Studio Sounds

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Alright my lovely readers Nicole is Gabby. So her voice is Nicole's voice. Got it? Good. 😇
Anyways drunk and sober me collaborated on this chapter.

Kyle POV

"Babe?" I groaned to your touch, your fingers raking through my hair. "Babe? We gotta go over to the studio."

"Ugh... Five more minutes Janna."

"Nope. It's already noon. You guys need to get some recording done before Christmas break." I slowly sat up, rubbing my face before glancing at the clock.

"You're right... Bloody hell." I scrambled to get dressed, which was a bit more time consuming with the brace on my arm. It was slowly healing, only adding to the frustration lately. We took the short drive to outside of London. Ever since Dan and Nicole had finished the home studio we gravitated towards working there merely because of the peace and quiet. No paparazzi wandered outside of London for a small band like us. Janna had the spare key and let us inside. Will and Woody where already here by their cars, but every one was already in the studio.


" Hey in here guys!" Nicole's voice echoed through the house as we wandered towards the studio. Clara was sitting on the floor playing with Dan's shoelace. It was scary how much this kid already mirrors his behaviors. Nicole was adjusting the many scales on the sound board along with Dan. " Hey you two, why so late?"

" Kyle slept in." You smirked nudging me as Nicole laughed.

" No surprise there. Dan what do you wanna work on today?"

"You know that Fleetwood Mac song?"

"Dreams?" Nicole glanced to him and he nodded before she continued with the board. " What about it?"

"I wanna sing it with you."

"That would be wicked." Will crossed his arms with a satisfied look across his face. " We should release it right away."

"Why do you want me to sing on it?"

" Because it doesn't sound good without a female voice and yours works so well with that song." He huffed picking up Clara and distracting her with the stuffed bear. "Please?" He slid the lyric paper to her before smirking slightly as she picked it up. It was funny how much control he had over her. Not in a negative sense but merely how well they agreed.

" Bloody hell... You expect me to hit these notes?"

"You hit them in the bedroom." He mumbled making us all laugh and Nicole turned red. He was right though. He passed out the music sheets to Will, Woody, and I before handing Clara over to Janna. Nicole sluggishly got up and followed him into the booth. Janna moved to the control seat while the rest of us followed after into the booth. Dan of course taking hours to approve the background music before he was ready to record. I swear I had never seen something so perfect. Dan and Nicole stood side by side in front of the mic. It was like sex watching these two sing and you can call me gay I don't care.

Their voices mixed like a perfect blended coffee. Emotions crossing their faces as they sung together. I glanced to Will who seemed just as paralyzed in its' beauty. The couple who had been through hell and back singing together like their voices were meant to intertwine in the air. Yeah I regretted sleeping with Nicole all those months ago. Yeah it felt great and I don't fucking deny that, however nothing best Nicole and Dan together just like nothing beat being with Janna to me.

"Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Women they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean you know
You know
All we had and all we lost
You know
All we had and all we lost
You know
All we had and all we lost
You know
All we had and all we lost" They're lips brushed the mic almost in sync of them singing and Dan finished off the song. Janna was biting her lip at the scene and pressed the intercom to the studio.

"Alright now Dan and Nicole... Make out... And record a porno." She laughed before turning red slightly and glancing to Dan who matched the same shade.

"I'm glad you all liked it." He stated as we left the recording booth and stepped into the studio. Nicole set the track up and let it play, we all stood and listened. It sounded album worth but Nicole would surely never allow it, so none of us dared to ask. " Its perfect."

"Great can we have something to eat now?" Woody grumbled slightly before attaching up Clara and making her giggle.

"Uncle fluffy!"

"I'm going to eat you up!"

"Noooos!" She giggled loudly before reaching out for Will. He was like her protector in a way. I was obviously uncle kitty.

" So everyone I have an announcement before we go eat." Janna bit her lip slightly before glancing to me. "I'm pregnant." My heart fluttered in my chest as I yanked you into my arms. Maybe this was the distraction we needed to fully fix our relationship. To stop looking at Dan and Nicole as a goal for our own relationship and just as our friends.

"I'm gonna be a dad?!" You nodded with tears in your eyes while everyone clapped and hollered.

" Yeah baby."

"O this means the baby is getting a kitten! Guys were getting a kitten!" I hollered and Dan chuckled.

"See this is what I'm saying, Kyle is more excited for a kitten then a baby" Dan laughed even more as did Will and Woody.

"I'm excited for both you twat." I squeezed you a little tighter and glanced to our friends. The media would be making us all pick sides soon enough.... What sucked even more is that it would be completely my fault. Nicole would have to pay for it first. Then we'd all be faced with some tough times that would test relationships and friendships. What a wild world.

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