Night Talk

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Kyle POV (so since this is Kyle POV you is obviously Janna)

You and I exchanged a exhausted glance, we knew it was time to head home and get some rest. Afterall this Nicole situation was exhausting for all of us.

"You ready love?" I mumbled, kissing your cheek before you nodded. My glance laid upon Will and Woody crashed out on the other sofa. Dan was sleeping in the chair with his head on Nicole's good thigh and she was fast asleep. We crept out of the hospital room, your hand clasped in mine. "Who would have thought all of this would happen..."

"I know... I know we haven't had time to talk about this, but what do you think of Dan being with Nicole?"

"I pray she doesn't break his heart. I mean... Who knows her more than Dan at this point? No one. He's the only one she's let in that we know of yeah?" You nodded slowly.

" Yeah... I trust her not to break his heart Kyle.... Then again I know how serious she can be sometimes. Sometimes I would hate her because her business side takes over, yet at the end of the day she says she's sorry. I mean the girl doesn't have any family can we blame the way she came out?"

" When I went with Dan we actually went to her place... All his things are there. So I was snooping and I found her office. There is a photo of her brother who died yah? And her father who died right? Do you know how he died?"

" Nicole only said he hung himself... Steve died of alcohol. Her mother I haven't even heard her mention. I assume she's out of the picture."

"She's damaged..."

"And Dan isn't?"

" Dan was bullied as a kid." I shrugged slightly before getting into the car. "I mean really bullied." You climbed in and buckled up, glancing to me as I began to drive us home. " He was really fat in high school, I only knew him as the chubby kid with glasses. People would steal his glasses, make fun of him, it got so bad that junior year he disappeared. Senior he came back skinny as all hell. I don't mean I'll, but it was a huge change for everyone at school. He still had this God awful hair cut until high school. It was like a military cut." I chuckled slightly. "I never spoke to him till almost the end of senior year when I caught him singing after school in the hall. I told him I played bass and other stupid stuff. We started hanging out then. He's really my best mate."

"I hate to say it, but Nicole is mine. She's a closed book, but sometimes that book just cracks open." I glanced at you at the red light, you were obviously thinking back. My eyes went back to the road as you sighed. " I met her at work... She was I think 18 like me... She's always off somewhere else in her mind. I don't know what she's been through really. She drinks too much. That's the demon I'm afraid of because I saw what happened to her brother. There was a movie on it... He at one point had a blood alcohol level of .59... That's nearly 60% of his blood... He lived that time too. I know Nicole drinks and she can handle her booze. I'm just afraid one day I'll see her bleeding from her mouth like him."

"Janna you can't worry like that... She has friends like us... A good job."

"So did Steve and thats what scares me. I mean Phil and Lorelei both seemed nervous even seeing her drink. I think there is more to this than what meets the eye Kyle. Just make sure Dan is keeping tabs on her. He's the only one she's been letting in and I don't understand why..." We climbed out of the car and into the apartment lift, lately you had been staying at my place. Though you kept your place. I tossed my jacket once we were inside my apartment. Quickly pulling you into my arms.

"Relax please? No more Nicole talk for tonight?" You laughed softly before you pressed your lips to mine. This felt right. Not like kissing Nicole. This was more than meaningful. "I love you..."

"I love you too." Your teeth tugged your lip slightly before you pulled away and wandered to the bedroom. We got changed into our pajamas and I pulled your warm body close to mine. "Kyle?"


"Will you promise not to forget about me when you go on tours?"

" What makes you think we are going to get big?"

" Nicole knows what she's doing..."

"Why not come with me then?" You laughed softly.

"I'm no manager, but I'll surely make some shows. I can't always be there though, I've got other bands to sign and get started." I sighed and kissed the top of your head.

"Do you love that job though?" You shrugged slightly.

" Nicole got me that job... She wouldn't have anyone if I left persay. I mean maybe I could tour with you guys, but I can't just leave her in the dust."

"I know Janna. Enough worrying? Get some rest." You kissed over my heart and soon enough you were off to dream land. I could tell by the drool tickling my chest. You were afraid to leave Nicole by herself and that was interesting for sure. What had you two been through to create such a bond? Obviously she hadn't told you much about her life. Dan was the only one who knew her inner workings. Truth be told he would be the only one for years to come. Even then she would probably push him aside. I sighed and felt my eyes get heavy. Turning on my side and engulfing you in my arms even more. This was it. You're the girl of my dreams Janna. Hopefully you love cats.

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