LA Love

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Nicole POV

I awoke to your naked form beside me. We had made up for some lost time together last night. You were better than any alcohol on the shelf. I rolled over and looked over your sleeping form. Your hair was a disaster, yet obviously recently cut. The circles under your eyes were faded and the stubble beginning to appear. I thought you were asleep, yet in a swift movement you tugged me closer and pressed your lips to mine.

"Must you stare?"

"Yes... How could I not?" You chuckled as you ran your hand down my side and stopped at my hip bone.

"By closing your eyes and going back to sleep."

"I wish, but you have a music video to film tonight so we've got to meet with the crew today." A groan escaped your lips as you placed your head against my breasts.

"I'm refusing. I'm throwing a celebrity temper tantrum." I laughed and ran my fingers through your hair. "What? I'm serious. Right now... Celebrity temper tantrum. You can't make me leave this bed." My laughter only grew stronger as you too began to laugh then huff and roll onto your back and turn your head to look at me.

"Cute... Really cute, but I know you. The moment it's time to go you'll be running out of the house to go film. You're never late."

"You know me so well." You narrowed those dark blue hues at me before kissing my pink lips. Slowly you sat up and rubbed your face. Of course I watched as you wandered naked to the bathroom and started the shower, a smirk forming on my lips. " Are you joining or just being a pervert?"

"Both?" I questioned and got out of bed, wandering to the shower and opening the door, stepping in beside you and turning on the other shower head. I quickly washed my hair and then my body before rushing along to do a bit of make up. You like always washed your hair at a snail's pace. " I was thinking tonight after we film we'll go out to eat? The lot of us."

" Yeah, what time do you think we'll finish?"

"About 3 or 4?"

" In the morning?"

" Yeah." I laughed slightly as I applied eye liner. "While you're filming I'll have to do a few things. I know David is probably on a sugar rush from that song going to number one, but I want nothing to do with it."


"Because I never intended for it to blow up like that... I don't want to be known. I like my job."

"The people will have to know one day Nikki. You can't hide every thing forever."

"I know. Sometimes things just find their way to the surface." I sighed and grabbed my lingerie before slipping into it and my jeans. You were drying off, watching me with a smirk. "Whose the pervert now?" A huff escaped you before you slipped into your boxers than began the task of your hair and stubble.

"What will you do if it wins an award?"

"Panic." I laughed slightly before shrugging then slipping on my black tank top. "I really don't know. I guess own up to it if it wins. I'll go up there and everyone will instantly hate the song." You rolled your eyes before wiggling into your black skinny jeans.

"People don't hate you."

"Mmm I doubt that." I mumbled and looked to your wrist. "Love you can't wear those during a music video... May I?" You followed to where my eyes were focused and lifted your wrist.

" What are you going to do?"

"Cover them."

" Nikki...."

"I'm not asking you to tell me what or why they are there... Just let me cover them." You sat down only after putting on a plain black t-shirt. I grabbed my make up bag and sat beside you. Your eyes were staring at your wrist as I undid your watch and the wet strings decorating your pale skin. They were long strokes and there were many. I bit my lip forcing myself not to ask. I grabbed the small sponge and the cover up, dabing over the marks. It was obvious you had done these to yourself. The questions popping in my head included why did you only get to one wrist? Did someone stop you?

" Nicole... I want to... Explain..." I looked to your eyes as yours met mine before I looked back down and continued my work. "I was... In high school and overweight... So it started with me starving myself. I got skinny... Really skinny and still got made fun of for hours upon end. I left school early when I was 16 and I went to my room." I bit roughly into my cheek, blood was pooling in my mouth as I tried so hard not to cry. "I... I grabbed my razor and took it apart and I sat down in my closet... I took a handful of my mom's pain medication and just sat there slicing this wrist over... And over again." Your tear landed on my hand as I continued to cover up your mistakes. "I passed out and... I was nearly dead when my sister found me. She got home early by an hour and I was in a pool of my blood unconscious. She took me to the hospital and... That was it. My parents haven't mentioned that day... Amy does though she would check on me... Constantly." I blinked, but the tears fell. I sat down the sponge and took your face in my hands.

" You... You are the reason I am alive today... I owe your sister." I pressed my lips to yours. My mind was over whelmed with the images of young you in pieces. The love of my life dead in a closet. "I love you... Don't ever forget that okay?"

"I love you too... It feels good telling you..." You nodded slowly before looking down at your wrist. It looked completely normal. "Its our secret right?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die darling." I nodded and forced a smile. You were damaged and flawed just like me.

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