I Know His History

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Smut... You're welcome.

Nicole POV

We got into a routine. If I forgot something you'd try and help me remember. The scariest moments are when I forget you. You look at me with those blue eyes before handing me my paper. It says were engaged and it makes my mind even more confused till of course the memories come flooding back. Sometimes at night I wake up and run my fingers through your hair, your head pressed against my breasts and arms wrapped around me in a protective manner. Other nights I just can't seem to go back to sleep. Tonight however I woke up alone. Your side of the bed was still warm from where your body once was placed. I slowly got up and rubbed my eyes before tugging the blanket along with me towards the Livingroom. You weren't there so I ventured into my office, the dim light outlining your features in the dark.

" Dan? What are you doing?" You jumped slightly before blinking a few times.

"I couldn't sleep so I was doing some research love. What's wrong?" I shrugged and wandered over to the shelving containing your records. I had no clue which was your favourite though I decided on Ed Sheeran. Your eyes followed me as I steadied the record on the turn table and set the needle. It started on a song called Photograph and I sighed, sitting down.

"Nothing at all... Will you dance with me?" You chuckled slightly and stood, wandering over to me.

" You obviously forgot I can't dance beautiful." I shrugged and stood, leaving the blanket on the chair. I wrapped my hand in yours then placed my other hand on your shoulder. I stepped onto your feet and looked in your eyes.

"Just sway... Maybe step a bit." You pressed your lips to my forehead and did just that. It was just you and I slow dancing in the dark room. "Look you've got a hang of it." You chuckled as I looked into your eyes. The dark circles underneath told me more than I knew about you in this very moment. I knew you were worried about me. That those cuts in your wrists were painful scars. I remember finding you in the closet. Watching the life leave your body in the form of blood. Yet here you were. Dancing with me in our apartment with a goofy smile on your face. I knew you history better than my own. My lips found yours and you backed me against the wall as you lifted my ass and I wrapped my legs around your torso. Your lips trailing along my jawline as my heart began to race in my chest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~blah blah blah~

I remembered each feature of your face as if I had studied them. I remembered how coy you always were taking off your shirt at first. Yet tonight you were different. Feeding my memories in the form of your movements. You carried me to the bedroom and laid me down before tugging off your jumper and climbing on top. Your lips connecting with mine. You were better than any drug fix I could remember. It was so easy to understand why I gave up my dark past for you. I ran my hands down your chest, you sucked in air to the touch of my cold hands and I couldn't help but smirk. In a swift movement you batted my hands away and tugged off my silk night gown leaving just my panties. I felt vulnerable as you ran your hand up my stomach and gently grasped my breast. It was as if you treated me like art.

" What are you doing?"

"Admiring you. You're beautiful." You looked at me with those dark blue eyes, the memories of their lustful coaxing ways coming back.

" Did you get that line from a book?" You turned slightly red before leaning down and kissing me.

"I was hoping you would forget that Niks..."

" How could I forget that?" I smirked before darting my tongue past your lips, placing my hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer. My other hand was slipping into your trousers to stroke your length. Your breath was caught in your throat by my teasing ways. It wasn't long before you stripped off the rest of yours and my clothes, pulling my naked form against your own. How odd it was to forget such intimate memories of you. Of how your body moved against mine. Yet you took the time to remind me. You kissed along my neck, leaving marks behind as you rolled your hips against my own. A gentle lover who knew his own strength. I flipped us over and pinned you down, examining your features before placing my hands on your chest as leverage. You yanked my face to yours, our lips finding each other as I quicken my pace. Your fingers dug into my hips before my name passed your lips like a sin against my own. I felt my heart thumping in my chest as I moved off of you and looked up to the ceiling. "I surely... Did not forget any of that..." I glanced to you and you rolled your eyes. You were shy after sex, pulling my body against yours.

"I would hope you wouldn't have forgotten us making love..." Your stubble tickling my shoulder and it wasn't long before your breathing went even. I was wide awake laying in your arms. I turned over and sighed softly looking over your face. This was the face I would wake up to every day. Kill for and die for no matter what. Yet I could forget you so easily. Forget how your hands fits over mine or the sound of your voice whispering oblivion into my ear. Then again I could never forget the feelings I get being around you. You were the anchor that I tied to my brain being lost in this sea of memories.

Boom. Enjoy. 😎

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