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Kyle POV

Without Janna the night felt funny. It was just Will, Nicole, and myself in the suit. I tossed and turned before finally giving into my wild side. I was going to venture out. Quickly I slipped back into my jeans and black t-shirt before wandering into the Livingroom. Nicole was painting her nails while Will was watching a movie.

" Hey either one of you wanna go out?"

"I don't think an ex alcoholic should go out to party love."

" Yeah I'm pretty beat."

" Well I got stuck with the boring part of the group." I huffed and sat down, trying to entertain my brain with the movie, however it was no where near funny or entertaining. " Alright I'm gonna take a walk and try and burn off this energy." Quickly I stood and grabbed my wallet and phone before running off. Boredom always seemed to over take my wild mind. I was always a trouble maker at heart. Like a kid I ran through the lobby and out into the cold with no destination in mind. My eyes caught onto a club, lit with bright neon colours. What could go wrong? I pushed the door open and the loud music filled my ears and vibrated my body.

"Open" I looked to the bouncer like man who had a pill in his hand and opened my mouth. After all everyone in front of my had taken theirs. I swallowed the small tablet like pill and blinked a few times. Nothing.

"Hopefully I didn't just join a cult." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes before I walked off. The crowd danced like the ocean moves. Waves of people. I sat down and had a drink then like a wall it hit me. My senses were overwhelmed with the lights and my heart races. I let go. I went into the crowd and danced with whoever was there. It was fun. Yet like all things it became dull and panic set in quickly. I couldn't call you so I wandered to the bathroom and took a deep breath, washing my face off. "Get it together Simmons.... Breath... Bloody hell." I dug into my pocket and sunk to the floor, my hands shaking as I dialed the only person who understood.

"Kyle? Where are you?"

"Some club, they made me... Take a pill... And Nicole I'm freaking the fuck out... I just.... Come get me?!"

" Christ Kyle, of all the clubs you went there?! Get outside look out, I'll come get you. Somehow." She hung up and I ran towards the exit, my vision blurred as my heart thumped. A red car showed up and there she was hurrying to get out. That's when I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. Her lips that tasted like cinnamon to me, but vanilla to Dan's. She pushed me away slightly and held my face in her hands. "Kyle! Kyle! Snap out of it, get in the car." All I did was nod and slowly get into the car, my heart racing. I was dying to kiss her more. To indulge it what didn't belong to me. She got into the driver side and handed me a bottle of water. "Chug."


"Because you could die of dehydration Simmons." Her eyes met mine, the blue was darker like the deepest part of the ocean. Soon enough she looked to the road and began driving the rental. I drank slowly until the bottle was gone, my body trembling with nerves before I took her hand that was resting on the shifter. The ring Dan had given her adorning her ring finger.

"I'm sorry... I'm a mess.... Janna is gonna... Kill me along with Dan."

"Won't tell them, you're not in your right mind right now."

"What... Did I take?"

"Molly well...Ecstacy. It's a drug that gives you sexual cravings and plays with your mind." She sighed slightly and I closed my eyes to stop the world from spinning.

" Did you take this.... Before?"

" Yeah frequently actually."

" It sucks... Why?"

"Like any drug addict. To escape reality Kyle." She parked the car and looked at me when I opened my eyes. Quickly she got out and helped me out as we made it through the lobby and to the elevator. Will was no where to be seen as she helped me to the sofa and gave me another bottle of water before she sat down. I took a few sips before laying down and resting my head on her lap.


"Yea?" She ran her fingers through my hair trying to sooth my wild thoughts.

"I didn't regret kissing you." She chuckled slightly though in this state I meant it.

"You will in roughly... 3 to 6 hours Kyle I promise you that..."

"Why would I regret it?"

"Because you're on a drug that makes sex very very appealing. You'd maybe even want to kiss Will. Once it wares off you'll come back to your senses."

"Mmm you're right I'm crazy." I laughed softly with my eyes closed. My world spinning. "Will Janna flip out at me?"

"I'm not really sure Kyle. She'll probably be glad you're okay more than anything. Though it is a party drug it still is pretty serious"

"I'm gonna get addicted!"

" No you're not." She laughed loudly still stroking her fingers through my hair. " Get some sleep it will end faster I promise."

" You promise promise?"

"I promise promise Simmons."

" Alright Clarkie night night." Except sleeping was so difficult. So forced that it was like a nightmare to go to sleep. Yet she knew. She knew what it was like to be on this drug and so many more. She was this band's saving grace more than once. However in this moment she was mine. My best friend and ex lover. Now would I have the guts to tell Janna I kissed her? Kissed her under the influences of drugs, however no matter the way it looks I kissed her. Would I be able to tell Dan. Finally.... My brain crashed. Blissful sleep pulling me from the drug's grasps.

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