Accidents Happen

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Happy Saturday readers! Maybe Sunday at this point. (Sike, it's Monday now) I think I wanna just say a shout out to a few people. Love you guys!
_n-y-n-k-e_ danbastille itsoneam thegloryfan TwoEvils kathrinvm Laura_Palmer_Hangin mortalglades

Feel free to comment questions or plot lines you wanna read! 😊

Lastly I know the foot thing happened in 2013 but bite me. I'm making it 2015.

Nicole POV

You came on stage and soon enough the cameras were rolling again. They asked you basic things about the shows, band, and lastly your depression. By some miracle you pushed the situation away as much as possible. I'm glad they didn't ask about your scariest moment. Surely it would have been one of my many overdose stories. The second part of the interview would be tomorrow since the show would need to start soon. Thankfully that was for the whole band.

"I can't believe that interview..." Janna whispered to me as her and I walked backstage. You were starting to practice with the guys. "You know they're gonna keep asking Dan about his health....?"

"Janna I think they'll respect his privacy." I mumbled handing her Clara. " Dan isn't a regular musician. None of us are love..." I shrugged and starting wiring up my headset and clipping the box bit to my jeans.

"Whose to say they won't ask you." She nudged me to get my attention yet I ignored it for the most part.

"Let's just say if they ask me they won't get the answer they want." I smirked before walking back to the stage. "Boys doors open in five so get back here!"

"Geez what's put you in a mood love." You raked your hands through your hair with one of those smirks on your lips. By that I mean, you surely were dying to get in my trousers and seduce me at some point. I rolled my eyes before taking your face in my hands.

"Interviewers... Now... Do not distract me." You huffed, your hands settling on my hips before your lips found mine, the low husky voice I'd come to seek whispering.

"I won't distract you... Not till later when we're in the hotel room.... Alone... And I can fuck you senseless...." I grasped before tickling your side, the low husky voice turning to a high pitched laugh.

"Enough! Go! Go get ready otherwise this show will be delayed!" I couldn't help but last as you huffed and jogged to catch up with the others. It was always peaceful before the doors opened. Arena empty and the only sound is the buzzy of the speakers.

"You're somewhere else this evening..." I nearly jumped to the voice, Kyle was already showered and changed.

"I always am... Something wrong?"

" Janna thinks I'm fucking you." He laughed slightly and crossed his arms, looking around at the arena. I on the other hand was shocked by the statement. " She says I look at you differently than I look at her."

" It's just a Janna phase.... She's dying to have a baby Kyle. She sees Clara and is jealous." I shrugged before digging in my pocket, finding the single cigarette I'd stolen from Coop. "All I can say is talk to her." I lit it after settling it between my brims. " It's only because we use to fuck that she's thinking like that... Plus the world knows it now. Fans know you and I fucked and that's how I found Bastille. So what..." I took a few drags before handing it to Kyle who happily joined.

"You're right... It's a Janna phase... I gotta get back stage." I nodded as he handed me back the cigarette, I put it out against the stage floor before heading back stage as well.

Soon enough fans filtered into the arena. Screams and hollers echoing throughout the place. Grizfolk was amazing as always. You always knew how to pick opening acts. It was like you knew exactly who would blend with your music perfectly.

"Five minutes boys!" I hollered, you kissed Clara who rewarded you with a giggle before you walked towards me. In a swift motion you pulled me closer and pressed your lips to mine. "Good luck tonight."

"Thank you love." I nodded before watching you walk out. The venue small but we loved small venues. It made everything a lot more personal. It wasn't until flaws started that shit began to happen as always. I always watched you and the others as closely as I could. You jumped off stage and then I knew. The way your voice shifting and high notes became weak.

"Dick, get Dan in sight." I mumbled into my mic set and walked between the fence and stage to get a better look. Your eyes found mine and you looked in pain, yet kept singing. "Wheel him in..." I whispered to the stage hand, who started to tug the string attached to you. Slowly but surely you'd made it back up front your hand grasping mine for a moment as you climbed back on the stage. Once I realized you weren't jumping around I knew exactly what was wrong. Something with your foot. I went along the side stage and stood on the side waiting for you to finish.

"Thank you... Um... I think I just impaled my foot on some broken glass... So give me a minute.... I'll be right back..." You glanced to me and nodded your head asking me to come out. I jogged out, the crowd screaming at my appearance during the show. Your arm wrapped over my shoulder, a grown escaping your lips.

" Give it up for Dan everybody!" Kyle earned you a round of applause as we wandered backstage.

"Sit down love."

"Dick prop his foot up, I'll get a med kit!" I ran to the other room, by the time I got back Dick was cutting off your bloody sock, a hunk of glass stuck at the top of your foot. "Bloody hell..."

"Is it bad?"

" Yeah, but I know you're persistent on finishing the show so, I'll do my best." Kyle snickered sitting beside you, chugging a water.

"Smooth one."

"Gee thanks Kyle."

"Love count down from five yeah?" You nodded and I grabbed the piece of glass.

"5...4....3...2... Ow! I didn't get to one!" I say the piece of glass down before cleaning off your foot and getting the alcohol against the wound. Your face tensing with pain.

"Had I let you get to one, you would have pulled away." I sighed and grabbed a butterfly stitch to hold the wound shut enough then added a bandaid. Carefully I wrapped your foot in a gauze before slipping your shoe on. " Listen... Sit during any song you can. Jump on the other foot if you gotta jump." You nodded and sat up as I cleaned my hands with a wipe.

"Thank you love." You kissed my cheek before slowly walking back to the stage. I sat down and took a breath. To us this was a calm day. How I miss them.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora