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Excuse me... This is drunk me... Enjoy this chapter.


Nicole POV

I woke up to your arms engulfing me. Your legs were tangled with mine and well something was poking my lower back. I groaned slightly and turned around, lazily kissing your lips.

" Love.... Love?"


" You gotta get up and get ready." I mumbled against your lips, a groan escaping you. You sighed and turned onto your back, sitting up and rubbing your face. We didn't talk about last night. There was nothing to say considering.

"Can you do my hair?" I couldn't help but laugh yet nod. Slowly you got out of bed, my eyes following your naked form wandering to the bathroom, the shower water starting to run. This was my life. Our life. With or without Bastille this would still be us in the end. I grabbed my silk robe before wandering into the bathroom, grabbing the clippers before glancing in the mirror. If today I was going to have to face the music then I'd at least have to look good standing beside you on the red carpet. The water shut off and you stepped out, your hair still dry so I could shave it. "What's on your mind?"

" What I'm going to wear tonight." I chuckled and clicked on the buzzers, leaving the top of your hair alone and working on the slides. "I want to look powerful... As if these words aren't tearing me apart." I smirked at the thought. "I want to be a warrior."

"Red... Red will look beautiful on you." I turned the clippers off nodding. You turned the shower water back on, dropping your towel and getting back in to wash your hair. I slipped in behind you, kissing along your back.

"I love you..."

"I love you too beautiful." We didn't waste time showering, then began the progress of getting ready. I couldn't help but giggle slightly at the swade blue shoes you had chosen. Nonetheless you actually dressed up. Your hair styled to its fullest and your eyes told it all. Excitment. Like a child who knew he was going to the amusement park. We stood, side by side looking over ourselves. Our glory. There was something more than we could see right now. "Ready?"

"As I will ever be Daniel." I laughed slightly before taking a deep breath. We were set to arrive at two different times. You would arrive with the band and I alone. We'd meet on the carpet and take it from there. Walking in together and taking it moment by moment. My car showed first and you stared at me, flashing a smile.

"You'll be okay... I'll see you soon yeah?" I nodded as you wrapped your arms around my waist, flashing a grin. Your lips found mine before you gave me a twirl then helped me into the car. The short drive didn't even give me time to calm my nerves. I was rushed out of the car, photos snapping as if these moments mattered.

 I was rushed out of the car, photos snapping as if these moments mattered

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Then there you were. Grinning at me and offering your hand out to me. I couldn't hear anything but cameras going off. I snugged to your side, Janna grinning at me and you.

"My heart is pounding." You whispered into my ear.

"So is mine." I looked into your eyes, smiling back. "I want to kiss you, but I don't want to upset anymore more people.

"Nonsense." You mumbled before pressing your lips to mine. I didn't want this moment to end, yet we knew our limits. Photographers yelling for more and more. Yet we didn't give it. We walked inside, joining the others of the industry. Sam Smith and you seemed to hit it off like old pals. My brain was busy working out every PR nightmare we had just caused in one kiss. I couldn't even focus on the awards, until they mentioned British breakthrough artist. Your hand squeezed mine, you were trembling.

" And the award goes to Bastille!"

"That's us!" You looked at me and I laughed, standing to get out of your way. Will and Woody began to head up, Kyle kissing Janna and you kissing me before I ushered you.

"Wow this is... Incredible." You looked at the award, holding the mic to your lips. "We wanna thank Virgin records for signing us, our parents... Families... Loved ones... I wanna thank Janna and Nicole my fiancée. Love you darling... Thank you." I felt my eyes welling with tears as I clapped. You guys had made it there was no doubting it now.

Odd enough everyone came back except you. You were once again on stage, yet this time holding a card and the mic again.

" This award is for producer of the year...when they asked me to present this I had no idea what I was going to say. In fact I didn't even know where to begin. This person from the beginning put 110 percent into this project. They where there for the worst bits and the best. They saw something in us that we didn't even see in ourselves... This person... Means the world to me and I have seen her fight... This person is my fiancée Nicole Clark. She's worked on every project thrown her way. She not only was my producer, but she's been there for me." I was crying. My eyes releasing single tears that slid down my cheeks with the camera watching me. "Niks come on up love" I laughed softly and blinked away anymore tears as I stood and walked carefully to the stage. My heart racing as I walked up the stairs. My hand found yours as I kissed you softly. The world was losing its mind watching this. Fans were loving or hating us.

"O bloody hell." I took the mic and let you hold my award. "I really wasn't expecting this at all... I wanna thank all the people I've worked with... I wouldn't have anything to produce if I didn't have all of you.... And of course the love of my life... You inspire me with your voice and dance moves every day... Thank you everyone." I gave a wave as we walked off stage. We had just started a fire.

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