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Touring with Muse was much more stressful. There wasn't much time to relax considering their management was very... Overwhelming. Constantly getting us to practice, write, anything but rest. I was chugging tea by the kettle full. If things couldn't get worse we were stopped in France for a week. The city of love without my love. Kyle, Will, Woody, and I finally had a night to ourselves to wander and bar hop. Looking back I kind of wish we'd stayed in the hotel. The bar was packed with people looking to forget their trouble, find love, and anything inbetween. We grabbed a table in the back as we waited for our server. I think my heart studdered when I saw her. Those green eyes and jet black hair along with her curved body. Londy. My first real crush. The girl who could get any guy she wanted with a flash of her smile. The last time I had seen her was in England obviously, stripping at parties. That night she and I slept together. The guys knew I had a thing for her as a teenager. I wanted to help her get off her feet. That night I took her outside and asked why she gave herself such little respect. The story became a song. A song you and I never talked about. A song that went on for months. Londy was nearly a girlfriend till Amy made me come to my senses.


"Londy?" She grinned and sat the coasters down before she pulled me into a hug.

"It's great to see you! What are you doing in Paris? I hear you're a huge musician!"

"I wouldn't say huge..." I felt my face heat up as I blushed to her comment. "How have you been?"

"Actually really good. Paris is cheaper to live than London so I moved Camden and I here. He asks about you all the time... Really you helped us out a lot Dan. I got my life together."

"That's great... How is Camden?"

"He's getting so big. He's got these blue eyes like his dad. It's a shame he wants nothing to do with him. Camden doesn't deserve to suffer for it you know?"

" Yeah, well maybe if I have time I can stop by and see him while I'm in town."

"I'm sure he would love that Dan." Her smile got brighter before she looked to the others. "Now what can I get you all to drink?"

"Round of your best bourbon.... Nay strongest bourbon." Woody grumbled barely raising his eyes from his phone. She nodded and once her back was turned Kyle elbowed me.

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Were you checking her out? I mean I know she's a real MILF Dan, but... Ew." I shook my head before chuckling.

"Why would I have any interest in her still?"

"I dunno mate, her son started calling you daddy... If it wasn't for Amy telling you to focus on your music instead of her you wouldn't have met crazy Carly and then Nicole."

"Kyle I have no idea where you're going with this, but it's no where good. Londy and I were friends... Who realized we weren't good for each other."

"So why go see her bloody kid if you want nothing to do with her?" He was right, but he knew I would find another excuse. His hand blocked my face as I sighed and sat back, glancing at my phone. I should have just messaged you right then and there to busy my mind, but once Londy came back she had me. She had a way of talking to me and consuming me with her stories. Her life has been a disaster with a abusive father, heroine addicted mother, and abusive brothers. She found comfort with me. I was the one that told her to get her life together for her son. She told me about Paris, how it's beautiful at night. How the music down the main roads could captivate even the meanest souls. It was into the early morning hours that one by one the guys left, Kyle glared at me once he has made it out of Londy's line of sight.

" Well, it was great catching up Dan... But the bar is closing up soon, let me walk you out." I nodded and grabbed my jacket, stumbling a bit to get out of the booth. "Still a light weight eh?"

"A bit... Then again the guys wanted the strongest whiskey, which isn't helping." A chuckle escaped me, I felt my face heating up. She opened the door and kept it pried open with a menu before lighting a cigarette. "You still smoke?"

" Yeah, one habit I couldn't quit."

"There is always time to quit Londy..." I sighed and I leaned against the building, watching her kill her lungs with each puff.

"I know Dan... Maybe one day..." A huff escaped her as she flicked the butt of the cigarette before approaching me. "You did good for yourself..."

"You too..." I smiled and she blushed. I should have known right then and there it was time to go. She ran her hand along my chest before a hand settled at the back of my neck, her lips meeting mine. My hands fell to her hips, my tongue dancing with here until I moved away, wide eyed like a child in trouble. "I-I'm... Sorry I shouldn't have done that... I really have to go." I started walking, her voice calling out for me in a hurtful tone.

"Dan? Daniel?" I started to run towards the hotel, silently creeping into the hotel suit and wandering to my bathroom. No matter how much toothpaste I used I still tasted smoke. I still smelt her perfume. The truth was I kissed Londy. She kissed me first, but it didn't change the fact that I enjoyed her lips on mine. Telling you wasn't an option, then again there were other intentions from the girl who use to strip for money. You would know anyways.

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