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Nicole POV

I sat up and drug myself to the driver seat of Alex's Land Rover. My head was pounding like always. Yeah last night wasn't my best choice, but did it really matter? Obviously I wasn't going to become a cocaine addict, but I could tell you were worried. Worried for my state of mind. Little did you know I did this daily before I met you. Drinking, smoking, getting high. Escaping reality so time would pass me by faster. I turned the key and drove through the Hollywood hills to the large white house nearly hanging off the cliff, lunch went untouched, more like not even made, but what was the point. I wasn't hungry anyways. My legs guided me upstairs where I changed into a bikini then walked outside by the pool. The sun would surely do my pale skin some good. I laid down and closed my eyes, yet already my phone began to Buzz to which I answered.

" Hello?"

" Hey Nikki, some friends and I wanted to see what you are up to tonight?" Robert aka Logic or Bobby.

"Laying around more than likely. Why? What do you have in mind?"

"Coming over and throwing a party. Just a few people." I chuckled softly.

" Yeah I don't give a shit. Bring your own everything. I'm not supplying. Is your wife okay with you coming over?"

" Yeah she might come too, if she's feeling up to it."

" Alright don't get me in trouble with the Wife and you can come." He chuckled before I heard a few Wooos in the back ground.

" Alright I'll be over in a few hours to set up. Shoot me the address."

" Alright love toodles." I hung up and of course sent the address before sighing. Maybe it's odd, but I force myself to remember your features as if I would forget them. Sometimes I think about Ian too. About waking up that day after the abuse. Then there are days I think about the building falling. My leg still throbs some days, but I won't admit it. Sometimes I obviously walk funny, but now a scar resides where a hole once was placed. I grabbed my phone and wandered inside, it was close to 5 now, which meant you were surely due to call soon since it was 1am there. I ran inside and upstairs, quickly changing into some sweat pants and leaving my bikini top on as I sat my computer on the bed. It felt like a century before Skype loaded and you called. You grinned and waved, your glasses adoring your face, hair a wild mess.

" Hello love! Go tanning today?"

"Yeah, I needed something to do." I laughed and couldn't help but smile at seeing your face. You looked exhausted though. " How was dinner? Tell me every thing?" You sat back, you were in our bed, head phones in to hear me.

" Well we went to the pub, Kyle couldn't decide what he wanted so we all ate by the time he had gotten his food ordered. He took it to go. Will and I had a few drinks and chatted about some album tweaks. I can't wait for you to sit and listen to the whole thing. I know it's shit, but you seem to like most of the songs already."

"Dan it isn't shit!" I bursted into laughter, I so badly wanted to shake you. "Its good so get over it. You've got a voice of a damn angel. Women will swone, if not teenage girls." You covered your red face before shaking your head then a yawn escaped you.

"Brilliant, hopefully they give me space."

"I doubt that... I see you're getting sleepy, you want me to wish you good night Mr. Smith." You nodded, struggling to keep your eyes open.

"Good night love."

"Good night babe. Love you."

"Love you too." I clicked end and closed my laptop. Our calls were short, but they made the days bearable. By now there began a persistent buzzing from the doorbell, I forced myself down stairs to the few guests at the door. David, Robert, and Avicii. Rob grinned like an idiot before the lot began to rush around with alcohol and soon the flood of people. Food, Booze, Drugs. Whatever people brought we had. Yet I wasn't in the mood. I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a glass, sitting by the pool where it was less crowded. Yet Robert found me and sat down, snatching the bottle, blunt between his lips as he poured some into his glass. I snatched the blunt and took a drag.

" Well why is our lovely hostess drinking alone. Are we missing home?"

"Minor statement." I downed a swig before taking another drag and letting the smoke leave my lungs.

"Yeah, well I can understand. Jessica actually had to head home her mom is sick."

"O wow I'm sorry."

"It's life you know... Who are you missing?" I shrugged slightly.

" My friends."

"Bullshit." He nudged me before laughing with that goofy grin. "Its a guy. You ain't gotta tell me his name, just tell me what you miss." I cursed under my breath. It was that obvious?

"Everything about him. You know me, I've never been one for love and all that bullshit. I fucked for fun. Left people broken hearted. Shit even you." I chuckled as he nodded and shrugged with a dumb smile.

"But this guy... The day I met him I knew... I knew I would be a fuckin fool for him." I took another drag before chuckling. "He's goofy and smart. We don't tell the world our business because it's our business. I love it that way. Yet it's hard because he's so great I hate not being able to say his damn name." Robert laughed before snatching the blunt back. My body was beginning to tingle from the drug. It was always so calming to my body.

"No one said you have to keep it a secret though."

" Yeah, but he's a good guy... Too good to be seen with a woman like me. Maybe one day though I'll shout his name... It won't be a secret anymore."

"Well I can't wait to meet him and tell him thanks."


"For saving my best friend from her demons." I nodded slowly and cheered my glass to his. To our glory my love.

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