Stories Told

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Each day you seemed to get a bit better. Your voice was slowly growing stronger along with your body. Clara had never been so excited to go anywhere. However, now that you were awake her favourite place was now the hospital.

"Daddy! Come onnnn!" She whined attempting to pull my hand as I gathered a few more of your belongings.

"Sweetheart hold on, giving a moment." I sighed before a chuckle escaped my lips. I slung my backpack on before picking her up.



"When's... Mummy... Coming home?" I sighed softly as I locked the door with my free hand before walking to the car.

"I don't know sweetie. When she's feeling better." I buckled her in her car seat before getting in the driver side and taking off.

"How long is that?"

"I'm not completely sure... " She sighed and looked down at her shoes, playing with the laces. The rest of the ride was silent. Up until we parked beside Kyle and Janna's car. Kyle snatching Clara from her seat as giggles filled the air.

"Uncle Kitty!" I grabbed my backpack before glancing at my watch. Being the weekend visiting hours started much earlier.

" You want a few moments with her?" Janna stated with a slight smile. I nodded slowly before taking a deep breath.

" Come in about 10 minutes. I just wanna chat with Nicole for a bit." She nodded as well before I wandered inside. I hated walking down these familiar hallways and up the lift. Your door was right outside the elevator, slightly cracked and the soft sounds of a guitar being played in a very meticulous manner. I knocked before slowly opening the door all the way. The colour had returned your face yet it was obvious you lacked the energy you once had.

"Hey..." You smiled and leaned down to set the guitar in its stand before opening your arms. I pulled you into a hug and kissed your neck. No longer were you stuck wearing hospital gowns, but instead the collection of clothes I brought you.

"Hey beautiful... How you feeling?"

"Mmm ready to leave... They're constantly asking me questions..." You sighed as I pulled away and sat on your bed, rubbing your cold hand between mine. "About what I remember... How my breathing feels... I just want to home... I've been in this hospital for nearly two weeks since I've been awake..." You picked at the callous on my hand before glancing to me. "Tell me about your day?"

" Well last night after I left here I met with the guys... Which reminds me I have a gift for you." I smirked slightly, unzipping my backpack and pulled out an iPod. " It's all the songs we've got to choose from for the new album. We each listened and picked our top 20... I want your opinion too love..." You took the device and smiled slightly, glancing at the screen.

"Only you could manage to write... 50 songs and only need less than half.... This will make my time here less awful." A slightly laugh escaped your brims as you glanced to the door. "Anyone else come?" I nodded.

"Clara is coming up with Kyle and Janna..."

" Kyle told me Janna wanted you to pull the plug on me... Is it true?" You looked into my eyes before shrugging slightly. "I can't blame her for trying to push you on it, but I just want to know the truth."

"Yes...." I released a held breath, yet you stood slowly and continued to hold my hand. "Careful love..."

"I'm fine." You laughed softly and I stood, letting some of your weight lean on me. "Can we take a walk?"

"Are you sure you're up for that?" You nodded, looping one of your arms with mine as we slowly walked out of the room.

"Why didn't you do what Janna asked?... I was nearly dead... As far as everyone else was concerned I was dead."

"You weren't dead to me." I mumbled, kissing the back of your hand. "When he... Shot you..." It was still hard for me to say. Even now I had nightmares seeing that fear in your eyes and you whispering to me that you weren't ready to die. I shivered slightly before taking a deep breath. "You told me you weren't ready to die... I wasn't ready for you to go either." A slight laugh escaped your brims, yet it silenced when you looked up. I followed your gaze to Alexander, Kyle, Janna, and Clara. 

"Hey Sweetie" You smiled, taking Clara into your arms, with minimal struggle.

"You come home mummy?"

"I wish." You kissed her cheek before glancing to me with a smile on your lips. 

"I'm gonna talk to Alexander, I'll be right up okay?" I kissed your temple before glancing to Kyle and Janna. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets as I wandered down the hall, following Alexander outside. "You've gotta stop coming around here mate....I don't think she wants to see you."

"I just wanted to tell her that she's safe.... She needs to wear that necklace though... everyone will know to keep her safe... Alfred had a right hand man whom might retaliate."

"I doubt it with all of us around... She'll speak to you when she's ready... Yet you need to give her time... She was nearly murdered in front of everyone... " I sighed softly and crossed my arms over my chest. "She's still healing mentally.... I know I am."

"I get that Smith..." Alexander cursed under his breath before digging in his pocket. "Listen if you need anything... I mean anything then.... call me." He handed me a business car, it was all black except fine white number etched into the card. Without another word he walked off, leaving me once again with my thoughts. I walked back inside the hospital, stopping at the nurses desk.

"Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to tell me when I could take my wife home?" She hummed, flipping through her charts, trying not to blush. Lately women had been more.... flirtatious. I had no clue why. 

"Hmmm seems to be tomorrow... does that mean you're free tonight?" I laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Erm- actually I'm pretty booked.... thank you." I quickly continued walking to your room. Coming up was our commercial break of happiness. At least in my eyes.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora