New Years Glory

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We went back to the hotel and showered, obviously not together. You changed into white shorts and a blouse before curling your hair. I couldn't help but continue to steal glances at you. Little did I know this would be a day for us to remember. Burned into our memories through all that would come.


"'mmm?" I mumbled before blinking a few times then going back to tying on my converses. Once again wearing black jeans and a t-shirt with my wolf hoodie over top.

"I asked are you ready to go love." You laughed softly and slid on your flip flops before grabbing a plain black jumper and slipping it over your curls carefully.

" Yes of course let's go. You think we can walk?"

"It's only about 5 blocks I don't see why not." You shrugged and smiled slightly as I took your hand, the other carrying a bottle of champagne. We walked through the streets, fairy lights lining the roads and different merchants selling goods for New Year's celebrations. This felt good Nicole. Walking with you as if you were mine. We just clicked and not every second together did we feel the need to talk. It was perfect in my eyes. The beach wasn't crowded, yet there were a few families. My parents had two large blankets and food spread out just like everyone else. You sat down and popped a strawberry in your mouth while watching as I fiddled with the bottle of champagne. The sky was so much more clear than in London. You could see stars better and the shades of black. People were swimming in the ocean, music playing for all to hear on the beach and a clock counting down nearby in bright red lettering.

"For you love." I flashed a smile handing you a flute of champagne then my parents whom had brought the glasses. I sat down beside you and poured my own glass before pressing a kiss to your lips.

"Thank you Dan. For all of this it's... really nice. Thank you two as well." You looked over to my parents, my mother giving you a hug.

"O it is our pleasure. I'm just glad my son has a good girl around." You blushes glancing at me before taking a swig of your champagne. We were nearly finished the first bottle when the clock started to count down 30 seconds. Quickly my father refilled everyone's glasses and then 10 seconds.... 9....8....7...6....5....4....3....2...1

Your lips molded against mine, I couldn't help but smile once we parted then down our glasses. Watching the fireworks go off over the water. You leaned your head on my shoulder and intertwined your fingers with mine. Before long that second bottle of champagne disappeared, my parents had wandered off probably to dance. You and I grabbed the blankets off the beach and wandered drunk back to the hotel.

"Happy New Year's Daniel."

"Happy New Year's Nicole." You laughed softly as we wandered into the hotel, dropping the things by the door and clicking the dim light on beside the bed. You were tugging off your jumper when you bumped into me. My eyes locked onto yours, those hues told me more than your lips ever would. Admittedly we were both drunk, yet in control of our actions. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed me before your arms wrapped around my neck to pull me down to your height. Your lips were like a drug, I didn't want to stop. Yet we did only to toss away the shirts between us. Your soft hands fiddled with my belt and shorts before I laid you on the bed. Carly didn't cross my mind at all. You were something completely different. My lips traveled every inch of your skin, the scent of vanilla as always. I'd come to search for that smell. You grabbed my hair and tugged, bringing my lips back to yours as our bodies molded together. Your skin felt smooth like silk under my finger tips. I learned every curve of your body in mere moments. Daring never to forget your movements from my memory. Then the world crashed around us. You laid breathless in my arms, your hand on my chest.

'Till we're lost in the heat of the moment
And I'm moving in you
Help me keep these hours alive
Help me chase those seconds

"I love you... I fucking love you." You mumbled before looking at me, you had tears in your eyes.

"Nikki...-" You placed your pointer finger over my mouth and blinked away the tears.

"Shhh you don't have to say it. I just needed to get that off my chest. I haven't loved anyone. No one made feel this way before Dan... And it sucks because I know if I want you and you want me we have to sneak around.... You drive me crazy with those blue eyes... With your goofy smile and shy attitude..." You looked away for a moment and blinked again, your eyes still watery. "Just... If you don't feel the same let me know now." You moved your finger from my lips and I pulled you closer, my lips meeting yours.

"I love you too..." You smiled weakly and looked into my eyes nodding. This was our secret. A secret we would keep for years to come. A secret that would hurt us both. Drag you through hell and back. A secret we would question between months of space. A secret we would whisper when alone or beside another person in bed. We would go to all lengths to keep this secret for these years to come. With lies and actions. Yet in the end would this secret even mean a thing in all of this? Or would it be something we created this night and abandon as time goes on Nicole. You'll be my secret as I'll be yours. Love hidden in hotels, apartments, and over the phone. I love you Nicole. Hold onto that.


This is the ending of the introduction chapters. Yes introduction chapters! In summary it was merely a build up to this secret that Dan and Nicole have feelings for each other yet she knows this industry and what it can do to couples. So they've created this hidden bond which I'll be writing through the timeline of Bastille's career. The glory of them is this secret. Enjoy!

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