I'm Alone

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Are we ready? 😇😅😏

Nicole POV

I wanted to take a breath of air yet the tube felt as if it was suffocating me. Breathing for me with ease as the pump went up and down. I reached around, finding that familiar button that called the staff to come save me from this contraption. They must have seen my wide eyed expression the moment they walked in the dark room and flicked on the lights.

"Mrs.Smith you need to relax for me... Ready?" I blinked and they untaped the sides of my mouth. The tube feeling like sand paper as they pulled it from my throat. Air never felt so heavy as I gasped for a breath. "Mrs.Smith can you hear me?"

"Ye-s" I was barely audible, but she nodded then grabbed her flashlight waving it in my eyes.

" Your pupils are responding... Vitals are.... Good..."

"Wh-at...." I groaned placing a hand over my chest. "Day...."

"March 2nd 2016 Mrs.Smith..." I nodded before zoning out. Nearly three months... Three months I missed. She was talking before she left the room yet none of it registered to me. I glanced to the clock as I slowly sat up using my shaking limbs. 3am nearly to the second. Never had silence been so over whelming. I sat up a little more and slowly moved my legs to the edge of the bed.

"Whe-res.... My baby girl...." My voice was horse, barely audible to me let alone anyone outside the door. I glanced around, making note of your keyboard, a guitar, and the tons of flowers. "I wanna.... Go... Home..." I was breathless already, bloody hell three months did my body some damage. Panic built up in my chest as I forced myself to the edge of the bed, yanking off the monitors before I even attempted to stand. I felt hot tears slide down my cheeks as the pain coursing through my chest grew with each second of sitting up. "I wanna.... See... I wanna... Go." My head was throbbing as I closed my eyes. The light the nurse had turn on was overwhelming now. I wasn't even close to sure I could hold my own weight. I opened my eyes, confusion clouding my brain with each passing second. "Help...? Anyone....?" I grabbed onto the chair and stood, the pain in my chest felt like a knife sinking into my skin as a whimper left my lips. This light had to fucking go. I stumbled, swiping the light switch on the way down to my knees.

" Mrs. Smith!" I heard the door open as I clutched my chest. The lights flicked back on, sending yet another painful sense to my system.

"The... Light!" I hollered yet it sounded as if a mouse squealed after being stepped on. She clicked the light off before helping me back into bed. Every thing hurt as I laid down. Every muscle, bone, tendon.

"Mrs. Smith why did you get out of bed?"

" The light.... Was fucking... Bright...." I glared at her before she nodded, rehooking all the monitors. She walked out and once again... I was alone. I peaked into my gown, a minor bandage wrapped around my torso. It was all a blur. Then I saw it. The stone twinkling as it rested around my neck on a chain. The gem... Alfred... Dan... The gun... I sat up again and glanced to the door. There was no way I would even make it that far let alone to a phone. Your keyboard was here, but were you still alive? "Help...." I said breathlessly glancing around the room. I noticed a hoodie, some jeans, and a t-shirt folded with a pair of flip flops on top. If I could get dressed and make it out of here I'd home free. At least to my damaged mind. I bit my bottom lip and looked to the monitor, flicking it off before removing the multiple devices stickered to my body.

Once again I got the edge, looking at my nearest object to grab. I place one hand on the chair before nearly tumbling towards the sofa. Yet thankfully I sat there and caught my breath while wiggling on the clothes. My only plan was to find you and Clara... How I didn't know. After all being in a coma for three months can surely making you skip logical thinking for a bit. I put up the hood before even considering trying to make it to the door. Then again I could crawl. I sighed and got to my knees, crawling to the door still took effort, but nonetheless it was accomplishable. I managed to stand using the handle and chair near the door before getting the door open. The lights were even brighter out here than I remember my room being moments ago. I scanned the empty hallway, spotting the elevator nearly across from where I was standing. Yet the familiar ding told me the doors were about to open. I nearly fell to my knees seeing those familiar blue eyes staring at me with a worried and surprised expression. My ears rang to the nurse hollering, I nearly tried to fight her off.

"No!... I need to see.... My husband.... My daughter....!" My voice was worse than before. She knew what I said and still kept trying to help me to bed. Yet you ran to assist her, grabbing my hand. The ringing stopped as you pulled me to my sense.

"Easy... I'm right here... Calm down...." I sat down and squeezed my eyes shut as she flicked the lights on.

"Mrs.Smith you've been in a coma for three months... How the bloody hell did you get dress and to the door!"

"I wanted.... To see.... My family...." I said breathlessly. She turned the light off and turned on the table light instead, I opened my eyes and glanced to her.

"I'll be damned if you get hurt on my watch...-"

"I've got her ma'am... I'll help her get changed and back in bed." She sighed softly.

"I'll hook the monitor back up in a few minutes..." She left the room and you took no time to sit beside me and pull me into your arms. Clara fast asleep on the sofa where you sat her.

"You're okay... Calm down love... I've got you..." Then it hit me. The soft cries in my broken voice as I whispered into your ear.

"I told you I wasn't ready to die...."

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