Trip November 15th

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I felt like a kid running through the airport with Janna. Will, Woody, and Kyle were far behind probably out of breath. The only thing on my mind was scooping you into my arms and tasting your lips against mine. The addictive vanilla scent filling my senses. The trip from London was long in fact eleven hours and twenty five minutes. I watched multiple movies however retained none of them due to Kyle's snoring and Will's loud music playing through his head phones.

"This way Dan! She said she'd park at the end!"

"I'm coming! Where are the others!"

"Back here!" I looked back to Kyle hollering, dragging his luggage. Then there you were as I turned my head around. Your skin had been tanned by the sun. Hair blonder than I could remember. Eyes a shade of sky light blue. I tugged you into my arms, cameras were flashing. Janna and the others joined the group hug, obviously to make it not obvious how much I had missed you.

"Nikki!" Kyle yelled.

"Are we glad to see you!" Janna chuckled and slowly we all released you.

"Nikki! Who are these people?!"

" Nikki will you be at the event at Santa Monica tonight?"

"This is Bastille!" You looked to the cameras. "They're album is coming out next year now bugger off!" A chuckle escaped you as you led the way to a big black suburban truck. Quickly we began loading everything in, the cameras never seemed to stop flashing. You seemed unphased by all the attention. This was LA the land of the stars and you were a star.

"Janna up front with me. Kyle you're in the way back near the luggage."

"Why me?"

"Cause you've got cat like reflexes if anything is about to fall." You smirked before climbing into the truck. Will, Woody, and I were in the back seat. Kyle was in the only seat next to all the luggage. The ride was mainly silent as you drove to your place. Though once you stopped it was this large white mansion, half hanging off a cliff along with all the other houses. " Come on, I'll show you all your rooms." You led the way inside, yet now your hand found mine and squeeze it tightly. You motioned towards everyone's rooms before sitting down on the soft and tugging me with you. Your lips found mine, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I pulled you onto my lap.

"I missed you..."

"I missed you too." You mumbled before tightly hugging my neck, my arms wrapping around your frame. You were thinner than I remember, in a healthy way. The scent of vanilla was of course strong from your blonde locks. " How was your flight?"

"Long, I'm exhausted, but completely awake with you around."

" Brilliant because I'm making dinner for you lot then I'm making you my dessert." Your teeth grazed across my neck as I groaned slightly.

"Don't tease me, I've missed you too much to be teased." You chuckled and pulled back slightly to look into my eyes. Your fingertips ran under my eyes before going along the stubble on my cheek. " What are you doing?"

"Admiring your features again... Seeing you through a screen and not being able to touch you at all was difficult. You look exhausted have you not been sleeping well?" I laughed weakly before shrugging.

"I've been in the studio a lot, which reminds me... I have a gift for you." I moved you onto the sofa beside where I was sitting and wandered over to my carry on bag. My hand found what I was looking for and I sat it down in your lap. You grinned, holding up the disc in its case.

"It's done?! Already?!"

" Yeah, finished it yesterday. I brought my laptop in case you want to make some changes."

"I'm sure it's fine... Thank you love." I pressed my lips to yours as I sat back down. "I've gotta check on dinner, would you ask the others if they'd like some wine?" I nodded as we both got up and went separate ways. You went to the kitchen and I ran up the stairs.

" Hey you lot! There is wine down stairs!"

"Save me a bottle!" Janna yelled before I could hear Will's laughter. The doorbell rang so I sprinted back down stairs and opened it. David Guetta was at your door, a grin on his face and a vinyl in his left hand.

" Hello! Daniel of Bastille! I have heard so much about you!" His accent was French and extremely strong. He looked very hyper as I shook his hand.

"Uh nice to meet you too. Come in, Nikki! David Guetta is here!" Kyle wandered down the stairs and his eyes widened as he covered his mouth. He was star struck.

"David! What brings you by?" You wandered from the kitchen and gave him a hug though holding a glass of wine in your hand. He kissed your cheeks before offering you the gift of a vinyl.

"It's number one."

"What is?"

"She wolf! I released it last night and it blew up!" He waved his hands in the air. You had this mixed expression on. Sort of excitement, yet worry.

"O wow... That's... Crazy."

"Don't worry I did not publish your name at all. Here... This is your golden record. As a gift. I see you are busy, so I'll see you soon at the studio later this week." You nodded with a smile before he walked himself out. Your eyes lowered down at the record in your hand before you downed the glass.

"What's wrong?"

"I could have possible just screwed any chance of peace and quiet for myself." You laughed weakly and we all wandered into the kitchen. A array of food was set out. Steaks, vegetables, salad, and more sides.

" You sing she wolf?" Janna mumbled, pouring a glass of wine and refilling yours.

" Yes, but shh it's our secret lovelies." You chuckled and looked to everyone. I snaked my arms around you from behind and kisses your temple.

"And we'll keep it."

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now