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You fell asleep at some point. Thank God because I couldn't handle you crying over something that wasn't your fault. The excitement of someone related was snatched away before it even came and settled into your heart. Maybe you were right. The Clark name is cursed. Maybe I could save you who knows. I hung up and looked to Janna and Kyle who were watching me brush the silent tears off my cheeks.

" She umm she met Steve's son tonight... He died. Today."

"O Christ...." Janna looked down and covered her mouth. Kyle just closed his eyes.

"From what?"

"Cancer... He was younger than her." I took a deep breath before closing my eyes. " What sucks is none of us can say a thing about him. He will never be known as a /Clark/. He's just another person gone too soon."

"I bet she blames herself." Kyle whispered looking to me, yet I couldn't even speak.

"Its Nicole it's what she does best." Janna shrugged slightly. "She's there dealing with it alone too. Yeah she's got her brother's friends, but they cope differently than her."

"When is our next day off?" Janna grabbed her phone and took a few moments to answer. "Tomorrow the 6th, but starting the 11th we'll be off till the 19th."

" Well figure out where she'll be and we'll go those days. She needs us." Will pitched in before looking to me as I nodded. I stood and stretched with my phone in hand.

" Yeah... I'm going to sleep. I'll check on her tomorrow. Nobody tell her when we're coming. We can at least try to surprise her and maybe change her mood around." I walked to my bunk and plugged in my phone before yanking your pillow closer. The vanilla scent became a sense of sanity. Lately my wrists had been looking good, enough to where I didn't have to wear make up. I felt good. Maybe it's just the pills telling me to feel good. Who knows. Sleep came and went, the braking of the bus was what woke me up. You hadn't sent anything, I prayed you were still asleep. Away from this wild world for a few more hours. Will was up reading while Janna was making pancakes for everyone.

"Morning. Hear anything from her?"

" No, not yet. I'll wait till she sends me something, I don't wanna wake her." I poured myself a mug of coffee and sat down, watching Janna. "I wish she was safe with us. The shouldn't have done that to her."

"You're saying they should have kept her in the dark?"

" It would have protected her from unneeded heart break. She just found and lost the one thing that she had left of Steve. The last blood relative-" my phone vibrated in my pajama pocket and I of course answered once I saw it was you. " Morning love..."

"Morning, thanks for last night... I needed it. What are you going to do on your day off?"

" The bus needs to get us to the next place for set up, so possibly read maybe write. What do they have you doing?"

"Mmm concert tonight at seven. I'm pretty beat though. I wish I could stay in this hotel bed for awhile longer. Rest my mind before I face the others."

" Did they comfort you at all?" You scoffed slightly.

"Please, let's be honest... I don't think they understand how to cope themselves Dan. They still see Steve when they see me. I'm a ghost to them. A shadow of their best friend."

"Just hang in there Nikki."

"I wonder... I wonder if Steve knew he had a kid and still ended his life. If Lorelei knew. He was born right before Steve died. You would have thought he had known."

"You can't rack your brain over Nicole. Focus on why you're there..." I sighed and mouthed a thank you to Janna once she sat a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Mmm cancer. That's why I'm here... The guy who replaced Steve has cancer... Steve's son is about to be in the ground because of it..." You sighed. "Sorry I'm just in a mood. I just wish I was there.... With all of you idiots." I chuckled mid bite. " Are you eating?! Did Janna make pancakes without me there?! Put me on speaker! Jannnnnna!" I began laughing hysterically and sat the phone down, after all it was already on speaker.

"Whaaaaat Clarkie?!"

"You made Pancakes without me! How could you?!"

"I'm sorry I was hungry." Janna whined into the phone before shoving another pancake slice into her mouth.

"Traitor." You were pouting obviously in the other side of the phone. "I'll just have myself the breakfast buffet. Alone. With no pancakes."

"Bull crap we both know you won't miss out on pancakes."

"Fine you're right." Janna chuckled before handing the phone over to me. " Alright I gotta go and get my damn day started. Don't forget I'm an hour ahead of you all. I love you all. Love you Dan."

" Love you too. Call me later."

"Don't doubt it." You hung up and a slight laugh passed my lips.

"She's in a good mood considering." Kyle mumbled with a mouth full of food.

"She's coping there is a difference. She'll be thinking about it all day today trust me." I shrugged. "All we can do is answer when she calls to make her feel better.... Hopefully."

" You got something else on your mind... What is it?"

"I wanna tell the world about her... Like always but I can't."

"Maybe next year yeah? I'm sure she'll agree sooner or later."

"I doubt it. I just hope the fans don't get too crazy. I mean they're all super cool on tour. I love meeting them, but you can tell some of them expect more from me. As of I'm going to look in their eyes and find love." I shrugged again. It seemed to best discribe my emotions lately.

" We'll see Dan... We'll see."


He looks tired af in this gif

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He looks tired af in this gif. Anyways, carry on! Hope you all are enjoying this story. I'm sorry to tell you, but it's far from over and we're already at chapter 74 I believe. So... I really dunno how high I'll get in chapter numbers. Maybe close to 200 😩 I'll feel so bad for those who haven't started reading yet.

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