Glory of Them

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Don't ask why I attached this video... But I feel like it's a good farewell.


"Thank you everyone..." I adjusted the mic before taking a sip of water. You were slipping on Will's bass before glancing at me. "I'd like you all to give a warm welcome to my wife. She's standing in for Charlie for a few shows while he recovers and giving poor Will a breather." I wandered over to you and smirked slightly. " Do you all want her to sing with me on this next song?" The arena went wild as you turned red and shook your head. "I think they want you to love. Come on!" You sighed in defeat before following me back to the center stage as Woody started off the song.

"Deep in a corner of the night
We were lying in the middle of the road
Counting the planes as they flew by
Inconceivable imagining them go
And drunk we set the world to rise
As we fell and hit our heads upon the curb
You make me laugh until I die
Can you think of any better way to choke?" I sung the first verse and we switched back and forth, you and I sung the chorus together. Our voices mixed like whiskey and coke in a glass. We fell onto our backs, the music stopping and it was just our voices dancing in the silence of the arena. Fans filming and observing our every move.

"I'll take my chances on the curb here with you
We watched the planes leave us behind
On the curb here with you
We watched the planes leave us behind
And, and then you put your hand in mine
And pulled me back from things divine
Stop looking up for heaven, waiting to be buried" Your eyes scanned mine before I got up and helped you up, you wandered over to the side of the stage to finish up the song and to hand off Will's bass once it was over. The rest of the show went as planned, we all waves and took a bow. For once I kissed you in front of the crowd, the wolf whistles and hollers filling the arena.

"That was a great show guys!" Charlie grinned holding Clara who had the big noise cancelling headset on to protect her sensitive ears. You took her into your arms and showered her in kisses as I took off the headset.

"Thank you Charlie." You chuckled before looking to me and kissing my cheek. "I'm so proud of you being spontaneous. I thought someone stole my husband for a moment." I rolled my eyes before kissing your temple then grabbing a towel to set the sweat from my face.

"I wanted it to be special with you out there. They seem to love you."

"Hey guys! Look at this!" Woody was holding his phone and handed it to me.

"#GloryOfThem ?"

"Click on it twat." Woody huffed and I did. It was about tonight's show. About us singing together. Tons of photos and videos.

"O wow..."

"O wow what?" I handed you the phone and you laughed slightly with a smile gracing your lips. "I didn't think it was that good." We walked back to the dressing room as you handed Woody his phone back. "You know I like that ring to it..."

"Ring to what?"

"Glory of Them." You smirked slightly glancing to me. "Sounds like some epic love story. Forbidden yet so epic it survives." I chuckled softly and took Clara from you, who was nearly asleep at this point and laid her off the sofa.

"You're right it does sound pretty epic." I walked over to you and tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ears before pressing my lips to yours. " Then again not to be cheesy but our story is pretty epic."

"Filled will heart break and death... Mixed with happiness and love..." You laughed weakly and ran your hands under my shirt only to slightly tickle me. "Imagine it's only the beginning right now. We have years to go... Dozens of more chapters to write and more stories to be told..."

"More epic adventures....?" I pecked your lips before glancing to Clara. "More epic Nan babies to be had?" You shrugged.

"Who knows what the future will bring Mr.Smith."

"I don't care what it brings just as long as you are by my side Mrs. Smith."

"You two are so sweet right now I think I'm turning into a diabetic." Kyle whined before Janna kissed his cheek.

"Shhh watch our ship sale you idiot. That was like a perfect scene." Kyle chuckled as did you before looking back at me.

"I'll be cheesy with you later then..."

"Lalala" Kyle hollered covering his ears. I sat down and looked at my wedding band, twisting it on my finger as you sat beside me and placed your head on my shoulder, now whispering.

"I think Kyle is just jealous of how epic this story is...."

"I think so too." I smirked before pressing my lips to yours. "I love you."

"I love you too." We sat in silence for a bit. I think this is where it all finally made sense for once. We were this dysfunctional family it that was how we worked the best. All of us living in one bus together, traveling the world and sharing music. Sharing our story and stories we loved to audiences who sometimes didn't even speak our language. Yet it still moved them just as much. It still made their heart pound like it made mine pound while writing it. We shared anything and everything at this point. The pain, the happiness, the best and worst emotions. The fans were just an extended part of this dysfunctional family after all. There wasn't anything to hide anymore in my eyes. The knew all the sides of me just like you. We shared the most important thing with them. I think it finally sunk in what you meant to me. We shared us. We shared to the fans the Glory of Them.

The official ending to glory of them. Wow it's been a wild ride hasn't it? Don't worry there is an epilogue and there will be an opportunity for a sequel down the road. However for now. I hope you all had fun. Look out for new Bastille stories from yours truly 😉

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