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Getting close to the wrap up! Comment if there is something you wanna see before it comes to a close. I'm going to end it in a few chapters. Probably right at 200 just because it's a nice round number. Plus I think it's time we gave these characters I much needed break and or happy ending. 😉 so with that I'm gonna say there are less than 20 chapters to go. Wow!


"I feel like a street cleaner." Kyle whined as I fumbled with the buttons of the jumper.

"I actually think it's quite comfy." Woody shrugged slightly and sat down, glancing at the camera. " How long till the Q&A starts?"

" About fifteen minutes." You hollered wandering on set and flashing a smile at me. It had been off lately. Mainly it was me and I knew it. It was my fault for secluding myself around this time for an album release. You kissed my cheek before that smile faded and you focused on getting the lipstick mark off my cheek. " How you feeling today?"

" Alright... How's Clara?"

"She's missing you. You should really stop spending so much time at the studio. The album is done.... Yet you're persistent on straining your voice for the tour... Then again you won't listen to me anymore...."


"Save it. It's fine.... But you're going all psychotic David Lynch on me lately and I can't handle it. Not right now. The other guys go home to their girlfriends and wives at the end of the day... Yet I haven't seen you in week." You shrugged and did something with my hair, my eyes were busy memorizing your features with my brain. "Hopefully I'll get my husband back yah? Obviously I would know if there is someone else.... We both know that isn't you though... You're that pained artist whose daughter is persistently asking for and I don't have the answer to why he is sleeping in the studio.... Shit at this rate I almost wish you were fucking someone... But seems I'm stuck this.... Version of you." I sighed and looked down as you walked back off the set. I kept telling myself this was part of the lifestyle we'd chosen. Yet then again I was focused on music and you tended to slip into the background. I sat down at the table to the guys and took a deep breath. You were right as always. I hadn't been seeing anyone even though there was a girl at the studio whose attention tended to focus on me after hours. She wasn't you and of course I didn't even look at her like that at all.

" What was that about?"

"I haven't been home....in a few days."

"Why not? Please tell me you aren't already working on adjusting the songs for the tour?" Kyle glared at me almost yet I shrugged and looked down. "I can see why she's cross with you now.... I would be too... How long?"

"A week...."

"Christ mate... Is she angry or sad?"

"Both I suspect...." I mumbled looking down at my wedding ring. "I think she might want a divorce."

"I highly doubt that Dan." Kyle sighed softly and sat back, picking at a button. " She loves you. Even when you're a complete fuck head. Trust me I know." I glanced to him with a curious expression yet he didn't look at me. More than likely he probably over heard Janna and you commenting on my mental well being.

" Alright guys.... We're on in a minute!" Dick hollered before the crew finished up anything that needed attending to last second. I grabbed the iPad on the table and started the tweets up. Most people would be excited about a new album. Granted I was excited yet my nervous and overworrying seemed to take over at this point. It would be this way till we were on the road. Even then I sometimes found myself alone, focused on anything but reality. "Rolling!" I zoned out. No surprise there of course. Every question that I answered went in one ear and out the other. Part of my brain was focused on being robot Dan and answering meanwhile the other half was wondering about you. Thankfully the guys took turns answering questions. Even though some of them where pointless towards the album that had just come out. Yet something clicked.

" Dan.... Dan?" I blinked a few times and looked around. Will was looking at me with concern. "We're finished.... Time to go."

"Oh...." I whispered and got up, tugging off the cloth of the jumpsuit before adjusting my shoes. I jogged down the hall and towards your door. Sanity in the form of you. I opened the door and you glanced at me, slowly standing.

" Dan what's wrong?" I paced over to you and pulled you into my arms. One of those death grips that tends to tell you every emotion I had been feeling. Then the sobs. They hit me like a brick to the chest and I squeezed you more.

"Don't go.... Don't give up on me.... I'm okay... I'm sorry...."

"Dan...." Your hand slipped under my shirt and your fingers ran along my spine as I kept holding you tightly. My eyes still welling with tears.

"I can't lose you..."

"Shhh I'm not going anywhere love.... Calm down...." I closed my eyes and listened to your humming as we stood there closed in your office. My head was pounding even to your sweet melodic humming. I didn't know what was wrong with me at that exact moment. Yet in your arms this world seemed a little more quiet just for me. "I've got you love... Let's go home yeah? I'll make you dinner. You're getting thin...." I nodded slowly but didn't budge to the idea of letting you go. This tour would make or break something as specially as this. Sort of the final test to our glory you could say. We could end it in perfection. A divine taste of bliss that would carry on. Or this could end how everyone assumed from the very beginning. I wouldn't be the judge in the end though.

This is our glory.

The final trial so to speak of this divine story.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now