My Best Friend Dan

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Kyle POV

Dan was the only match. A perfect match at that; how funny. His chance of death was nearly zero percent, but it still took some convincing for Nicole to agree. Dan hadn't let go of Clara since he agreed to do the surgery in an hour. His foot nervously swinging back and forth. Nicole could barely stay awake considering she'd just given birth while fighting this disease.



"If Nicole and I don't make it out of this I need you to take Clara... Hell if I don't make it out of it I need you to watch over them both."

" Dan don't talk like that, you'll be fine." I turned them out and scrolled through my phone. My stomach was in knots over this either way. I pulled up Instagram and glanced around, huddling more into my corner. Dan was getting ready for surgery as I typed.

 Dan was getting ready for surgery as I typed

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Hello world,

I'd like you to meet my best friend Dan. Not awkward Dan or singing Dan. Just Dan. Today we welcomed Clara Rose Smith into the world. She's beautiful and I'll leave it to her parents to post the photos. We also were hit with a ton of bricks today. Nicole Clark has cancer. I know some of you don't like her. Some of you wished death on her. Well today Dan gives her a part of himself to save her life. These two are my best friends. Unfortunately I don't have any photos so thanks to the paparazzi for the two hugging snaps (that's probably all you'll ever get of them). I've never seen two people more in love. They're willing to sacrifice anything for each other. So I ask that you keep them in your thoughts. Keep their daughter in your thoughts because she could lose them both. Love you Nicole and Dan - Kyle and everyone else, but mostly Kyle. (October 30th)

I sent it off to Facebook and Twitter too. Sharing it with the world the secret that she held. Janna was holding Clara and now came the waiting game. Will paced and Woody sat biting his nails. Dan was out first, fast asleep and looking more exhausted than before.

"Mr. Simmons?"


"Mr. Smith will be out for a few hours. If he wakes up please tell him to be careful and not move a lot. He could pull his stitches. His recovery time is going to be long... About 6-8 weeks before he feels back to normal. The doctors are working on Miss Clark at the moment."

"Thank you..." I mumbled before looking to Janna as the doctor walked out. She was holding Clara as we walked over to Dan's bedside.

"Hey sweetie here is your daddy... He's okay see?" I stood, shoving my phone in my pocket and walking over to his bedside.

"Hey mate... You're crazy... Absolutely bat shit crazy for her." A chuckle escaped me as I sat down in the chair.

"Remember when they first met?"

"Yeah... He was so nervous... I remember him telling me about them getting stuck at his parents house because of the snow. He wrote oblivion that night and she kissed him. He couldn't stop talking about her." I laughed as did Janna until the door clicked open.

"Miss Clark is out of surgery, she's in the next room over... We'll try to clear one of the double suite rooms so they can be together." Doctor Hughes gave a nod and I kissed Janna's cheek.

"I'll check on her." I wandered down the hall to the next room. To my surprise her eyes were slightly open and she was looking around. "Hey Niks..."

" Where is Dan?"

"He's resting... Which is what you should be doing..." She sighed and nodded slowly.

"Even with all the drugs in my system I can't sleep... I must be use to them..." She winced and tugged the blanket down slightly, glancing at the long line of staples and stitches on her side. " This hurts so bloody bad..."

"Well Dan can be a pain sometimes." I smirked and sat down adjusting her blanket. "Your baby is beautiful..  She hasn't cried once."

"I told her to be good for her father... Seems she was listening in the womb." A weak smile graced her lips as the nurses came in to switch her rooms. I followed down the ball into the double room. I pushed the curtain back so she could see him, Janna, and Clara.

"Hey Niks, how are you awake?"

"I denied anymore painkillers..." She shrugged, but her eyes never stopped looking back and forth to Dan and Clara. Janna stood and brought her over, placing her in Nicole's arms. "Hey there sweetie." Instantly tears filled her eyes. "Gosh you really are beautiful..."

"She's got Dan's eyes." Janna smirked slightly. "She'll get all the guys."

" Dan will be having none of that I'm sure." She smirked before kissing her forehead. Here they were. Sharing a hospital room and an organ. Nothing really could explain them as a couple or as people. They were something so special. Dan groaned slightly, his face mixing with tension and pain.

"Fuck... It feels like something is on fire in my side..."

"That's cause you're missing a part of your liver mate... Doctor said you would be in pain for a couple days..." I sighed and sat back in my chair, glancing between the two of them. His eyes opened and he looked over to her.

"I don't care.... How are you feeling love?"

" As good as you... Here..." She handed the baby to Janna and Janna passed her to Dan. Instantly it was as if the pain went away. Her blue hues locked onto his.

"Here's my beautiful girl... She has your cheeks."

"Are you saying I have fat cheeks?" We all couldn't help but laugh at the bickering that was beginning. It was as if they hadn't been apart for months. As if hadn't spent his nights alone. His birthday wishing it to himself. Her presence made up for it in moments. Their daughter was a Smith. She was safe. Nicole was a Clark.

Here is what she looks like -

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here is what she looks like -

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