Yelling Fears

172 11 2

Nicole POV

After new years you went home. I soon followed and nothing was the same. We noticed this together, maybe not at the same time. I drank and you wrote most of the time. Then it blew up. Just like any other night I slipped on my heels and grabbed my wallet and phone yet you stood by the door tonight, blocking my way.

" What?"

"Somethings bothering you Nikki. Ever since you got back you're the Nikki the news sees. Where... Where is the girl that laid in bed and watched the telly with me?" Your voice began to raise with each sentence. " The girl who could sit around and do nothing with me?! What the fuck is going on?! Snap out of this celebrity shit!" I chuckled and smirked slightly before shaking my head.

"You're serious right now? Get the fuck out of my way Dan." I stepped to the side as did you.

"Walk out the door and I might not forgive you."

"Fuck you." I pushed you aside.

"You're a fucking mess!" I looked back at you and through your anger I saw heart break. I yanked my ring off and tossed at you, it hit your chest before clicking against the floor.

"I'll go be a fucking mess by myself tonight then." I wandered out the door and into the elevator before taking a deep breath. An argument was nothing. It was fixable for something as special as our glory. I huffed noticing I had forgotten my keys in the process of storming out. Thankfully taxis were always flying by outside. I walked a bit before hailing one with a wave of my hand and getting into the passenger seat, the snow was unimaginable the way it was packed to the roads, but London still functioned.

"Where to?"

"I dunno yet. Drive I'll pay double." He shrugged and chuckled slightly. In all honesty I didn't want to drink. The cab smelled of alcohol, little did I know it was the driver. It was nearly midnight when we crossed over that bridge. The bridge where this fucking taxi collided with the car filled with a family. I remember the glass cutting my face, the sound of a screaming man. It was so cold when I woke up. My lips were frozen as my body shook. They were blue like my finger tips from the snow. Blood was covering my hands. " Hello!" I yelled and pulled myself from the taxi that was tipped on its side. The other car wasn't in sight. Not till I forced myself to stand and look over the bridge side. A family frozen in time under the icy water. I had all intentions of going for help. Yet my head was throbbing as I walked down the snow covered streets.

"Ma'am!" A woman was outside of a townhouse, I had no idea how long I had been walking. It was so cold. "O gosh! You've been attacked! Let me call an ambulance!"

" No... No... Just... A taxi." Dan I'll be honest when I say I wasn't thinking straight. I had long forgotten about the accident due to the blow to the head. If I had seen a doctor they would have diagnosed me with a concussion, four broken ribs, numerous cuts and bruises. Yes I'll live either way, but that's besides the point. The lady was scared of me and merely ran inside after nodding. She didn't come out when the taxi came and all I said was hotel. Warmth filling my body from the heater in the car. I arrived at the hotel and got a room, sinking to the floor clutching my phone.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled before crawling to the mini fridge. I yanked the cap off a mini bottle of whiskey and downed the contents. The pain becoming unnoticeable with each little bottle I drank. It was in this moment I denied us. I denied myself of you. There was no going back to you. I was a waiting death sentence. Only a Clark would get here. To this dark place. I was going to die. I knew this. The world expected this of me. To die early. I wouldn't let you be the one to put me six feet under. It was my decision in this moment to forget our glory. To push it down and act as if that argument meant I hated you. I wouldn't indulge in those blue eyes. I wouldn't touch that wild hair. I wouldn't kiss those lips nor hold your hand.

Sobs ripped through my body as I sat on the floor, in my own sorrow. I was going to live alone. You would be my daily nightmare to ignore. Just like that I sunk into sleep.

Gasp. I choked violently as the sun streamed into the hotel room. The accident. The people in the water. You. I drug myself to stand, the pain was bearable, I had been through worse. Now was time to act normal. First new clothes. I grabbed my phone and wallet off the floor before walking to the bathroom and showering. Washing the blood down the drain. My jeans weren't messed up, but my jacket was and going short sleeved in this cold London weather was going to suck. Yet I did. I walked into the lobby, and out of the hotel. There was a shop next door were I bought a red leather jacket and then proceeded to hail a taxi.

"Rough night miss?"

"Car accident." I mumbled. "Virgin records please." He just nodded slowly before driving off. We went over the bridge, cops everywhere. Measuring the road way. I was a ghost there. Nicole died in my mind. I let you go because of that. Knowing that life was out to get me. The man stopped the car and I gave him the money due. Thankfully it was still early as I made my way to my office and sat, closing my eyes. However soon you came in and looked at me with worry. I cleared my throat. " Can I help you with something Mr. Smith?"

" Nikki..."

"It's Nicole." You blinked a few times.

" What happened last night... You need to see a doctor you're a mess."

" Thank you for your concern. Please leave my office."

" Nikki..." I stood, nearly collapsing in the process.

"Get the fuck out!" Like that you left. I sunk into my chair and put my head on my desk. Denying glory is painful. Breaking your heart is even more painful. Yet it was to protect you.


I wanna explain this chapter a bit because it is a very fast moving chapter. So Nicole leaves at night and gets into an accident. Well after she's sort of in shock and wanders. If you've ever been in something tramatic it sort of leaves your mind till you're ready to cope. Well by some miracle she gets to a hotel and decides that leaving Dan is her only choice. This is because she feels like bad stuff is always happening to her so she pushed him away like an asshole. Boom. So question is will they ever get back together? Or will she always push him away?

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang