She's Empty

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Janna POV

Even with the four hour flight to make a game plan I still felt unprepared for what was about to happen. I landed in LAX and rented a car before making my way to Williams' home. Two cars were parked inside the gate. I punched in the code and parked beside the viper as the front door opened. Jesse. Lanky and half asleep by the expression on his face. Yet he had a duffle bag in hand, he was leaving. The tattoos couldn't cover the needle marks on his neck.

" Hey, who are you?"

"I'm Janna, you don't remember me?" He smirked slightly before tossing his bag in the Cadillac beside the viper.

" Well I'll be damned. I really don't think she wants to see you."

"I don't care. Run along." I glared at him, pulling out the key, yet he grabbed my wrist.

"Let me rephrase it... Maybe it's best if you don't see her." I expected a glare when I looked into his eyes. Yet it was something else. Sorrow? "She's not feeling well today."

"She hasn't been feeling well since she met you Mr. Rutherford." He chuckled slightly.

"I don't think you know a damn thing about her then... She was the only thing keeping me alive... She got me my girlfriend back... She's in a lot of pain just like I am... Then again you don't even know me." His face went stone cold. I had no idea what he meant at the time.

"You're fucking her for fame. What else do I need to know?"

"Her and I are two damaged people.... She lost the person she loved because she had to and yeah we fucked... We fucked and shot each other up with drugs. We still do the latter!" He sighed and looked around, controlling his temper. "She told me to leave... To stop fucking around Devon... Because I just got her back.... So that woman in there... She's fucking gold. If you're just here to give her shit then go... She doesn't need more pain.... I come here everyday and make sure my best friend is alive. Yeah I use a lot... I use with her because I can't do that shit in front of Dev... So go fuck yourself before ruining her day." He got into his car and left me standing there. My heart was racing as I approached the door and knocked. It wasn't long before I heard the door look. Her eyes were glossy, pale blue and lips cracked. She was thinner than I remember and the marks on her body told me more than I wanted to know.

"Janna?" I nodded slowly, unable to speak. I was too surprised at the sight standing before me. " What are you doing here?" She blocked my sight of inside the house, lowering her eyes.

"You're destroying him." She closed the door and I tried to open it, but she had already locked it. Her weight could be heard sliding against the door then sobs.

"Go! Go away Janna" Her voice cracked as she raised it. Then silence.

"Nicole! Nicole!" I sighed and sat down at the front step, looking out at the view. "He misses you. He's in pain just like you Niks..." I stood and looked at the house. Making my way around back. I climbed onto the back porch through the bushes. I knew her too well. The back door wide open for the ocean breeze. I walked into hell. The place was spotless except for the line of pill bottles, assortment of coke, and the vials on the counter. Then there she was. Laying nearly lifeless by the front door, trembling with a needle in her hand. "Niks!" Her eyes opened slightly before she squeezed them shut. "I'm calling an ambulance."

" No! No... Get me to the bath... Cold water... Janna... Just go." It took me a moment to comprehend her, yet I knew to sprint upstairs. Her room was neat, his things still lingered and smelled of his cologne. There it hung. The wolf hoodie on the door to the bathroom, just walking by it still smelled of Dan. I started the cold water bath before running downstairs. She was sweating in her high waisted shorts and t-shirt. It was scary how easy it was to lift her. Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Without undressing her I put her in the tub, a hiss coming from her lips. "Call Jesse... Tell him... I'm sick..." She groaned nearly doubling over as she grasped her stomach. All I did was nod then search for her phone. Thankfully I knew Nicole well. It was still on the bed from this morning. I clicked his name and hit send.

"Niks? Babes what's wrong?"

"She's sick! She's shaking and... She told me to call you"

" Fuck... Get her in cold water I'm turning around." He hung up and I was left staring at her shivering body. Eyes squeezed shut.

"I would kick your ass right now Nicole if you weren't like this..." She managed a huff of a laugh.

"It doesn't matter if you... Do Janna.... It doesn't change anything..."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't go back... I can't change what... I did... what I had to do..."

" Nicole what are you talking about?"

"I left Dan.... Because I had to...." It was all coming together in a sick and twisted way. "They were gonna make him choose.... So I choose for him." She opened her eyes. They were blood shot as tears left. I didn't even hear Jesse rushing into the bathroom and scooping her out. He understood her demon. Dan understood the real her. Jesse eased up her shirt and stuck something that looked like a epi-pen into her side. Thinking back it must have been a drug to reverse an overdose because she started to calm. Her hair soaking his shirt.

"Can you not scare me like that?" He mumbled and she laughed weakly.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know who else to call."

"I'm glad you called me... You're my best friend. Devon would want me here for you." He sighed softly, watching her eyes closed. "She's exhausted. Let's get her in something dry and put her to bed."

"Wait.... Your girlfriend knows about her... About you seeing her?"

"Yeah... Nicole called Devon... She told her the truth... About me... About how much I missed her and Dev took me back... I'll never stop being there for Nicole..." He sighed and helped me get her into dry clothes. "Like I said... She's my best friend. I'll protect her."

" Then why help her shoot up?"

" So we don't overdose..." I adjusted the blanket once he laid her in bed. "We always helped each other... We still do... It's dangerous to use but we need to.... We're addicts." It left him like a whispered sin. She was an addict. A bad addict. One that maybe couldn't be fixed.

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