Your Hand In Mine

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I sat down in the small Italian restaurant we loved so much. Will was holding Clara and I sat in one of the chairs facing the empty one before me. I was nervous that you wouldn't show up and I would sit here waiting forever. Yet the door clicked open and I felt my heart pound with anxiety. Janna stood beside you as you sat and she looked to me while asking you questions. They made you nervous and I could tell by the way you twisted your wedding ring around your finger. Part of me was surprised you still wore it. The other part of me was happy you actually still did. Even I was tearing up at your answers.

"Stand up and stay still." Janna said to you and you stood. I stood and quietly as I could took a step towards you as the music of oblivion started to play. I carefully took your hand in mine and with the other lifted off the blindfold. Your eyes were wide with shock yet welling with tears like my own. I pressed my lips to your forehead, the aroma of vanilla coming from your locks as we slowly danced and I sung to you. Every one else was dancing now too, enjoying the simple moment we earned. You refused to take your head off my chest until you caught a glimpse of Clara.

"Wanna say hi to her?" You nodded slowly and we walked to the table. Her eyes were locked on you as you picked her up. "Clara do you know who this is?" She nodded, mouth ajar as you laughed slightly. "Who is she then?"

"Dis mummy!" She squealed with excitement, your eyes welling with tears.

"When... When did she learn to talk?"

"A little after her first birthday." I mumbled, instinctively wrapping an arm around your frame and pulling you closer as I kissed the top of your head. It felt so good to have you near. It had been too long.

"Come on love birds let's eat!" Will hollered sitting down at the long table. Clara clung to you for dear life and you didn't mind. You sat down with her on your lap. Every few seconds she'd look up at you.

"I would ask what you've been up to, but Janna told me you haven't been singing or playing at all." You glanced to me and I nodded slowly. My hand finding yours under the table.

"I just..."

"Felt like it wasn't worth it to try?" You mumbled and I nodded before signing.

" Kyle gave me your book..." Your eyes widened slightly with a look of horror. "I understand."

"You do?"

" Yeah so much that I actually wrote for once..." I lowered my eyes for a moment and you squeezed my hand. We dropped that topic as the food came out. Clara stealing from your plate with ease. I couldn't help but steal glances at you. Your lips seemed more pink yet your frame looked the same minus some weight. Then there were the bruises that peaked from under the thin layer of make up near your eye. I could only imagine where you'd been, who you had seen, who had laid beside you at night. In that moment I wish I could have gone back a few months. Come to find you and save you from your self punishment. Tell you that I'd forgiven you. Yet here we sat. Like teenagers stealing glances of each other.

"Mummy.... I'm seepy." I glanced down at Clara who placed her head against your chest with closed eyes. You sighed softly and ran your fingers through her short hair.

"Shhh baby... Rest your eyes we'll go soon..." You sighed softly and sat back so she'd be more comfortable. Your plate was cleared anyways.

"You're coming home with us right?"

"That's your decision... I don't mind sleeping in the guest room." I chuckled softly and leaned back as well.

"Your my wife Niks... I want you back... Us back to normal... She missed you... And you don't deserve to lose any more time with her just as neither of us deserve to lose any time with each other." I grabbed my bomber jacket off the back of the chair before standing. You stood and held Clara, hugging everyone one at a time.

"You seem better." Kyle mumbled coming over to me.

"I've got my life back... Thank you... To you and Janna." We hugged for a moment then parted ways. You walked with me to my car and buckled Clara into her seat. Before I even started to drive your eyes are closed. You looked exhausted as if this was the first time you'd properly slept. I gently shook you when we got home and you grabbed Clara while I grabbed her things. She was barely conscious enough to keep her eyes open yet she was determined to soak in your features.

"Daddy... Mummy back... From Hewahe?"

"Hawaii?" You looked at me before settling her in her crib. She was already back asleep.

"The photo I took in Hawaii of you... She would look at it every night before bed..." I closed her door and took your hand, leading you to the bedroom. "When she asked where you were I said Hawaii." I shrugged slightly. "I figured it would be the best lie to tell her." You nodded and once I let you go you wanders to the bathroom, washing your face after shedding your dress and slipping on one of my shirts that I offered. I finally saw all the colorful marks. It made my stomach churn, yet I knew the stories. I walked up behind you, looking over your reflection. "Why'd you let them hurt you?"

"Because... I hurt you..." You mumbled and I shook my head, leaning down and pressing my lips to your neck.

"Let's not talk about it... Come on love." I scooped you up and carried you to our bed. Your side had been untouched since you last laid in it. I stripped down to my boxers and laid down beside you, pulling you against my chest. Now it was time to face this wild world.

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