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Janna POV

The scene was like it was from a movie. The broken woman on the bathroom floor fighting between consciousness and the abyss. I was overjoyed that Dan was out of town, in fact in Paris where she had been. Dozens of pill bottles lined the counter tops. I snapped photos for Kyle's sister. She was a doctor and always free to help us out. This case would be her worst yet. Kyle scooped her up, she looked up at you for a moment before her eyes closed and her head fell against your chest. She was sweating yet shivering which meant she more than likely had a fever.

"Call Kate."  You mumbled as we walked through the lobby and towards our car in the parking lot. I already had my phone pressed to my ear.

" Hello, Janna?"

"Kate we need a huge favour. I'm sending you photos now. Can you come over it's our friend Nicole."

" Alright, I'll bring some supplies once I see the photos. See you soon." I hung up and quickly sent all the photos I had taken before getting in the driver side as you laid Nicole down in the back then covering her with your coat. I had never seen her in this state. Pale and exhausted having given into her demon. I maneuvered our way through the London streets and parking in the spot outside of your and I's townhouse. Kate was already there waiting by the front door in her puffy jacket with a duffel bag of god only knows what. You rushed to grab Nicole from the back, she was shivering worse, eyes closed.

"Get her inside, put her on the sofa and get all the blankets you can find." Kate hollered at you and I before I rushed to get the door open and search for blankets. It didn't take long to gather all the warm blankets and wrap her tiny frame all except her arm which Kate was sticking a IV line into her veins.

"What is happening to her?"

"Well the doctor on those bottles... Doctor Hunt... he's making a million dollar cocktail." Kate huffed slightly. "It happens to celebrities or people with a lot of money. A doctor will prescribe them a shit ton of drugs and get them addicted. Addicted to the point where if they stop taking them they get sick and die. Nicole is fighting for her life tonight." Kate looked to me before looking back to her patient. "Get me a cold rag for her forehead."

"How is that even legal?"

"It isn't. It's just a quick way to make money. I've already sent in the documentation to the board before I even left the house to get his license revoked."

"Christ.... I'm gonna call Lorelei." I sat down and typed away on my phone before clicking speaker as it rang.

"Hello Janna, how's it going?"

"It's Nicole... she's really ... really... sick. A doctor... Hunt? He gave her all this medication after a car accident she was in and it just... destroyed her."

"Wait you said doctor Hunt?"

"Yeah, it is the name on all the labels."

"Janna that was the doctor that Steve and Richard her father had when they died." I looked to you, you were rubbing your face at the fact. This man had killed the Clarks. Created this Clark curse for decades. "Listen, I'm with Phil right now and the others in LA, but keep me posted. I'll have that fucker in court if he's behind all of this.." I just hung up on her and sat there silently cursing. Then a huff of a laugh left me.

"He killed her father and her brother... the same fucking way I bet."

"Janna... we can't do-." You stated before looking back to Nicole

"I'll fucking hang him." I looked to you, with a stone cold expression before taking a deep breath.

"I'll help." Kate huffed and stood, pacing. "Alright so she's got fluids going to her body. She's dehydrated. Lack of sleep. This is going to be the longest twelve hours of our lives."


"Because we might have to kick start her heart. It's racing in her bloody chest because of the medication. If it gets off pace we need to shock it back into rhythm." Kate sat down and looked to Nicole. "He really was trying to kill her. A million dollar cocktail is life ending after a couple months."

"Why do they call it a million dollar cocktail?" You looked to your sister with a quizzical look.

"Because, the twenty different pills... well by the bottle added all together equal a million. That's 50,000 a bottle." She rubbed her temples before looking to Nicole who groaned.

"Mmm. Janna?"

"Hey..." I mumbled and kneeled beside the sofa. Her voice was nearly a whisper. "You're safe... you need to rest though."

"Where is Dan?" Her eyes opened to meet mine before they closed again. I'm glad I didn't get to answer that question before she fell asleep again. He had been a mess. Doing interview and coming home to sleep. Sleep was his drug. His escape just like she had alcohol. There wasn't a moment his hand wasn't in his pocket, it was obvious her ring was in there. He wouldn't let go ever. Even if that meant torturing himself.

"Why don't we put her in the guest room with his things. She might feel more comfortable." You mumbled before shrugging. "I don't know what drove her to leave, but I have a good feeling it will all go back to normal."

"You're right. Let's put her in there." Kate held the bag as you and I carried the nearly lifeless body of Nicole down the hall. Dan's room was... well... Dan's. Music written on paper and scattered. Clothes tossed into a pile. Nothing too messy, far from the level of Kyle's disastrous mess making skills, but surely messy.

"Hopefully she doesn't wake up anymore. I'll take the first watch, then Kyle and then you Janna. I'll get a heart monitor hooked up so you all can hear the beat. If it becomes off just come wake me up got it?" I nodded as Kate sat on the sofa in Dan's room. What now? Well... we wait.

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