What Would You Do?

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I wasn't right behind you like I had planned. In fact the police secured my wrists in cuffs with Janna. Janna was only arrested because she was yelling at the officers and threatening them. Will promised he'd visit and let me know about you as soon as he could. Kyle said he'd call Burrows. It was mess. Then again I had never sat in a prison cell before. All I could picture was Londy's blood splattering in the white snow. The snow you and I sat in as it continued to fall.

"Mr. Smith?" I looked up as they opened the door and followed after. Thankfully lacking the cuffs this time. The room was dark with a table and I sat down, taking a deep breath. " We have to keep you till we confirm your story. Now please... If I could ask you some questions."

"Of course." I mumbled looking down as I picked at my shoe laces.

" How did the female get onto the property?"

" She was a friend and she was staying with us. She was lying to me about things Nicole was doing... It's all on the film I mentioned."

" How did she end up getting shot Mr. Smith?"

" She shot my wife and had a gun to her head... So I shot her..." I was nearly trembling. The whole concept of me possibly going to prison was scary enough. The man looked down at his paper work before sighing slightly.

"We'll get your discharge paperwork together... Your story matches the others and you've offered up those tapes. I'm sure if there is anything wrong on them you will cooperate with us. As for the boy... He will be going to social services and they will locate his parents." I nodded slowly before sighing. "I don't normally say this... Especially in this situation but you did the right thing." He closed the folder and stood, leaving the door open as two officers motioned for me to follow. We walked to the gated door and restamped my finger prints before they handed me a bag with my things.

"Well well jailbird twin." I glanced over to Janna smirking at me as she adjusted her watch.

"Have you heard anything about Nicole." She shook her head before motioning to her phone.

"It's dead, how about yours?" I picked through the bag before grabbing my phone, holding the power button. Thankfully the device lit up and I motioned to the door. "Dan, how are we going to get to the hospital from here?"

"Ermm.." I sighed and quickly dialed Woody's number only for it to ring till the answering machine. "Seem's like we need to find a cab." I sighed and we started to walk down the street. I could still see Londy holding the gun to your head. Knowing that I ended a life continued to aggravate my already pessimistic brain.

"Dan.... Dan?" Janna jerked her arm into my side pulling me from my thoughts. She had a taxi already, door open to the backseat. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I mumbled getting into the car with her before rubbing my face. " It's just haunting me what I did."

"You saved Nicole from a psychopath. What's haunting you about it then?"

" The fact that I took a life." We sat in silence for a few moments. I think she understood how I felt. That yes I saved you but I wanted to be right about Londy. To be right about Camden. "He isn't mine."

"And you're surprised?"

"After everything no, but I sort of wish he had been mine.... I thought I would have been a good father to him."

"You're a good father to Clara. A husband to Nicole." A smile crossed my lips as I nodded slowly. You were finally a Smith. Your wedding band was lodged in my night stand drawer for the day the paper came yet it came while you were upset. The taxi stopped, Janna thankfully had her wallet to pay the man before we climbed out. I hated walking down these hallways. It was always sickening to me. The smell of death, alcohol, and cleaner constantly invading my nose.


"Where is my wife? Nicole Smith." She looked down at her paper work for a moment.

"Mrs. Smith is down the West wing...." I only nodded in response rushing down the hall. My heart was racing with the need to see you. To smell you and to feel your skin against mine. Yet I stopped in my track with Janna. What would do you if you saw the smile on Kyle's face talking a way to your wife. Will bouncing Clara on his knee. It was like watching a family from outside a window. Until you saw me. Another million watt smile flashed my way as you rushed over, your arm in a sling but the other wrapping around my torso. I just held you, closing my eyes and soaking in your scent.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so fucking sorry." I mumbled before kissing your neck.

"I forgive you..."

"You're officially my wife and day one I fuck it up." You laughed and pulled away before kissing my lips in a peck.

" We all fuck up sometimes. Clara look whose here, your daddy." You let me go to take our daughter from Will and brought her to me, sighing softly. She had my eyes, staring into my soul. This felt right. 2015 was going to be my year for my family. Certainly not for my career but it didn't matter right now. I had you and Clara holding me up in the slump of writing.

"Hello my beautiful girl.... Did they say when they could discharge you?" You shrugged one shoulder before motioning to your wound.

"i've got therapy obviously. The bullet nicked my muscles but other than that a clean shot. Just another scar I can wear with pride."

" And I can say I've been to jail." I smirked slightly before laughing. It all seemed picture perfect in this moment.

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