Festival Camping

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My arm ached with a thumping pain. It was the only way I could carry you with me without flat out telling the world. Even then I would still be covering this tattoo nearly every day. We parked in the lot with everyone else, hiding ourselves under hoodies and sprinting with our bags far out into the field away from civilization. Kyle could be seen in a tiger print onesie, setting up a purple tent with Janna. Chrissy and Woody had blue. Will had black. You and I had red.

"Dyle together again!" Kyle hollered in my direct, I couldn't help but laugh in between catching my breath and tossing the bags down. " What took you two so long?"

"We live further away you goof." You huffed and laid in the grass, looking up at the sky for a moment before closing your eyes. You seemed so at peace. Then again coming here was your plan for running away from your troubles.

"It's so nice outside... Enjoy it while it last guys. This is England it's rare to be this nice out."

"Soo true..." Janna joined you in the grass, I snapped a photo and chuckled.

"I ship Nan."

"Bite your tongue love, I can make Dyle jokes in my sleep." You smirked and looked at me before sighing and grabbing the tent bag. You were quick in setting up camp, Will built a fire and Kyle ventured off to the food trucks, coming back with Smores ingredients for later. Florence and the machine was playing this evening so us as a group ventured to the main stage. It didn't seem like anyone recognised us even with Kyle standing out in bright orange.

"Can you see?" I bent down and whispered into your ear over the music. You shook your head no and shrugged. In a swift swoop I got down and lifted you onto my shoulders. Kyle did the same for Janna. Your fingers raked through my hair as I ran my hand along your calves, just being us. No one here was to hide from. Then again we always could play stuff off as friends. As the show went on you tapped my arm and I let you down, you were grinning ear to ear.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah I'm starving, shall we?" I chuckled as you nodded and just you and I walked our way to the many food trucks. " How did you like it?"

" It was good and you?"

"Mmm it was nice. I'm more excited for tomorrow's line up."

"Me too. Hopefully holding me up didn't burn your energy too much." I chuckled softly and took your hand, giving it a squeeze before letting go.

" No love, you're light to me." I sighed and glanced at the different trucks. "Tacos or...pizza?"

" You had me at tacos." You shrugged and we walked to the truck. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and turned around to four grinning teenage girls.


"Hi, you're Dan from Bastille right? Can we get a picture?" You smiled looking to me and offered your hand to them.

"I can take it for you."

"You're Nicole! Their manager! O my gosh I wish I had your job." The other one said handing you her camera.

" It is quite fun. Alright gather round... 3....2...1" you snapped a few photos before returning the camera to the girls.

" It was nice to meet you all."

" Yeah, thanks so much for the photo!" They ran off, joining another herd of their friends. You were already looking back at the menu and ordering twenty tacos for the whole group along with chips and dip.

"That's your life now Mr.Smith. Do you like it?" You smirked at me as we waited for the food.

"I like that people enjoy our music. You know me... I'm not into all that attention." I took your hand, leaning against the side of the truck and examining the lines. "I like you and I just being us... Not standing so far apart... Not acting as if we don't sleep side by side... Or make love... Christ were engaged and the whole world sees you only as my manager. Nothing more and I hate it sometimes. Then again I love you being just mine. My secret." You smiled and nodded.

"I feel the same way... I know though that as time goes on it will be easier on your career... I'm making a better name for myself... So that people don't see me as a bad thing for you." You managed a weak smile before they called your number and we gathered the food.

"I don't care what they think... I know you..."

" Yeah I know... You know... I didn't tell you this yet, but your fans know about your scars. I saw a post a few weeks ago. I don't think they know the extent of it all, but they know you probably had a touch past or an accident. I wouldn't address any of that till later on if necessary." It gave me shivers whenever we talked about the marks on my arm. I can never forget the look on your face in that hospital room. My sister still blames you. My mother forgave and forget like the last time I harmed myself.

" Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it."

"I can't blame you... That reminds me..." I watched you tug on your lol slightly. "I was looking at other places for us... Like outside of London. Your keyboard, record, and ever growing hoodie collection is taking up a ton of space. So I was thinking we get something bigger? Ya know... A house and we keep our place in the city for work and all that..." We stopped at our camp site, digging into some of the tacos by the fire will had got started once again.

"That sounds perfect Nicole. Plus it would be a good idea for... Ya know... When we start a family one day." You blushed and nodded a little. A family. A concept so big. We would wait years for that to happen.

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