Party Pains Nov 1st

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I woke up to a pounding sensation against my brain. The beautiful thing called a hangover. A groan pasted my lips as I opened my eyes. Your naked form was beside me, sleeping on your stomach and an arm dangling off the side of the bed. I turned on my side and ran my finger tips down your spine, your skin was tan against our white sheets and your blonde locks looked like gold sprawled on the pillow. I constantly wondered what went on in your mind. What demons did you fear the most?

Carefully I got out of bed and slipped on some sweatpants without boxers and a black swiss lips jumper. I wandered out of our room, sleeping Kyle and Janna were obviously in the spare bedroom by Kyle's snores. Will was on the sofa and Woody on the new shag rug that replaced the one you well... Died on. I turned on the coffee maker and sat down, rubbing my face. Last night was slowly coming back. You barely drank however I on the other hand was hammered. Your gifts were left unopened still, but that was never the point to any adult's birthday.

"Morning..." I jumped at the sound of Will's voice behind me and gave a nod.

"Morning. Coffee?" I poured myself a cup and took a sip.

"Please... Kyle was keeping us up by sitting near your door and listening to you two have sex." Hot coffee was spit into the sink. I must have been red because Will was laughing historically.

"You're joking? Tell me you're joking..." I mumbled while grabbing the hand towel and wiping off the coffee from my chin.

"No, but congrats mate. She sounds like a wild one." He laughed before pouring his coffee. I didn't deal with attention very well in any case especially personal stuff.

"Erm... Thanks?" I laughed weakly and walked back into our room. You had apparently shower and now you were sitting on the bed in your black lace lingerie, looking at your phone. "Everything alright?"

"I wish..." You laughed slightly before handing me the device. I scrolled to the top and began to read.

Dear Miss Clark,

We are in need of a producer/ talent scout out in LA to work with David Guetta. I saw on your schedule that you'll be out there anyways coming soon and ask that you stay and assist Mr. Guetta. Your flight will be leaving the 3rd of November and we'll set your return flight for the 20th of January. Possibly less time will be needed, but we'll alter plans accordingly.

Thanks for all that you do,

J. A. Williams

"You're leaving?"

"Don't really have a choice... I'm so sorry... Maybe I'll be able to fly back for Christmas..." I saw you tear up and sat the phone on the bed after sitting down. I pulled you into my arms and kissed your cheek.

" Love you'll be okay. We'll be okay."

"I know it's just... Not planned..." You placed your head against my chest and sighed. "I hate leaving you behind."

"We'll Skype and talk all the time." We both knew the time difference would be extreme. In fact 8 hours different, but we would manage right? "I love you Nikki."

"I love you too Dan...." I pressed my lips to yours before you got up and took a deep breath. "Let's make the best of the two days we've got together yeah?" All I could do was nod then watch you shimmy into your black leggings and a baggy sweatshirt. We walked out of the bedroom, Kyle looked awful as did Janna, those Kyle's devilish smirk appeared seeing us.

"If it isn't two occupants of pound town."

" What?" You looked to him with a confused glance until he thrusted his hips. A boastful laugh escaped your lungs. "O golly you are a pervert! Were you listening by the door?"

" How did you guess?" Janna laughed and rolled her eyes. You walked into the kitchen and started digging out a array of food. Eggs, bacon, bread, potatoes.

" Can all the hungover people gather in the kitchen for breakfast?" You hollered before digging out the pots and pans. This felt like a family. Annoying. Disorganized. However, comfortable in a odd way. It was obvious you didn't want to mention your business trip and it's short notice. I think it was because you were hoping deep down it was a dream. That you wouldn't have to miss so many hours and days with the people you were starting to care more and more about each day. I couldn't blame you because I was trying so hard to avoid even thinking about it. The overwhelming silence that would fill this apartment without your laughter and random talking. "Dan?"


"Eggs?" You motioned to my plate sitting in front of me.

"O yes please... Thank you love."

" Dan?"


" Stop thinking about it otherwise these two days will feel like a dream instead of reality." I looked into your hues. They could best be described as the deep ocean blue. Their current's constantly pulling me under your trance. I nodded and smiled before picking up my fork and digging into my eggs. Slowly everyone got food, settled down and began talking of nonsense or plans they had. You watched just as I did. Basking in the company of our friends. Scratch that, family. Before long they all trickled out. You opened your gifts and placed the clothes in the basket. Gift cards in your wallet. Lastly the pinky ring I had gotten you on your finger. "Promise me you will call all the time?"

"Promise me you won't take that ring off?" You nodded and smiled before pressing your lips to mine then looking back at the gold pinky ring.

"I promise Dan."

"Then I promise too that I'll call you non-stop even when I know it's 3am there." You laughed and settled your head on my shoulder. Can glory withstand distance?

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