloat about me."

"I doubt you understand how much you mean to me then." I looked back at the view before taking a deep breath. "I wish my father was still around.... he would have loved you for being so good to me... I still can't believe how he left this world because he hid what was wrong so well."

"Just like you..."

"Just like Steve.."

"Promise me when I go you just... you won't do anything stupid." I could see you looking at me from the corner of my eye. Worry. It was written on your face like bold black print on a board.

"Dan... I can't promise the world won't turn. I'm okay..."

"Nikki you did drugs at a party and drank... I was worried sick when you hadn't messaged me. It just brings back memories of me almost losing you."

"That's different..."

"How?!" Your voice echoed when you raised it, I turned my head to look at you. "How is it any bloody different? You could still get hurt... I could still lose you!" Anger turned to fear before my eyes as tears filled yours. I pulled you into my arms and closed my eyes, releasing a breath.

"Dan... I'm a big girl and I need you to trust me." Before you no one was affected by my choices except me. Drinking myself to sleep would leave nothing in pain. The cocaine would wash away memories of my father hanging. I'd do anything to forget his eyes staring at mine with a blue face. "I promise..." I forced the words from my mouth. Yes of course I would drink, but telling you I wouldn't was best. I would try my best, but I always knew my best wasn't good enough. Your fingers fiddled with the gold pinky ring on my finger that you had given me.

"Thank you... Remember, I'm a phone call away."

"I know... it is the only thing that keeps me sane." I laughed and pulled away to press a kiss to your lips. "We've gotta find the others and get you to your plane otherwise you'll be missing your next interview."


"Yes only rockstars do them." I smirked before standing as your hand found mine and we proceeded down the stairs in search of the others. "It's gonna be questions about the album and  Pompeii for sure. Just relax and answer what you feel is right because this is your gig. You decide what the people know and what they think the songs are about."

"It is a shame I can't tell them about you."

"No trust me I'm sure the day will come where our secret is found out. I dare say it will only harm me and not you." You sighed softly.

"What makes you say that Nicole?"

"Because I have a feeling by the time everyone knows about us Bastille will be huge. The fans will be madly in love with the wild hair blue eyed singer. The goofy cat loving Bass player. The strong guitarist. Lastly the perfect hair drummer. I'll be the reason they have broken hearts. Chrissy won't stay in hiding and Janna won't. You're the leader singer and automatically the instant love interest. I'll ruin everything for them. The obsession." You chuckled, turning more red by the second.

"I highly doubt that!"

"Alright, well if I'm right what do I get?" I smirked slightly, you pinned me to the wall and brushed your lips against mine.

"Whatever you want... If you're right.... I'll make sure I propose to you in front of thousands. So everyone can see just how madly in love I am with you." You showed your power for once. Those blue eyes darkening. I wanted you so badly in that moment, yet my eyes caught the others and all I could do was press my lips to yours before we were forced to proceed. Once again a ocean and country apart my love.

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